February 13, 2008

Back on Track

Celebrate Recovery returns tonight after two weeks off for Ash Wednesday and our Annual Congregational Meeting. Join us at 7pm for the service and 8pm for small groups.

Sunday will be week six on the Road to Recovery series.

All of us have hurts, habits and hang-ups that we need help in overcoming...so come on out and join us as we journey towards recovery and the abundant life Jesus longs for us to enjoy.

February 11, 2008

So Many Blessings on Sunday

What a powerful day it was with my 7th Anniversary, the 31st Anniversary of Holy Cross MCC, the Dedication of little Jayda, and the faces of people we have not seen in way too long!

Doesn't God have a sense of humor!?! Our sermon series was on Restoring Relationships. And that process began with many yesterday.

Someone asked me what I enjoyed the most about yesterday and it was a very personal moment in which someone who had not been to church in years hugged my neck and told me I was forgiven for something I did not even know I had done. It was a time of great healing and peace for both of us as we shared from our hearts. I have the feeling I will be hearing from others this week I have harmed that I do not even know about right now. Add that to the harm I know about and this is going to be one big week of forgiveness for me!

But that is what Lent is all about. Taking the time and courage to ask forgiveness, extend forgiveness and make amends. That is what the journey to the cross is all about. So even though it is difficult, let us do the work we need to do in making things right so we will be ready to celebrate the resurrection on Easter.

If you want help in the recovery process, check out our new Celebrate Recovery ministry on Wednesday nights. You find lots of good information but also the support that is needed to travel the road to recovery.

And be sure to join us Thursday night for "An Evening of Love Songs". This event is for singles, couples and even groups of people. Tickets are $15.00 per person and includes the show, dessert and coffee. As with all events, do not let money keep you from joining us. While this is a fundraiser for our church we do not want anyone to miss it because of funds. Just call the church and let me or Bea know and we will have a ticket waiting for you. And if you would like to purchase a ticket for someone else you can call and let us know that as well.

February is a month of celebrations and there is none greater than when we gather on Sunday's to celebrate God's love...so if you can make only one thing, make it worship!
Have a blessed week.

February 6, 2008

There's Still Time

The season of Lent began today and there's still time for you to make it to our Ash Wednesday service at 7:00pm.

If you are like 80% of the population, you may have already abandoned the resolutions you made at New Year's. Fear not, tonight is an opportunity to begin again or to choose something new to do over these next forty-days, something that will bring growth and maturity to your spiritual life.

If Lent is a new thing for you, come on out and learn more about it. You may just find something new and helpful to you.

February 4, 2008

No News is Good News!

What a busy time it has been for me and Holy Cross MCC. We had our annual business meeting last week and Sunday was packed full of so many blessings that I just had to stop and acknowledge God's faithfulness.
We celebrated birthdays and anniversarys and Butch and John hold the honor of the couple with the most years together with a big 36!
We witnessed the Baptism of Karen, one of five new members we recieved on Sunday.
We installed new Board members and Lay Delegates.
And then we cheered the New York Giants to victory in the Super Bowl.
God is good - all the time!!!

Today's devotional was funny..........are you more like the husband or the wife????

Have a blessed week and I hope to see you all for our Ash Wednesday Service this week at 7:00pm.