December 31, 2008

New Year's Eve

It's only 5:48PM and already I hear firecrackers going off as people begin celebrating. In case you cannot make it to church tonight, here's a condensed version of what we'll be doing. Using the text from Philippians 3:13,14 we are going to list things in the past we need to celebrate as well as those we need to forget. We are going to listen for God's call to us individually and then set goals and steps to take to reach our goals.

I hope you will take the time to do this exercise so you can walk freely and purposely into the New Year.

"I am still not all that I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:13 and 14

December 30, 2008

We Come With Joy!

Sunday our choir presented the Christmas cantata and I must tell you I have never experienced anything like that. Usually the people in the congregation are spectators but not so this time. What an incredible time of worship we had as Davie led us into the presence of God! People were on their feet, hands were raised in praise and most of us were weeping tears of joy.
If you missed it Sunday you may want to order a CD so you will know what the rest of us are talking about.
Thank you Choir, Bobby, David and Miriam. You made my Christmas over the top for sure.
Happy New Year to each and everyone of you.

December 12, 2008

Colors of the Season

In this week of Advent I have been intentionally looking for the wonder and awe of God's creation. And I do not know if it is me or if something has changed but I have never noticed so much color change in the scenery here in Pensacola. Ryan and I were noticing it again this morning as I took him to school. God is so awesome and all we have to do is stop and notice it all around us. So slow down and look around and you may be surprised with what you see.

Someone told me I need a better picture on my blog; I looked but just did not find one so in the spirit of the season I am posting a graphic of Mary and the Baby Jesus.

I will leave you with this question: how would Jesus have you celebrate his birth? Certainly not by buying gifts for each other but by giving so that the world may come to know of him. The average American family spends between $700 and $900 dollars on Christmas. I challenge you to join in the Advent Conspiracy and give that money to make a difference in Jesus name. 100% of AC offerings will be given to Living Water; they build and service wells in countries where the leading cause of death is no clean water. Knowing that we can no longer ask: when did we see you thirsty Lord and not give you something to drink?

November 27, 2008

Speaking of Gratitude

My wish for the advent candles has been fulfilled! The candles arrived yesterday and they are beautiful. We will be blessing a number of gifts for our church on Sunday, the beginning of the Advent season. It will be a day of great rejoicing.

Thanks to Doug and Val for their generosity in purchasing the candles.


In today's paper is an article about the health benefits of gratitude. Today is a day when most Americans will pause and give thanks. To really reap the benefits of gratitude it must become a way of life. So, may this be the first day of many days in which we give thanks to God, family, friends and yes, even employers!

Since my dad came to live in Pensacola, we are blessed with visits from family members. All of us are going to the Thanksgiving Feast at church today at noon. I am thankful for my family and also for my church family. What an incredible bundle of love and support! So to each of you I say thanks for sharing this part of my journey with me. I am blessed to have so many people I can count on to do whatever needs to be done at the moment.

Do not spend this day alone. Come on out and spend some time with your church family today, and if you want to being your family then please do. There will be plenty of food and even left-overs to take home. Whatever you do today and no matter what your situation, find something for which you are grateful and your spirit will be lifted.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

November 15, 2008

Advent Wish List

In my planning of worship for Advent and Christmas I ran across a set of advent oil candles I would love for Holy Cross MCC to have. If anyone wants to bless the church with a gift for Advent just let me know. The Bible says we have not because we ask I am asking.

Peace and blessings to all.
I forgot to list the price: $449.00 but they will last forever and no more messy wax!

November 5, 2008

A New Day Has Dawned

There's something different in the air today as America wakes up with Barack Obama as it's President Elect. How moving it was to hear the word "gay" used in his victory speech last night. History is being made for many and for all. Let us rejoice and be glad!

October 28, 2008

The Gift of Today

Sunday afternoon I was once again reminded that each day we have is a gift and that life is so very fragile. Donna and Stephanie called me to the hospital to pray with Donna's family as they faced a most difficult situation. Donna's sister, Janet, who just weeks ago stood up at Donna and Stephanie's Holy Union was brain dead and they had to decide what to do. Thank God, Janet had made her wishes known in her Living Will so even though it was hard, her family knew what she wanted. Additionally she was an organ donor so that process was explained to them and they prepared to say their good-byes. We stood around her bed and prayed and what a peace came upon that room. Facing death is so different when the person and their family have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. It was a blessing to share that moment with them. I thank God that we were all together recently for the Holy Union so they were familiar and comfortable with me.

Today I urge you to go ahead and take care of the paperwork needed so that when death comes your family will know what you want and they do not have to make difficult decisions at such a time of sorrow. Everyone needs a Living Will and a Health Care Power of Attorney. If you wish to donate organs that should appear on your Driver's License. These are rights that everyone has, regardless of sexual orientation. The challenge is that in taking care of these legal documents we come face to face with our own mortality. I do not know anyone who enjoys that. The good news is that Jesus overcame death and so can we who believe in Him. Our lives on this earth are but a vapor. And when our time comes to leave this earth we have the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

How are you going to use this day? Make it count for no one knows when today will be their last.

On a lighter note, we will be gathering here Friday night at 7:30 for a costume party and dance. It's time to celebrate and we are so good at doing that. Even if you're not into costumes, come on out and look at those who are. I assure you, you will not be the only one.

