October 28, 2008

The Gift of Today

Sunday afternoon I was once again reminded that each day we have is a gift and that life is so very fragile. Donna and Stephanie called me to the hospital to pray with Donna's family as they faced a most difficult situation. Donna's sister, Janet, who just weeks ago stood up at Donna and Stephanie's Holy Union was brain dead and they had to decide what to do. Thank God, Janet had made her wishes known in her Living Will so even though it was hard, her family knew what she wanted. Additionally she was an organ donor so that process was explained to them and they prepared to say their good-byes. We stood around her bed and prayed and what a peace came upon that room. Facing death is so different when the person and their family have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. It was a blessing to share that moment with them. I thank God that we were all together recently for the Holy Union so they were familiar and comfortable with me.

Today I urge you to go ahead and take care of the paperwork needed so that when death comes your family will know what you want and they do not have to make difficult decisions at such a time of sorrow. Everyone needs a Living Will and a Health Care Power of Attorney. If you wish to donate organs that should appear on your Driver's License. These are rights that everyone has, regardless of sexual orientation. The challenge is that in taking care of these legal documents we come face to face with our own mortality. I do not know anyone who enjoys that. The good news is that Jesus overcame death and so can we who believe in Him. Our lives on this earth are but a vapor. And when our time comes to leave this earth we have the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

How are you going to use this day? Make it count for no one knows when today will be their last.

On a lighter note, we will be gathering here Friday night at 7:30 for a costume party and dance. It's time to celebrate and we are so good at doing that. Even if you're not into costumes, come on out and look at those who are. I assure you, you will not be the only one.

Saturday night it's time to set our clocks back an hour. So before you go to bed say good-bye to Daylight Savings Time. Enjoy an extra hour of rest and I will see you in church on Sunday.

October 21, 2008

Another Great Expereince

Last weekend was another amazing weekend! The Yard Sale raised over $1300.00 for the Benevolence Fund. Additionally it brought in a lot of traffic and because of the over-flow, people had to drive in the back to turn around and when they did they saw the other festivities going on in the back. We had a record number of pets to bless and we kicked that off with Don bringing a special pet to explain what we were doing. The FROG Fest (fully relying on God) was fun and well attended.

What blessed my soul the most was to see Holy Cross move closer to God's vision for us. With the cancellation of the Pride Festival the week before, a number of vendors and groups joined us on Saturday. We had the local AIDS Memorial Quilt on display and booths by PFLAG, GEARS, Appetite for Life, OASIS Pensacola, Vote No on 2, and Covenant Hospice. Of course our own people had booths as well; Jackie with her creative photography and Ahh!! Goody Goodie Bake Shoppe (who knew Vickie did that?). Our children sold lemonade and had the Quarter Throw, and of course the jumping area for the children.

Beloved, God's vision of us working in partnership to build a church and community campus is becoming a reality right before our eyes. Our continued focus and working for the vision God gave us in spite of the many obstacles that have come our is paying off. The community is seeing that we are stable and committed to developing our property and sharing our vast resources with others.

Worship on Sunday was divine! How wonderful it is to come together and worship. We are so very blessed with our outstanding Music Ministry, not to mention some good preaching as well. We are soon reaching the point where we need to add another service so that we will have room to grow. Join me in praying for us to do that God's way, not ours. I am not sure what God is up to but I know it will be great.

Early voting has begun and I want to encourage everyone to take the time to go and vote for the candidates of their choice. Those who do not vote have no right to whine later!!!

Have a blessed week and I hope to see most of you in church on Sunday. For those of you out of town, check out the Worship page on our site. The sermons are on there again. If you want the entire service you can order a CD for a small fee. Even though you may be far away, we are one in the Spirit.

October 13, 2008

What a Wonderful Weekend!

Saturday was "National Coming Out Day"and what a great day it was! It began early at the church with a record number of people busy cleaning inside and working on the grounds outside. At noon we headed downtown for the Come Out Pensacola! luncheon at the Civic Center. It was a great opportunity to network with other non-profits and leaders in our community.

If you are not a member of Gulf Coast TIDE, please visit their website and join. The fee is minimal and there is strength in numbers so let's help get their numbers up.

Saturday evening we hosted the Come Out Pensacola worship service. It was the first time our Praise Team was a part of that service. In addition to the beautiful music by them, Michael Losee directed the community choir and what a sound he pulled out of them! We were also blessed with an inspiring message from Rev. Jamie Sanders, Spiritual Director at Unity of Pensacola and a calming meditation from Rev. Beth Bilott, from Unity Gulf Breeze. As I sat and enjoyed the service I gave thanks to God for two very dear friends. Sometimes it can feel lonely with no other MCC's in our city, but Beth and Jamie graciously fill that void by being my colleagues and my friends. I noticed a few new people in church on Sunday that attended the service the night before so it was worth all of the effort.

Sunday was full of surprises for me and the congregation! It was Laity Sunday. In case you are not familiar with that term, it means "people of God". The main difference between laity and clergy is that the clergy do the Lord's work for a living; most lay people volunteer. MCC has a long history of lay ministry; we believe in the priesthood of all believer's so it's always a joy to honor the laity in October.

This year I asked John Valentino, a former member of Holy Cross MCC, to bring the message. Little did I know he was orchestrating most of the service. Although it ran a little long and the burning of the sage caused a few people breathing difficulties, I have received a number of e-mails and calls about how that message really spoke to some folks who really needed it. So, to those of you who did not care for that service just remember, you cannot have your favorite meal every Sunday! It was some other folks turn. I assure you things will go back to "normal" this Sunday so be sure to be here if you can.

And what about the Benefit Concert? That was just way cool. Not to mention we raised $850.00 to purchase risers for the Choir and Praise Team. Just in case that is not enough, we have a generous donor who is willing to pay the difference between what we raised and what we need.
God is good and so are God's people. If you missed the concert, you missed a real treat.

So it was a wonderful and busy weekend. And already we are busy getting ready for this weekend when we will have our Yard Sale, Pet Blessing and FROG Fest....Fully Relying on God. The weather is great and there will be something for everyone so be sure to stop by on Saturday.

With all of the bad news on TV, radio and in the newspapers and magazines, it is important for us to remember that God is still in control. Nothing is going to happen that we cannot handle with the help of God. Resist the urge to worry and fret as neither of those things will make things any better. Continue to put your trust in God and keep feeding your heart and mind the Word of God so you will not be overtaken as so many are.

I'll close with this scripture from Psalms 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble."