June 29, 2007

Clergy, Clergy and More Clergy

Well, this is day two of MCC's Clergy Conference and we are having a great time. Debbie is enjoying the pool while I am learning how to care for self and souls. The sermon this morning was so funny....which is hard to believe since church begins at 8:00am. And for those who think conferences are vacations, the evening service begins at 7:00pm. So we begin and end each day with worship and the only free time in between is for meals. But what a unique opportunity to set and worship and to network with others.

Yes, it is very hot here. And forget that nonsense about "dry heat" as that does not seem to make it any better. I am glad I had a tan already or I would be sun burned from walking to and from the meetings. Every now and then we get lucky and little carts comes by offering rides to the meeting places. Believe it or not, people are out playing golf in this heat as well.

Last night's sermon was delivered by Rev. Pat Bumgardner, Pastor of MCC New York. She did a great job reminding us of the promise from scripture that when two or more of us agree something, it shall be done. She also challenged us to look at the situations in which we do not agree and to consider how agreements could be reached if everyone involved was willing to give up something. That really made me think. So many possibilities would become realities if all parties were willing to give a little.

The next time you face a situation in which you and someone else are not in agreement, stop and think about ways in which you might be willing to give in so that agreement can be reached. Just think how our world would be different if we learned this as a life skill as children. Maybe there could be peace on earth.

But as with the tango, it takes two....or more, never just one. This is not about giving in to the wishes or ways of another, but finding common ground on which all parties involved give up something for the good of all. I know I am going to try harder to do this at home, work, and even play. That may mean I have to learn a new Wii game...but so will Ryan.

Back to this mornings sermon. Our scripture reading was from 1 Chronicles 23:25-32. We were reminded that it more than okay to ask for help, it's the right thing to do. When super-pastors try to do it all, they deprive others of opportunities to serve. So, even though I have the delegation thing going, I am going to look at areas in which I can give more ministry away. Particularly in the area of worship.

As we move into our new worship space, more help is going to be needed in the ministry of worship. If you have served in the past, please pray about serving again. If you have wanted to serve but weren't ready, pray and see if this may be your time. Training will be offered soon and I hope we have a record number of people willing to train and serve.

I just looked at the clock and it's time for me to return to the meeting room. We are going to learn more about forgiveness this afternoon. I hope to post more this evening or in the morning.
Most of all, I hope to return with a renewed spirit and new information to share.

Peace and blessings,

June 27, 2007

On the Road Again!

Well, we had a great week in Pensacola before hitting the road again. And believe it or not, a plane ride in between! Having not be on a plane in 10 years, I appreciate all of the prayers...once again, prayer works. We had a good flight to Phoenix and then drove to Williams, AZ for two wonderful nights at a lovely B&B. Yesterday we ventured to the Grand Canyon for a day of awe. God as Creator did a fabulous job! I wish I had pictures but someone forgot the camera patch cord so those will come later. We are about to check out and head for Phoenix for Clergy and then General Conference.

Here is a picture of our Unity candle from our Holy Union. I have many more but not in digital format. This is the only one that does not have my bride in it. You should see the incredible scrap book Serena made for us with the photos she and Michelle took. I will be sure to pass it around when we return. Which will be Saturday, July 7th. I will try and keep you posted along the way.

Remember, you don't want to miss church this Sunday. My friend and colleague the Rev. Gerald Munday, will be preaching. Don't miss this rare opportunity to hear him and to say good-bye to the bingo hall. Join me Sunday, July 8th in our new building and then to play bingo in the afternoon to say thanks to Bonanza for their hospitality. What a fun day the 8th will be.

Peace and blessing from the second leg of an incredible honeymoon!

June 23, 2007

Doing the Right Thing

I just read something I want to share with you.

"Whatever comes our way, whatever battle we have raging inside us, we always have a choice. It's the choices that make us who we are, and we can always choose to do what's right." - Peter Parker in Spiderman 3

The funny thing is that I took Ryan to see the movie recently but did not associate this with the movie. Thank God, TRUTH IS UNIVERSAL! Here's to choosing to do the right thing....no matter what comes our way.