Saturday night it's time to set our clocks back an hour. So before you go to bed say good-bye to Daylight Savings Time. Enjoy an extra hour of rest and I will see you in church on Sunday.

October 21, 2008

Another Great Expereince

Last weekend was another amazing weekend! The Yard Sale raised over $1300.00 for the Benevolence Fund. Additionally it brought in a lot of traffic and because of the over-flow, people had to drive in the back to turn around and when they did they saw the other festivities going on in the back. We had a record number of pets to bless and we kicked that off with Don bringing a special pet to explain what we were doing. The FROG Fest (fully relying on God) was fun and well attended.

What blessed my soul the most was to see Holy Cross move closer to God's vision for us. With the cancellation of the Pride Festival the week before, a number of vendors and groups joined us on Saturday. We had the local AIDS Memorial Quilt on display and booths by PFLAG, GEARS, Appetite for Life, OASIS Pensacola, Vote No on 2, and Covenant Hospice. Of course our own people had booths as well; Jackie with her creative photography and Ahh!! Goody Goodie Bake Shoppe (who knew Vickie did that?). Our children sold lemonade and had the Quarter Throw, and of course the jumping area for the children.

Beloved, God's vision of us working in partnership to build a church and community campus is becoming a reality right before our eyes. Our continued focus and working for the vision God gave us in spite of the many obstacles that have come our is paying off. The community is seeing that we are stable and committed to developing our property and sharing our vast resources with others.

Worship on Sunday was divine! How wonderful it is to come together and worship. We are so very blessed with our outstanding Music Ministry, not to mention some good preaching as well. We are soon reaching the point where we need to add another service so that we will have room to grow. Join me in praying for us to do that God's way, not ours. I am not sure what God is up to but I know it will be great.

Early voting has begun and I want to encourage everyone to take the time to go and vote for the candidates of their choice. Those who do not vote have no right to whine later!!!

Have a blessed week and I hope to see most of you in church on Sunday. For those of you out of town, check out the Worship page on our site. The sermons are on there again. If you want the entire service you can order a CD for a small fee. Even though you may be far away, we are one in the Spirit.

October 13, 2008

What a Wonderful Weekend!

Saturday was "National Coming Out Day"and what a great day it was! It began early at the church with a record number of people busy cleaning inside and working on the grounds outside. At noon we headed downtown for the Come Out Pensacola! luncheon at the Civic Center. It was a great opportunity to network with other non-profits and leaders in our community.

If you are not a member of Gulf Coast TIDE, please visit their website and join. The fee is minimal and there is strength in numbers so let's help get their numbers up.

Saturday evening we hosted the Come Out Pensacola worship service. It was the first time our Praise Team was a part of that service. In addition to the beautiful music by them, Michael Losee directed the community choir and what a sound he pulled out of them! We were also blessed with an inspiring message from Rev. Jamie Sanders, Spiritual Director at Unity of Pensacola and a calming meditation from Rev. Beth Bilott, from Unity Gulf Breeze. As I sat and enjoyed the service I gave thanks to God for two very dear friends. Sometimes it can feel lonely with no other MCC's in our city, but Beth and Jamie graciously fill that void by being my colleagues and my friends. I noticed a few new people in church on Sunday that attended the service the night before so it was worth all of the effort.

Sunday was full of surprises for me and the congregation! It was Laity Sunday. In case you are not familiar with that term, it means "people of God". The main difference between laity and clergy is that the clergy do the Lord's work for a living; most lay people volunteer. MCC has a long history of lay ministry; we believe in the priesthood of all believer's so it's always a joy to honor the laity in October.

This year I asked John Valentino, a former member of Holy Cross MCC, to bring the message. Little did I know he was orchestrating most of the service. Although it ran a little long and the burning of the sage caused a few people breathing difficulties, I have received a number of e-mails and calls about how that message really spoke to some folks who really needed it. So, to those of you who did not care for that service just remember, you cannot have your favorite meal every Sunday! It was some other folks turn. I assure you things will go back to "normal" this Sunday so be sure to be here if you can.

And what about the Benefit Concert? That was just way cool. Not to mention we raised $850.00 to purchase risers for the Choir and Praise Team. Just in case that is not enough, we have a generous donor who is willing to pay the difference between what we raised and what we need.
God is good and so are God's people. If you missed the concert, you missed a real treat.

So it was a wonderful and busy weekend. And already we are busy getting ready for this weekend when we will have our Yard Sale, Pet Blessing and FROG Fest....Fully Relying on God. The weather is great and there will be something for everyone so be sure to stop by on Saturday.

With all of the bad news on TV, radio and in the newspapers and magazines, it is important for us to remember that God is still in control. Nothing is going to happen that we cannot handle with the help of God. Resist the urge to worry and fret as neither of those things will make things any better. Continue to put your trust in God and keep feeding your heart and mind the Word of God so you will not be overtaken as so many are.

I'll close with this scripture from Psalms 46:1 "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble."

September 3, 2008

It's Good to be Back

What a joy it is to return to the family of God at Holy Cross MCC! And what a joy to find that our family has grown some while I was away. Growth is the sign of a church that is alive - and we are alive and well.

