August 28, 2013

Population Two

It's a new month, vacation is over, school's back in session and we're settling back into regular routines after a fun summer. It's time to reconnect with friends, church and the Holy Living God. It's time for us as individuals and a church, to connect with people outside our church. There's a popular song "Population One" by Matthew that reminds us of our call to restore relationships with one another and expand our population circle to include more people.

As we prepare for our annual Camp Meeting at the end of the month, now is the time for us to draw the circle wide by beginning to invite friends, neighbors, co-workers, and even strangers to come and connect with Cornerstone. It's time to contact sisters and brothers that are missing from church for whatever reason and ask them to come home.

Join us Sunday, September 1, at 10:45am as we seek to move beyond population one. If you are unable to attend, watch us via live broadcast.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

August 21, 2013

My Rock and My Redeemer

To be "redeemed" is to be set on a right and good path. As this series comes to a close, we engage in a ritual of promises to walk the good path together. If you've gotten off that path, this is a great opportunity to get back on track. God's mercies are new every morning and redemption is always calling us home. So invite someone to walk the path with you by joining you Sunday at 10:45am. If you are unable to attend, please watch our service via live broadcast.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

August 14, 2013

Shelter of the Rock

One of the basic needs of every human being is shelter. Whether we need physical shelter in the form of a place to hang our hats, emotional shelter in the form of encouragement and affirmation amidst life's struggles, or spiritual shelter in the form of a supportive faith community, shelter is a gift of God's grace which we can participate in bringing to the world. We will focus this week on our relationship with the homeless in our community, considering several ways that we can offer the ministry of shelter with and through agencies already doing good work.

Because he will shelter me in his own dwelling during troubling times; he will hide me in a secret place in his own tent; he will set me up high, safe on a rock - Psalm 27

Rev Sandy, Pastor

August 7, 2013

Lead Me to the Rock

Our spiritual path leads us toward a God that is "higher" than anything of this world. Too often we try to count on our own power and struggle until we realize that it is not enough to affect the kind of transformation we seek. God calls us to come higher to that place where we are changed and made whole.

Join us Sunday, August 11, at 10:45am as we seek to lead each other on the spiritual path toward the God who lifts us higher and higher.

When my heart is weak, I cry out to you from the very ends of the earth. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I am. - Psalm 61

Rev Sandy, Pastor