June 20, 2007

Building News

At last, the time has come for the move into our new worship space! Praise be to God!!

Our first worship service will be Sunday, July 8th at 10:00am. I will be returning from General Conference on the 7th. and hope to see all of you there. Also, as a way of saying thanks to Bonanza Bingo I would like a group of us to go play bingo that afternoon. I will check on the exact time and get back to you with the details. This is not an official church event, but rather something I would like to do and hope others will join me.

Our "Dedication Celebration" will be Sunday, August 19th at 2:00pm. Rev. Elder Lillie Brock will be our guest for that weekend and I know we are going to have a blessed time.
She will be offering a workshop for our congregation on Saturday and we will share in a pot-luck. I will get back to you with more details but be sure to save the dates as you will not want to miss this opportunity to rejoice and celebrate.

It has been almost three years since hurricane Ivan blew through our city and turned our church world upside down. A lot of things both good and bad have happened to our faith community since then. The miracle is that we have survived! And now God's vision is coming to pass for us. Soon we will be in a larger space that is accessible to all and worthy to be called a house of prayer for all people.

3130 W Fairfield is a place that we can be proud of, a place where we can gather and celebrate God's love for all people, a place where many will come to and find God ready to receive them with open arms. Rejoice church! Our time has come and our church is about to experience incredible growth. Let us be ready to show them Jesus living is us when they arrive.

Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching for what lies ahead, let us press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us in Christ Jesus. Philippains 3:13,14

I hope to see you all in church this Sunday....at the bingo hall. I will be leaving for AZ on Monday (6/25) and the following Sunday (7/1), the last time in the bingo hall, a good freind and colleauge, Rev. Gerald Munday, will be preaching in my absence. You don't want to miss his message...and saying good-bye to Bonanza Bongo!

June 19, 2007

I Did It

Much to the surprise of some skeptics, I did it! I finally found the right one for me and we were joined in Holy Union, Friday, June 15th. And guess what? I like being committed, especially to my new bride. Here's a picture she took of me showing off my rings.

We spent three nights at a B&B on the beach and we had a great time. The weather was perfect, the accommodations were more than adequate, the breakfast was yummy and we enjoyed some much needed down time together. As a matter of fact, we spent a lot of our time right here......on these.

But we also ventured off our private deck......and down the many stairs across the walk...........and then onto the beach.

We are back home now and I am about to go back to work. But I had the best time while I was gone. I am rested, relaxed and ready......for whatever God has planned. Thanks to everyone who made this such a special time for us.

AND NOW FOR THE HOLY UNION..........Believe it or not, I have yet to see one picture from that incredible night. So if you were there and you have some, send them on over. I would love to see them....and share some of them on my blog. My bride has a job to protect so that's why she is absent from the pictures. But she looks as happy as me.

June 5, 2007

It's So Exciting!!!

Wow, what an exciting week! It's like the week before Christmas. The building is looking so good. I can't wait for the doors to open for all to come and see how good God is! Speaking of doors, the beautiful cross doors we purchased so long ago are being stained and they are beautiful. When you see those doors installed you will know the time is near.

While giving someone a tour of the building Sunday afternoon they remarked that it is simple, yet elegant. I liked that. It is clean and crisp and so worth the long wait. Soon the waiting will be over and we will enter into a time of great rejoicing. Praise be to God!!!

Almost as exciting is this week before the Holy Union. What some have tried to interpret as my having second thoughts is really my feeling like a kid the week before Christmas. I have no second thoughts. I am confident of the love Debbie and I share and I am so ready to make this commitment before God, our families and friends.

As I said Sunday, everyone is invited to the ceremony Friday, June 15th at 7:oopm. We only mailed invitations to a few people out of town so please do not think you are not invited....you are. The dress is casual, a reception will follow, and the gift of your presence is all that is needed.

Pray for the building, that the remaining work will be completed as scheduled...and pray for me and Debbie, that the plans we have made will go forth without obstacles. It's funny, I have performed so many marriages and Holy Unions and for the first time I understand the other side of the coin.

Here's to completion and commitment!