It's been good to sit and visit and get caught up on some of the things I missed. I try not to be overwhelmed by the over 1200 e-mails sitting in my In-box. Know that I am going through some of them each reverse order.

The hardest thing I have had to do is have the cell phone service re-activated. As of yesterday it is back in service and the number is the same. I do ask that you not leave messages unless it is necessary. I can have up to 30 messages at a time and it is frustrating when they come in faster than I can check them. As a rule, I do not answer the cell phone when I am in the office on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. My days off remain the same, Thursday and Friday.

If you have not seen my office since I returned then stop by and see the beautiful job they did while I was away. That labor of love made returning to the office so much more enjoyable.

And last but not least, Bea and Donna have been working hard to get the sermons back on our web site. Check it out under the Worship page. Also, CD's of the services are available for a small fee.

Continue to have a blessed week and I will see you on Sunday!

August 11, 2008

Operation Home Improvements

For the last three weeks I have been busy taking care of some things around the house. It all began with painting the front and painting the front screen door...painting the wrought iron on the front porch and then stripping and painting the front porch floor. I must say it is much nicer to sit on the porch now!

Next I painted the laundry room and the door and screen door outside my home office. Then came the fun work...power washing! I am happy to say that I am almost finished with my physical work so I can rest a bit before returning to Holy Cross.

While I am enjoying every moment of my sabbatical, I do miss the people and the worship experience of our church. We are so very blessed. And if you ever start to doubt that just take some time and visit other churches and you will know how blessed we are!!!

Thank you Holy Cross for this most wonderful time of rest and renewal. Thank you Leadership Team for handling things while I have been away. Know that I love and appreciate each and every one of you!

July 10, 2008

A Beautiful Sunrise

The best part of getting up before the "crack of dawn" to put Ryan on a 6:20 flight is to see the glory of God in today's sunrise.

Now I have entered into rest from being a mom for a little while. Ryan is so excited about his trip. All is well on this sunny day!

July 6, 2008

At Last Some Pictures!

Here are some of the visionaries from Montgomery...the church that is blessed to get our drummer dude Aaron! I was so surprised to see him there when I arrived.

Ryan was on his way to Space Camp and he wanted to make some money to buy a flight suit so he served as my audio/video tech for the Visioning workshop in Montgomery. They have a new video projector and we put it to good use. One of the things I have learned while on sabbatical is to use the new version of Windows Bea installed on my laptop. Now I know how to make better slides and what's really neat (to me anyway) is now I know how to add music files to my slides.

It was a great week for all.

July 1, 2008

On The Road Again

After a stop-over at New Hope MCC in Montgomery, Ryan and I are now in Huntsville. Thanks to Jack, I am enjoying some down time in style! Ryan is at Space Camp and he was so excited when I left him yesterday. He said, "Mom I'm having a good time and we haven't even started yet." So, all is well as I continue to relax and rest. I did do a visioning workshop for New Hope on Saturday but it was a joy to do it. They were able to create guiding documents with purpose, mission and vision statements! I took pictures but I did not bring my patch cord so those will follow when I get back to Pensacola. Debbie is holding down the fort and making sure dad has what he needs. We will journey back tomorrow and I'm sure Ryan will have so much to share that it will be a quick trip. Blessings to all.

June 21, 2008

This Week

What a great week this has been for me. I had opportunities to rest, I had time alone, and I even got to work on my tan. While I was at the beach I read a book I have had on my bookshelf for a long time. I looked in the front to see from whence it came and much to my surprise, it was given to me about a year before I moved here over seven years ago. It's about time I got around to reading it! Sabbaticals are good for many things, one of which is reading.

This is an interesting time with all three of us...four if you count dad...home for an extended period of time. There is a sense of joy among us as we take some much needed time to play and just be together. I am sure this summer will be one we remember for the rest of our lives.

It's interesting how the body and mind slow down after racing non-stop. It's a gradual process that leads to a space of peace and clam. That is what I am enjoying today. That is what I am looking forward to tomorrow. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in doing and going that we forget just to be. So what am I doing? Nothing and everything. And I am enjoying every moment of it.

Thank you Holy Cross for the gift of this time off. I know you will be blessed in worship tomorrow so be sure to get up and go to church!

June 13, 2008

Modern Technology

Wow, two dozen of us just watched the LEGAL MARRIAGE CEREMONY of Booth and Denise via the internet. Unfortunately the sound did not work but there will be a video showing of this historical event in the near future. What a blessing to be a part of the wedding!!!

Congratulations Booth and Denise! We love you!!

June 9, 2008

It Was a Glorious Day!

Yesterday was a wonderful day! The church seemed was at 80% seating capacity so to new folks it was full...and spirits were high. The Choir did a lovely version of "You Light Up My Life" and the Praise Team sang "Friends". I guess at times I do enjoy surprises. There was an incredible sense of peace in the sanctuary. I drove off knowing that Holy Cross will be fine while I rest and seek God's direction for the next chapter in this exciting journey.

It is my intention to post to my blog at least once a week...but we know about good intentions!

Thanks to those who gave gifts and funds to make this time more enjoyable for me. Know that you are loved and appreciated.


