April 23, 2014

Thank You

What a wonderful way to spend my birthday - with Cornerstone and Jason & deMarco! I appreciate the gifts and note cards. And how about that polka dot cake? It was a fun and memorable evening and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!

Also I would like to thank everyone who made Holy Week so moving and meaningful. Easter was such a joyful celebration! We had record attendance and the energy was electrifying!! And what a delicious Easter Feast....turkey, dressing and all the fixings. We even had a sockit- to-me cake. Special thanks to Jim and all who brought those delicious dishes. Thanks to Jackie, Freddie and Andrea for the egg hunt for our children. Thanks to Paul and all who helped to get the building and grounds looking so good. And thanks to Pastor McClary for the awesome pew cushions. We are so blessed!!!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

April 16, 2014

The Real Resurrection!

Last year millions of Americans watched "The Bible" mini-series. This year millions are watching "Noah" "Son of God" "Resurrection" and "Heaven is for Real". Even though Hollywood's depiction is not always factual, they do have people talking about the tenets of the Christian faith.

Spiritually speaking, this is an open door for us to talk about our faith. We can answer or find answers to questions our family, friends, neighbors and co-workers may have. Based on those conversations it's easy to know if people are connected to a church. If they do not have a church home then invite them to Cornerstone where they can celebrate the REAL Resurrection. Many people are waiting on someone to invite them to church, especially for Easter.

Tonight we will have a special service centered around Judas, often called "The Betrayer". Of all life's pains, betrayal is one of the deepest wounds we suffer. The last part of the service will provide an opportunity for forgiveness and healing. Both the betrayer and the betrayed carry wounds. Come and lay down your burden and allow your heart to heal.

Thursday night is the Jason and DeMarco Concert. We are so blessed to have them with us during this Holy Week. The concert is free and a love offering will be received. Also they will have merchandise available for purchase. Let's come out and support their ministry. This is another great opportunity to invite someone to join you. Who doesn't enjoy great music?

Friday night is one of my favorite services. We will gather inside to hear the story once again. This year six characters who were there will tell the story. You will have an opportunity to be anointed with oil by Mary, have your hand washed by Peter, and receive Communion from Judas. There will also be gifts from Mary, the mother of Jesus, the Centurion soldier, and a candle from Salome, who will lead us from the sanctuary to outside. There will be a display of the cross. You are invited to place candles, flowers, notes and other mementos at the foot of the cross. Music will be played and chairs will be available for you to spend time at the cross.

Sunday at 10:00am is the children's egg hunt. The lawn cross will be full of lilies and flowers to remind us that Jesus rose from the dead! Jesus is the REAL Resurrection and Life!! And in Christ we have victory over death!!! Don't miss out on the event that stopped the clock and reset the calendar, the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

April 9, 2014

Palm Sunday - Holy Week Begins

Six characters that were part of the first Holy Week will be with us in worship this Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter. I want to encourage you to attend as many of the services and events as possible. Sunday we will celebrate what is called "Jesus' Triumphant Ride into Jerusalem". If we step back from the crowd shouting, "Hosanna!" we discover Jesus riding in humility, on the back of a donkey.

Our text from Philippians 2:1-11 reads, "You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a servant, and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal's death on a cross."

What is God asking of you right now? And are you willing to humble yourself in obedience to God? Just as Jesus died and lived again, each time we die to self we live again. Winter is over. Spring is here. God has new life planned for each of us. So rearrange your schedule and make worship a priority this Holy Week. Come and receive your blessing!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

April 2, 2014

Jesus Wept

The death of a friend or loved one brings us to tears. By the time Jesus arrived at the home of Mary and Martha, their brother Lazarus had died. It brought tears to Jesus even though He knew He would raise Lazarus from the dead. Some of us are still weeping for our brother Earl, even though we know that he too will be raised from the dead. Death brings tears, but that is not the end of the story.

The good news is that God can breath life to death. Jesus can breath life to death. The Holy Spirit can breath life to death. And with Christ in us, our words and actions can breath life to those who are dead in their trespasses. Join us Sunday as we allow the breath of God to being new life to us so that we may go forth and share the good news of new life.

This Sunday the choir gets to sit and worship as the Praise Team leads us in worship. It's Birthday and Anniversary Sunday too. So come and celebrate God's love and life for all - but especially for YOU! You belong at Cornerstone.

Rev Sandy, Pastor