September 23, 2015

Good Sunday's Make Better Monday's

As we continue with our "I Love Sunday" series, this week we'll be digging deeper into how to have a good - if not great Sunday. As with most things in life, preparation pays off. So the foundation of a great Sunday actually begins on Saturday. No, I'm not asking you to give more time, but to invest a little time on Saturday to save some time and stress on Sunday. It's about making little changes that can produce a big difference.

What a wonderful time we had on National Back to Church Sunday! We invited our family and friends and many of them came!! Hopefully that will encourage us to make inviting others a regular part of our week. Thanks to everyone who helped make Sunday such a success. Know that you are loved and appreciated. I'll close with Galatians 6:9-10 from The Message: "So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith."

Just as we focused on guests last Sunday, let's reach out to those who have been away from Cornerstone for whatever reason. Let's be sure to include them and invite them back to church this Sunday. It takes all of us for us to be at our best. Remind them they belong at Cornerstone!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

September 16, 2015

Sunday's Can Surprise You

Did you know that Sunday is meant to be the best day of your week? It's true. Once upon a time almost everything stopped on Sunday. It was indeed a day of family, faith, rest, and renewal. It was the best day of the week. Some of you have fond memories of days gone by, and others can't even imagine such a world. That's because the world has changed and every day is pretty much the same.

Not everyone has Sunday me....I've worked on Sunday for almost 21 years now. So instead of thinking of Sunday as that day of renewal, we must set aside another day to observe our Sabbath. The important thing is to choose a day in which you feed your spirit, rest your body and listen for the voice of the Lord. For me that day is Friday. But if you're off on Sunday then that is the best day because you have the opportunity to go to church.

You may be surprised at some of the benefits of attending church. I'll be sharing some of those in my sermon this week. And thanks to technology, you can experience church even if you can't be there by watching our internet broadcast, either live or after the fact. It's not the same, but it's the next best thing.

On this "National Back to Church Sunday" we begin a new "I Love Sundays" series. The topics are:

  • Week 2 Good Sundays Make Better Mondays
  • Week 3 Better Sundays Make Better Families
  • Week 4 Sundays Can Change Your Eternity
  • Week 5 How Sundays Changed the World

So invite someone to join you this Sunday and maybe they will rekindle their love for the best day of the week. And if you work on Sunday, choose a day for your Sabbath. Watch the service on-line and be blessed. The important thing is to take a day of nourishment for your soul. God is waiting to share that day with you.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

September 2, 2015

Daring to Wait in God

Few things are more irritating than waiting. All of the advances in technology haven't helped. They've spoiled us to faster, faster, faster. Yet waiting is an important part of life and developing character. Our inability to wait is the cause of so many problems in our lives. We want immediate gratification and we'll even pay more if we don't have to wait.

Perhaps the greatest challenge comes when we're in God's waiting room. We often become like children and get frustrated and pouty when we're waiting on God. It's as though we forget the promise from Isaiah 40:31 that as we wait upon the Lord our strength is renewed, we mount up with wings as eagles, we run and not grow weary, and we walk and not faint. God doesn't waste our time - especially our times of waiting.

Join us Sunday as we complete our Daring Faith series by focusing on Daring to Wait on God. This may be one of the hardest lessons of all. But it's time we shifted our thinking from the frustration of waiting to the blessing of waiting. If you know someone who's in God's waiting room and they've become frustrated, invite them to join you Sunday. I've got good news to share!

Rev Sandy, Pastor