June 4, 2008

Send-off Sunday

It's hard to believe my sabbatical send-off is this Sunday. How exciting it has been to plan worship for the next ten weeks. Indeed God does have people with the resources we need, all lined up to help us at the right time for God's glory. Not only will I be blessed with a time of rest, the church will be blessed with a time of refreshing. I think everyone will be pleased to see the plan that will be revealed on Sunday as we worship together.

You can check out what's happening the first Sunday I am off on the entrance page to our website. I look forward to what I know will be a moving service and I hope to see you there.

May 28, 2008

Memorial Weekend

Words can never describe the experience of the rainbow celebration on Pensacola Beach each Memorial Day weekend. As usual I went out early (7:45AM) Thursday to await the big event...the set-up of the tent and staging. This year it was quite a wait so I got a little sun-burned but not too bad.

Kent's Tent and Special Events always comes through for us. Out of the kindness of his heart, the guy who's in charge of setting up the tent crowns the top with our pink cross. This year our cross had a new paint job and lights thanks to Melissa and Karen. It was so beautiful, especially at night. Some folks who attended the all night party said it was awesome to look up and see the cross. I think many seeds were planted all weekend, seeds that will grow into the truth of God's love for ALL people.

Just as words cannot express the experience of MDW, words cannot express my thanks to our Outreach Ministry, Administration, BOT Special Events and Worship for a job well done. Thanks specifically to Booth for conducting the service and preaching the last two years. And what a dedicated Praise Team to haul all of that equipment out there and sing prasies to God as folks are waking up on Sunday morning.

When we first began this outreach seven years ago I carried the load of making the weekend happen. And little by little I was able to let go and let others carry parts of the load. Now we are a smooth running team and we learn how to make it better each year. And while it's good for me to be there and I enjoy it so, we have come to the point that my presence is not necessary for us to have a strong presence throughout the weekend. Praise be to God and to God's people at Holy Cross MCC!!!

And now for the best news of all, we conducted a baptism on Saturday. Matt was baptized as an infant and he wanted to be baptized in the gulf. He and I went down to the water and with the hustle and bustle of all the people, I baptized him and prayed for him right in the midst of it all. What a blessing that was for him and me.

Here is a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to the many people who gave of their time, talent, treasure and truth to make this MDW such a huge success. May God bless you richly. Know that your pastor loves and appreciates you and more importantly, I think God is smiling at you!!!

May 19, 2008

How Big is YOUR God?

God does not change, but thank God, our understanding and knowledge of God does. I was thinking about the God of my childhood, the God I brought with me to MCC, and God now in this present moment. And looking forward, how much will MY God grow in the years to come. Perhaps this is part of the process of preparing us for that wonderful time when we will worship around the throne of God in heaven. Our time on earth serves many purposes and I think one of them is our preparation for eternity.

So, how big is your God? Whatever size God is to you, I challenge you to allow YOUR God to grow today. As we heard in the scripture yesterday, God is more than we can think or imagine. Here's to God becoming more and more day by day.

May 12, 2008

Record Number of Mothers

Yesterday we had a record number of mothers with us for Mother's Day. The children's Sunday School class came prepared with thirty flowers and had to go and get more. I'm not sure of the final count but I think we had at lest 38 mothers in worship yesterday. Praise the Lord!!!

What a great day to celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. We are so blessed and I want everyone reading this to stop and give praise to God, Jesus and Holy Spirit for their many blessings to us.

Now, stop winding your watch and allow the battery to do it's job throughout the rest of this day!

May 10, 2008

Dinner Anyone?

How about a Spaghetti Dinner made by our EXCEL Team? Followed by an auction? What an exciting night it will be. Invite someone and then join us at 6:00 tonight. Yum-yum!!!

May 6, 2008

Praise God, I Have Been Dismissed!

No, not from Holy Cross MCC but from the three doctors I have been seeing on a regular basis. Thank God the surgical procedures were effective and all of my follow-up visits are completed. And the icing on the cake: the one medication I have been on that has a side effect of weakness I will be completely finished with in 10 days! Unless you really know me, you have no idea how wonderful this news is to me. As someone who stays away from the doctor, I have a new appreciation for those who are under a doctors care.

Thanks again for all of your prayers and acts of kindness and care. I am so blessed by the saints in Pensacola. Know that I love and appreciate each of you and all of you. I hope to see you Saturday for the work day and that night for dinner...and of course on Sunday. It's Pentecost Sunday and Mother's Day. Remember to wear red.

April 26, 2008


What do you think about this definition?

-gentleness: the quality of trusting God to do the work of changing people

Tomorrow's sermon has a lot of good stuff in it so be sure to get up and go to church in the morning. Peter challenges us to exchange our way of doing things for God's way....which is always so much better. God's way leads to gentleness, kindness, mercy, just to mention a few.

In this time of spring, prepare the soil of your heart so new growth will come forth. Jesus longs to produce the fruit of the Spirit in you...are you ready to for that?

April 18, 2008

Old Chinese Proverb

In case you missed today's devotional I don't want to miss out on this!

"Blessed are they that laugh at themselves...
for they shall never cease to be entertained."

Now you know why I laugh so much!!! Have a blessed day....and keep entertaining yourself.

April 16, 2008

Some Thoughts on Following

"His sheep follow Him because they know His voice." John 10:4

Today's devotional goes hand-in-hand with Sundays sermon. The Holy Spirit is so good at that!

