September 22, 2011

This Weekend at Cornerstone and Holy Cross

Excitement is building for this year's Camp Meeting at Cornerstone Metropolitan Community Church. I invite you to meet me in Mobile Friday and/or Saturday evening for a time of refreshing. This year's theme is Forever Grateful and we'll be giving God thanks and praise as we look at the past on Friday, the present on Saturday and the future on Sunday. However, Holy Cross sheep need to be at Holy Cross on Sunday!

We are blessed to have a MCC within driving distance. In Corpus the closest MCC was San Antonio, and that was a three hour drive. It's good for us to have times of worship and fellowship together. Friday night will begin with supper for only $7.00 and we know how those folks can cook. The service will end with a time of healing so if you have that gift, come and help me pray.

Enjoy the continuation of our series on The Lord's Prayer this Sunday. Invite someone to come to church, either in person or on our website's live steam. Jesus said we are to go into all the world and preach the good news and we now have the ability to do that as never before. Help us spread the word.

September 16, 2011

You Are Not an Only Child

For some that title is good news - and for others not! This week we begin our new series on "The Lord's Prayer". Each week we will hear a different translation of the prayer read and the choir will be singing some arrangements of it as well. This is an opportunity for us to take something treasured and true and open our hearts to an even greater understanding of it for us today.

Sunday before last I spoke of how Jesus used many examples to help us understand the dominion of God. One word that comes to mind for me when I think of God's realm is alignment. This seems to be what's happening in our church right now. This is a season of things coming together for us and that makes me rejoice! I never know what it is God is up too - but I know it's always something for our good.

If you're out of sorts with God, others, or the church, now is the time to come to worship and receive a spiritual alignment. It will make you feel better than a massage!

Our church has a fantastic future and it includes you. I hope to see you at 9:00 or 11:00 as we join together to celebrate God's love for all people.

September 2, 2011

Looking in All the Wrong Places

Once again I date myself, but I know some of you remember the song "Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places." Sunday we begin a new season in the church year, the season of Dominiontide or Kingdomtide, when we focus on the realm of God in our lives, church and world.

Jesus used many parables to help the disciples understand and experience the dominion of God, yet it seemed to elude them. They continued to seek it where it could not be found. Many of us do as well. If that's you, be sure to join us Sunday and you'll be pointed in the right direction.

If for some reason you can't make it to church check out our live stream of the 9:00am service.

And remember, our new Wednesday night service begins next week, Sept 7th at 6:30pm. Come and bask in the presence of the Lord. You will be blessed!