July 14, 2015

Daring Faith

One of the greatest gifts I have to offer Cornerstone MCC is a deeper understanding of my faith and how it has sustained me for almost 21 years of ministry in MCC. One way I will do that is through preaching a six week "Daring Faith" sermon series beginning in August. No matter where you are on your faith journey, it will call you to stretch and grow.

To help in that process we will be offering a six-week small group experience. Groups of up to 10 people will be meeting in homes throughout our area, once a week, for about an hour. You can learn more information and sign-up for a group beginning this Sunday, before and after church. I want to encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity. I know you will be blessed!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

July 9, 2015

Your Inheritance is Signed, Sealed and will be Delivered!

Most everyone gets excited with the news of receiving an inheritance. Before even knowing how much or what, we are busy making plans to enjoy it. What about our spiritual inheritance? How much thought do we give to that? Do you even know that you have one coming? If not then you want to be sure to be at church Sunday as we explore and celebrate what is to come to those who are in Christ Jesus.

During this time of summer, people are out enjoying the weather and others are taking vacations. I support both of these activities. Just don't forget that the operation of the church continues no matter what the season. So bring someone with you when you do attend and consider giving your tithes and offerings on-line when you are gone. God is faithful to us 24/7. Let's be more like God!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

July 1, 2015

Bold Service Unto God!

Although the Bold series I did was finished, God has more boldness for us this week. You may recall when I preached on Bold Obedience my saying that there were probably a couple of people at church that God was calling to professional ministry. Two people have come to me who are sensing that call.

One of them will be preaching their first sermon this Sunday, and the message is about serving God through the ministry of our church. That's exactly what Cornerstone needs - more people using their gifts, talents, and abilities to do the ministry of the church. We have two new opportunities for you. I hope you'll pray about serving on one of the teams as we are blessing and commissioning new leaders this Sunday! We also have a new leader for an on-going ministry to bless as well and that team always needs members.

Check out the teams on our web site and if you're a match, join the team Sunday and encourage our new leaders. To each is given a spiritual gift to use in the church. Let's get to work. I hope to see you Sunday, my favorite day of the week!

Rev Sandy, Pastor