While I was looking at some pictures of sheep last week I was reminded of my trip to Ireland in 1990. On a number of occasions we would have to stop and wait for the sheep to cross or move off the road. It took the voice of their shepherd for them to move.

Oh that we would move at the voice of Jesus, the Good Shepherd. Instead we move at the voice of our desires and wishes and we find ourselves away from the safety and comfort of the flock. The first thing we do is blame God and/or others for the situation we are in. When we have had enough we return to the fold where we are receive and fully accepted. And we repeat that pattern time and time again until we learn to move at the voice of Jesus and Jesus only.
Thanks to all who listened and followed on Sunday. Our need was met because of YOU! Receive your blessing with joy for God has promised to open the windows of heaven and shower you blessing upon blessing!
May listen, hear and follow Jesus more closely each day.

April 8, 2008

O Happy Day!

Who knew Michael could sing like that???? The Choir did a great job on that song and it fit the sermon so well. No matter what happens today or tomorrow we always have reason to rejoice for we have salvation in Jesus! When we look up instead of down we have the strength to resist negativity and discouragement. What an incredible resource we have been given. So look up today and be strong in the Lord.

March 31, 2008


Awesome day, awesome service, awesome music, awesome attendance, awesome friends, awesome cooks and of course an awesome God!!!
Friendship Sunday was a huge success in every way. I met so many new friends yesterday and they all had at least one comment in common...what loving people make up this church! Jesus said they will know we are His disciples by our love and yesterday gives witness to that truth.
We stepped out of our comfort zones and invited the people God laid on our hearts and we had one of the most diverse crowds yet. It reminded me that our call is to go into all the world...not just our little corner of the world.
Yesterday was a challenge for me but I would not have missed it for anything. I was moving in slow motion but no one seemed to care. I am feeling better each day and soon I'll be up to par again. Thanks for all of your prayers and gestures of concern. We do have an awesome church and to God be the glory!!!

March 28, 2008

Alive and Well

After two minor surgical procedures this week I am doing well. I am resting today and tomorrow so I will be ready to preach on Sunday....which is Friendship Sunday. The music Sunday will be awesome I am sure!!!

Your continued prayers are appreciated.

March 22, 2008

Resurrection Power!

What a difference an Easter makes! Last year we placed the cross in front of an unfinished project in anticipation of what was to come....a completed church and parking lot. Praise be to God, our faith was honored and how lovely it was to gather around the cross for our Sunrise service this Easter. The weather was lovely and it was a great start to a glorious day.

This picture does not do justice to the beautiful flowers that adorned the sanctuary! And words cannot describe the resurrection power that swept through our midst. With over 200 people in worship we had a real celebration of Jesus, our Risen Saviour!! The Choir and Praise Team began with the Processional and the Holy Spirit took it from there. By the time the Men's Quintet sang everyone was on their feet praising the Lord. We could not ask for a more joyful day of worship.

Of course the children were more than blessed with an abundance of eggs will filled with goodies.
My coffee table was full and running over from Ryan's find. It was a great day for everyone.

Thanks to the many people who gave of their time, talent, treasure and truth so that Easter lifted Jesus high at Holy Cross. Here's to a repeat blessing this week as we celebrate Friendship Sunday. Remember to invite a friend and to cook us something good to eat!!!

Thoughts From Good Friday

Last night was a time of solemn praise as we remembered Jesus on the cross. Again the question "Who do you say that I am?" was asked. It seems to be a question hard to answer, one described as haunting. It's a question you think you know the answer to until you are called upon to answer it.
On this Saturday, the last day of Holy Week, let us take time to answer the question Jesus asked of His disciples, "Who do you say that I Am?" It is essential if we are to be witnesses of Jesus. In Revelation it says, "They overcame by the blood of the Lamb and the power of their testimony." Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world; we are the ones to give testimony of that good news. As we are faithful witnesses we are empowered to overcome all things. It's a great partnership.
Tomorrow morning we will gather as witnesses have been doing for 2008 years now. We will celebrate that Christ is risen! And when you hear those words you may want to answer as people have been doing for thousands of years, "Christ is risen indeed!"
Make your way to church....any church...and hear the good news of Jesus. Sing, pray and worship the King of King and the Lord of Lords. At Holy Cross I will be preaching a sermon entitled "Do Not be Afraid, Go and Tell" based on the words the angel said to the women who went to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus and also what the risen Jesus said to those same women when he encounter them. There is no fear in doing the best thing you can do for someone; connecting a person to Jesus is just that. It's time to loose all fear and go and tell.
As I said last night we each experience Jesus in our own way. Therefore there is no right or wrong answer to the question. So go ahead and work on it.....I am...and when I am done I will share it with you. Peace be with you!

March 19, 2008

Holy Week and Easter Triva

Peace and blessings to you this most Holy Week. On the cloudy and stormy day I am reminded of the storm that awaited Jesus as he journeyed to the cross. I am so thankful for his "obedience, even to death on the cross." It's difficult for some to focus on the crucifixion of Jesus; if that is you then do so with the hope of resurrection in your heart. Take the journey knowing that Jesus rose again! Death did not defeat him and this world did not overcome him...he overcame this world and he rose again!

