November 27, 2008

Speaking of Gratitude

My wish for the advent candles has been fulfilled! The candles arrived yesterday and they are beautiful. We will be blessing a number of gifts for our church on Sunday, the beginning of the Advent season. It will be a day of great rejoicing.

Thanks to Doug and Val for their generosity in purchasing the candles.


In today's paper is an article about the health benefits of gratitude. Today is a day when most Americans will pause and give thanks. To really reap the benefits of gratitude it must become a way of life. So, may this be the first day of many days in which we give thanks to God, family, friends and yes, even employers!

Since my dad came to live in Pensacola, we are blessed with visits from family members. All of us are going to the Thanksgiving Feast at church today at noon. I am thankful for my family and also for my church family. What an incredible bundle of love and support! So to each of you I say thanks for sharing this part of my journey with me. I am blessed to have so many people I can count on to do whatever needs to be done at the moment.

Do not spend this day alone. Come on out and spend some time with your church family today, and if you want to being your family then please do. There will be plenty of food and even left-overs to take home. Whatever you do today and no matter what your situation, find something for which you are grateful and your spirit will be lifted.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

November 15, 2008

Advent Wish List

In my planning of worship for Advent and Christmas I ran across a set of advent oil candles I would love for Holy Cross MCC to have. If anyone wants to bless the church with a gift for Advent just let me know. The Bible says we have not because we ask I am asking.

Peace and blessings to all.
I forgot to list the price: $449.00 but they will last forever and no more messy wax!

November 5, 2008

A New Day Has Dawned

There's something different in the air today as America wakes up with Barack Obama as it's President Elect. How moving it was to hear the word "gay" used in his victory speech last night. History is being made for many and for all. Let us rejoice and be glad!