May 23, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Every year MDW is a unique experience. Outreach went to the beach Thursday and set up our two tents to secure a place. We arrived early and despite strong winds we decorated our tent near our usual spot. When we went to the other location our tent had some wind damage and we were one of two or three tents at that spot. So we made a decision to modify our plan and go with just one tent back at 11-B.

Water was iced down, oranges were chilled and sliced and slowly folks began to come to us and ask for the refreshments. I think our new signs "FREE WATER & ORANGES" helped. As the weather improved Louis and Cathy made their way to the edge of the walking area and continued with that Holy Cross MCC hospitality. We did meet a number of people and answered a lot of questions. Other volunteers joined us and since it was slow we had the opportunity to get to know each other better.

But the weather did not cooperate. And by this morning, Tiff, who was sleeping in her car in the parking was awakened to the news that waves were washing away tents and belongings! She was able to pull almost all of our stuff to the boardwalk and she did it in wind and rain. But God has people...with the resources we need...all lined up to help the right time for God's glory!
Some of our sisters from New Hope MCC in Montgomery, AL arrived just in time to help Tiff get our stuff to the truck.

Now we are faced with bad weather again tomorrow and we have a 10AM worship service scheduled at the Gulfside Pavilion on Pensacola Beach. So here is the plan. Booth and Cindy will go to that location in the morning and if the weather allows, a modified service will take place.

The 11AM service will also be modified as we will not be re-dedicating the Christ Window and Rev. Lee Carlton will not be preaching. When they arrived to install the unit they had built at the shop, it had been built incorrectly. Larry from the Board of Trustees can explain that more if you have questions. While it would have been awesome to dedicate the window on Ascension Sunday, it is more important that the job is done right.

So join us at the beach if you wake up and the sun is shining, or join us at 11Am on Fairfield. Booth will be preaching at the beach and I will be preaching at the church. YOUR PLACE IS SAVED and we would love to see you.

Happy Memorial Day Weekend Rainbow People!

May 20, 2009

An Answer

Hi Pastor Sandy, this is Carlos. Being a blogger myself, I read yours regularly. I have an answer to your Easter lily question.

You are right that it has more to do with the way the lilies are grown than the plant itself that seems to time its bloom just in time for Easter. Known in botany as Lilium longiforum, the Easter lily is a plant native to Japan where it’s growth has no connection to Easter whatsoever with Shinto having been the religious ideology of that country.

While planting a bulb in mid autumn will supply these lilies in time for Easter, there is another reason why your plants are being so proliferous at the moment. It has to do with Florida’s warm climate. As long as the climate is warm, the plant will continue to grow. While in cooler parts of the world it is known as an annual (meaning it only blooms once a year), in warming climates it can bloom twice each year (biennial). This is where it gets its second name, the November lily.

A footnote: Japan was the main source for this plant to the United States until the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941. There was limited growth in this country after that, and the Eater lily became so valuable in the United States that it was often referred to as “white gold.”

THANKS Carlos.

May 18, 2009

Why, Why, Why?

Okay, first I want to share the picture from last time that never made it to my blog. This is a picture of a tree between the church building and the office. It shows the Easter Lillie's from 2008 that were used to make the lawn cross. Bea donated them in memory of her mother and Robert planted them. Now when Bea comes to work she can see them and remember her mom. And the rest of us can enjoy them as well. Even more are in bloom since I took this picture last week and when I walked over there this morning what a lovely smell. So the question is, Why do Easter Lillie's bloom after Easter? At least the ones we plant in our yards?
Let's get some answers to that question going. My guess is that like the poinsettia's we use at Christmas, professional grower's do certain things to help them bloom earlier to coincide with the holiday. If that's not why please let me know.
Yesterday Uncle Sonny and I went to Montgomery to minister at New Hope MCC. He sang and I preached and we had a good time. That congregation sends their greetings and thanks for all of the help Holy Cross has been to them over the last six months. A number of them will be joining us for our Regional Gathering next month.
All energy must now be devoted to preparation for Memorial Day Weekend. Our early service will be at the pavilion at Pensacola Beach. Our 11am service will include the re dedication of the Christ window. So pick at least one to attend and I'll see you Sunday. Also we still need volunteers for the beach on Friday and Saturday. Please let us know if you can help.
Have a blessed week.

May 12, 2009

Where Has the Last Month Gone

Thanks to our San Francisco Charles, I have just been reminded that I have not posted to my blog in a long time. I must admit that I do think about it almost everyday but life seems to get int he way before I log on and get it done.
We returned to two worship service in April so join me in praying for new folks in the 11AM service. We started off slowly but last Sunday we had nine new people in that service so I know we are doing the right thing. God bless the Choir for their dedication to the new service. Just like I preach as though 200 people are present, they sing as though 1000 are present. Do not grow weary in your well doing for in due season (in God's time) you will reap the harvest.
I took a few pictures yesterday that I wanted to post today but I cannot find the right cord so I will send those later. The grounds here are looking better and better. The children's play ground is almost complete and Iris Park is slowly being developed. As I look around our property I am reminded of how very blessed we are!
The hottest project of the moment is the installation of our stained glass Christ window. We have raised over half of the funds needed so if you have not contributed please do so as the project is to be completed by May 22nd. As one of my favorite sayings goes, "God's timing is perfect!" So on Ascension Sunday, May 24th, which is also Memorial Day Weekend, we will celebrate the installation and Rev. Lee Carlton will be our special guest. I can't think of anyone more passionate about that glass than Rev. Lee. So whether one goes to the service at the beach or the one in town it will be a day of rejoicing for all.
Speaking of Memorial Day Weekend, we are working that event differently this year. The erosion from last season has shortened the beach area. There is no way we can set-up our large tent this year. Therefore, we have reserved the main Pavilion at Pensacola Beach for Sunday morning from 8:30 until noon. Talk about visibility! I just love how God brings forth a blessing from an obstacle. We will be distributing the water and oranges from three small canopy locations along the beach on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We need many volunteers to make this happen so please help us if you can. And if you are not a beach person then consider helping us load the truck on Thursday or unload it on Sunday afternoon. And if you can't help in that way then pray for God's blessing on this outreach opportunity.
Next month MCCer's will gather here for a conference. Another great opportunity to be blessed and to be a blessing to our sisters and brothers from LA, AL and FL. Of course we will need lots of volunteers for that event as well. There is always much to be done here as we continue to build a church and community campus here. To attend the conference you must register; to attend only the worship services you do not have to register. The registration fee is only $50.00 and it includes snacks on Friday night and three meals on Saturday. I hope many from Holy Cross will register and/or attend the services.
Be sure to check out our entrance page for information on a great raffle we are having. And if you can help sell tickets that would be great as well.
Thanks to each of you for your dedication and support of Holy Cross MCC. Together we are making a difference in the lives of many. And in this time of financial crisis in our world, it's good to know that our investment in God's work has eternal dividends!
Let us pray for one another, that we may be faithful witnesses to our risen Lord. And let us add action to our prayers. Have a blessed week.