I challenge you to spend some time this week answering the question of Jesus: who do you say that I am? Who is Jesus to you? Join us Friday night at 7 PM for a moving drama in which three biblical characters share their experience of Jesus. Spend some time with Jesus at the cross and remember how much he loves you.

And now for some Easter trivia that I received in an e-mail from my friend Rex. We are not crazy...Easter is real early this year!
Easter 2008 -- A once in a lifetime experience! Easter is always the 1st Sunday after the 1st full moon after the Spring Equinox (which is March 20). This dating of Easter is based on the lunar calendar that Hebrew people used to identify Passover, which is why it moves around on our Roman calendar.

Here's the interesting info. This year is the earliest Easter any of us will ever see the rest of our lives! And only the most elderly of our population have ever seen it this early (95 years old or above!). And none of us have ever, or will ever, see it a day earlier! Here are the facts:

1) The next time Easter will be this early, March 23, will be the year 2228 (220 years from
now). The last time it was this early was 1913 (so if you're 95 or older, you are the only
ones that were around for that!).

2) The next time it will be a day earlier, March 22, will be in the year 2285 (277 years from
now). The last time it was on March 22 was 1818. So, no one alive today has or will ever
see it any earlier than this year!

Celebrate with praise!

Sunday Sunrise Service 7:00 AM gathered around our Lilly Cross in the parking lot. The picture of the cross from last year reminded me that our building was not even finished last Easter - we have two resurrections to celebrate this year! And let's pray for the weather to cooperate this year....remember the hail storm during last years service???
Sunday Worship 10 AM, Special music by the Choir and Praise Team

Children's Egg Hunt following the service. If you bring plastic eggs filled with goodies be sure to drop them off on your way in at the table outside. Our children are so blessed with the egg hunt.
If you have time this Saturday come to the BOT Workday and help us get our building and grounds ready; we need all of the help we can get...even those who give encouragement and something cool to drink.
With all that's going on the rest of this week, I hope to see all of you at least once!

March 15, 2008


Tomorrow is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week. I know it's hard to believe, but Easter is just a week way. Tomorrow is also the Graduation of our first CLM class. And just delivered this morning are two of our kneelers that survived hurricane Ivan and have now been refurbished and ready for use. We will dedicate them tomorrow as well. So be sure to get up and make your way to God's house.

During the sermon tomorrow I will show you how easy God has made it for us to share the gospel with our family, friends, co-workers and even strangers. I think you will be pleasantly surprised and ready to give it a try for Friendship Sunday.

Most of all, come and enjoy God's presence as we worship together. In God's presence is fullness of joy! And the joy of the Lord is our strength. So begin this Holy Week in the best way possible by being at church. I'll see you there.

March 10, 2008

For You Folks Who Live Out of Town

Okay, the squeaky wheel gets the grease! All you had to do was to let me know you're missing my updates and here they go again!!! I tend to forget about those of you who are connected to Holy Cross via cyberspace.

Let me go back and tell you about something you missed last month. Our "Evening of Love Songs" was so much fun! I've never had such a good time at making money for the church. The show was quality baby...and I wish I could post a picture of the Dream Girls....but jobs could be lost so I will control myself. The cast was so good that they were invited to perform last weekend at the Positive Living Conference in Ft. Walton Beach. They were a big hit there as well and again made some more money for the church. They are giving fund raising a whole new reputation. Of course all of this is possible because of the desire of Mandy to give back to the church. Just think what would happen if everyone wanted to and did that!!!

On a more serious note, we are busy connecting people with Jesus and that's what it's all about. It's great when people come and ask to be baptized. What a great witness to the power of the gospel. People's lives are transformed by the touch of Jesus and it brings great joy to be a part of that miracle.

Speaking of miracles, yesterday was another day of testimonies of healing. The vision God gave us of this becoming a mecca of healing is already taking place. Even some of the local doctors are wondering what God is up to at Holy Cross MCC. We are blessed to partner with God in offering hope and healing and I know we will hear of more testimonies as the weeks go by. Healing is flowing while we are singing, preaching, praying and sharing in Communion. It's amazing and so wonderful.

Also, it is amazing what God is doing in our youth and children. It brings tears of joy to my eyes to see the young children raising their hands in worship to Jesus. We are indeed raising the next generation of spiritual activists in MCC and in HCMCC. If you want to see something else that will bless your heart, stop by the classroom and check out some of the posters the children have made this month. They are learning the word of God and you can tell by their drawings that they really get it. They have outgrown that room so additional teachers are needed as we expand our Children's Ministry. Is God call anyone???? Of course God is - the better question is this: is anyone listening and ready to answer God's call???

For those of you who are out of town, let me know if you would like us to mail you a copy of our daily devotional. It's so exciting for 200 people to be doing the same devotional everyday....200 of us that is because thousands are reading them around the country. We want to include you if you want to be included. Also, CD's of the series I did on The Road to Recovery are now available; it's a three CD set for $10.00. This series was a big hit with the congregation so you may want to get a set. It would make a great gift for anyone struggling with hurts, hang-ups and habits....which would be all of us!!!

Our current series is on Connecting People with Jesus and we are enjoying it too. We have a goal to have 100 guests in worship Easter and the week after (Friendship Sunday). If we reach our goal we will overflow but what a great problem to have. It won't be long until we will need to go to two services but I am trying to wait until I return from my sabbatical. Sometimes my plans and God's are different so we will see. I remember coming here in February 2001 and having to begin a new early service by Easter as people were standing during the one service we had. People thought I was crazy....and I am, but not when it comes to my job....we began it and it was successful. So, whatever God tells you to do just say yes and do it no matter what anyone else says. If it is of God it will prosper....and if it is not, well with time it will fade away.

Okay, that's it for today. Just let me know what you need and I will do my best to find the resource. Just e-mail me ( Have a blessed week and remember, you will encounter people this week that God has sent your way...listen to them and offer them hope and healing in Jesus name!!!

March 7, 2008

Abundant Sunshine

That's the forecast for the weekend so I hope to see many of you at our Workday from noon to four tomorrow. This is such an exciting time as Winter passes by and Spring marches in. Flowers are budding, baby birds are chirping and there's much to be done inside and out...not to mention that working together is a great way to meet new people and get to know others.

Some of you will appreciate this: a number of stumps were ground this week so we can make the space between the church and the office look so much better now. It is a joy to watch the development of our see that which we have by faith hoped for and worked for become reality. Our presence is transforming an industrial site to a holy and sacred place.
We are so blessed and "to whom much is given - much is required", therefore, I'll see you Saturday and Sunday!

DON'T FORGET... SPRING FORWARD ... be sure to set your clock ahead one hour before going to sleep Saturday night!

February 13, 2008

Back on Track

Celebrate Recovery returns tonight after two weeks off for Ash Wednesday and our Annual Congregational Meeting. Join us at 7pm for the service and 8pm for small groups.

Sunday will be week six on the Road to Recovery series.

All of us have hurts, habits and hang-ups that we need help in come on out and join us as we journey towards recovery and the abundant life Jesus longs for us to enjoy.

February 11, 2008

So Many Blessings on Sunday

What a powerful day it was with my 7th Anniversary, the 31st Anniversary of Holy Cross MCC, the Dedication of little Jayda, and the faces of people we have not seen in way too long!

Doesn't God have a sense of humor!?! Our sermon series was on Restoring Relationships. And that process began with many yesterday.

Someone asked me what I enjoyed the most about yesterday and it was a very personal moment in which someone who had not been to church in years hugged my neck and told me I was forgiven for something I did not even know I had done. It was a time of great healing and peace for both of us as we shared from our hearts. I have the feeling I will be hearing from others this week I have harmed that I do not even know about right now. Add that to the harm I know about and this is going to be one big week of forgiveness for me!

But that is what Lent is all about. Taking the time and courage to ask forgiveness, extend forgiveness and make amends. That is what the journey to the cross is all about. So even though it is difficult, let us do the work we need to do in making things right so we will be ready to celebrate the resurrection on Easter.

If you want help in the recovery process, check out our new Celebrate Recovery ministry on Wednesday nights. You find lots of good information but also the support that is needed to travel the road to recovery.

And be sure to join us Thursday night for "An Evening of Love Songs". This event is for singles, couples and even groups of people. Tickets are $15.00 per person and includes the show, dessert and coffee. As with all events, do not let money keep you from joining us. While this is a fundraiser for our church we do not want anyone to miss it because of funds. Just call the church and let me or Bea know and we will have a ticket waiting for you. And if you would like to purchase a ticket for someone else you can call and let us know that as well.

February is a month of celebrations and there is none greater than when we gather on Sunday's to celebrate God's if you can make only one thing, make it worship!
Have a blessed week.

February 6, 2008

There's Still Time

The season of Lent began today and there's still time for you to make it to our Ash Wednesday service at 7:00pm.

If you are like 80% of the population, you may have already abandoned the resolutions you made at New Year's. Fear not, tonight is an opportunity to begin again or to choose something new to do over these next forty-days, something that will bring growth and maturity to your spiritual life.

If Lent is a new thing for you, come on out and learn more about it. You may just find something new and helpful to you.

February 4, 2008

No News is Good News!

What a busy time it has been for me and Holy Cross MCC. We had our annual business meeting last week and Sunday was packed full of so many blessings that I just had to stop and acknowledge God's faithfulness.
We celebrated birthdays and anniversarys and Butch and John hold the honor of the couple with the most years together with a big 36!
We witnessed the Baptism of Karen, one of five new members we recieved on Sunday.
We installed new Board members and Lay Delegates.
And then we cheered the New York Giants to victory in the Super Bowl.
God is good - all the time!!!

Today's devotional was funny..........are you more like the husband or the wife????

Have a blessed week and I hope to see you all for our Ash Wednesday Service this week at 7:00pm.

January 22, 2008

Solid Relationships

Today's devotional speaks of relationships that help keep us grounded and accountable. We're intentional about building such relationships at Holy Cross MCC. On Wednesday night in the small groups and in the cafe after the Celebrate Recovery service is a good opportunity to make and build solid relationships.

I am blessed to have solid relationships that help keep me grounded and accountable. They also nurture, support and encourage me. Praise be to God for that gift. I hope you have such people in your life, people who bring out your best, know who you really are, understand and support God's will for your life, and love you no matter what. Give thanks for them and cherish them and let them know how important they are to you.

I'm off to do that now..............

January 14, 2008


What a great day it was yesterday. It's hard to know where to begin...from the music to the renewal of baptismal vows to nine in membership class. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! And to top it off we have a sister who wants to be baptized next Sunday.

In case you missed part two on the Road to Recovery, the bottom-line of the sermon was:
God exists,
God knows you,
God cares about you, and
God has the power to change your life!
Believe in and receive God's help.

If you want to know more join us Wednesday night at 7:00pm as we Celebrate Recovery.

Have a blessed week and remember to let God be in control.

January 7, 2008

Let It Go!

This was sent to me and I have no idea if TD Jakes said it or not, but it is awesome and such good advise. Maybe it will help some of you understand more where I'm coming from on some issues. Enjoy!

By T. D. Jakes

There are people who can walk away from you.
And hear me when I tell you this! When people can walk
Away from you: let them walk.
I don't want you to try to talk another person into staying with you,
Loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you,
Staying attached to you.
I mean hang up the phone.
When people can walk away from you let them walk.
Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left.
The Bible said that, they came out from us that it might
Be made manifest that they were not for us.
For had they been of us, no doubt they
Would have continued with us. [1 John 2:19]
People leave you because they are not joined to you.
And if they are not joined to you, you can't make them stay.
Let them go.
And it doesn't mean that they are a bad person it just means
That their part in the story is over. And you've got
To know when people's part in your story is over so that you
Don't keep trying to raise the dead.
You've got to know when it's dead.
You've got to know when it's over. Let me tell you something.
I've got the gift of good-bye. It's the tenth spiritual gift,
I believe in good-bye. It's not that I'm hateful,
it's that I'm faithful, and I know whatever God
Means for me to have He'll give it to me.
And if it takes too much sweat I don't need it.
Stop begging people to stay.
Let them go!!
If you are holding on to something that doesn't belong to you
And was never intended for your life, then you need to......
If you are holding on to past hurts and pains ......
If someone can't treat you right, love you back,
And see your worth.....
If someone has angered you,
If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge......
If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction......
If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets
Your needs or talents
If you have a bad attitude.......
If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better......
If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to take
You to a new level in Him........
If you are struggling with the healing of a broken relationship.......
If you keep trying to help someone who won't even
Try to help themselves......
If you're feeling depressed and stressed .........
If there is a particular situation that you are so used to
Handling yourself and God is saying
"take your hands off of it," then you need to......
Let the past be the past. Forget the former things.
GOD is doing a new thing for this New Year!
Get Right or Get Left .. Think about it, and then,
"The Battle is the Lord's!"

In Case You Missed Yesterday

What a great start we made on the Road to Recovery. In case you missed it, step one is to

Realize that I am not God!

We talked about the many ways we all try to play God at times and how that brings fear, frustration, fatigue and failure to our lives. The solution is to stop trying to do God's job and focus instead on what God has called each of us to be...which is not the General Manager of the Universe!!!

The truth is that God created us with a need for God and others in our lives. It's not only okay but it is essential that we learn to ask for, receive and offer help. It's very freeing to know that we do not have to do it all on our own.

As I said yesterday, I want Holy Cross MCC to be a place where it is safe to be open and honest about who we are...not only lifting up our strengths, but exposing our weaknesses as well. It is when we admit our weaknesses that we become strong.

So don't miss out on this exciting journey. Join us Wednesday night as we Celebrate Recovery together. And next Sunday's sermon will be on Where to Go to Get Help When You Are Hurting. Life hurts.....but there is relief.

This is a good opportunity to invite others to join you at church. Millions of people in the US are in recovery. Let's not only celebrate that but let's join in.

Have a blessed week and remember to give God the control of your life.

January 6, 2008

Road Trip

Okay, you're awake, now get dressed and meet me at 3130 W Fairfield Drive for a trip on the Road to Recovery. We're beginning today at 10:00. And just in case you're thinking this is not for you then think again. This trip includes recovering not only drinking and using, but overworking, overeating, overspending, grief, guilt, anger, rage, fear, anxiety, divorce, break-up, abuse, sexual addiction, codependency, insecurity, perfectionism, hypochondria, hurtful relationships, gambling, lying, procrastination....and the need to control. Now tell me you don't need help in one or more of those areas!

The truth is, we all need help from God and each other. God made us that way. You don't have to deal with these issues on your own. Accept your humanness and join us. YOUR PLACE IS SAVED at Holy Cross MCC.

January 1, 2008

The Last Sunday of 2007

Thanks Jackie for capturing the beauty and peace in our sanctuary last Sunday. We are so blessed.

What a beautiful picture of our choir and our Bobby.

Happy New Year!

What a wonderful end to 2007 and beginning of 2008. This is the first time in years that I have attended a Watch Night service and I truly enjoyed it. As Mike said tonight, "It's so good to be home." I didn't realize how many gatherings we missed during our almost three years of displacement until we were blessed with our new home. It has been so comforting to be home for the holidays and to be able to have company over.

As we looked back over last year and gave thanks and let go, an incredible peace came over the sanctuary. Truly we are blessed as we begin a new year of ministry together. I looked around the room and remembered the wise words of Rev. Elder Don Eastman, "The juice is worth the squeeze."

Have a Happy New Year - let God be in control.