May 24, 2016

The Blessing of God Saying No

If there's one thing we don't like to hear, it's no. We want what we want, when we want it, and we expect God to agree with us. Yet we know that we can't always get what we want. How do we handle such moments? Do we sulk, or throw a fit, or plead with God? Or have we learned the good news that blessings come from such moments?

When God says no, there are always good reasons why. Join us Sunday as we focus on the blessings of no. It might help you to accept that answer and work with the Holy Spirit to receive your blessing. I hope to see you at 10:45am. You belong at Cornerstone.

Rev Sandy

May 11, 2016

What To Do While Waiting on God

Sunday we celebrate Pentecost and the birth of the church. Before Jesus ascended back to heaven he gave the disciples a massive task - to go into all the world and preach the good news of the gospel. Jesus instructed the disciples to go back to Jerusalem and wait for a very special gift, a gift of power to do what they were commissioned to do. It was the gift of the Holy Spirit poured out on people in a new way.

What did they do as they waited on the Holy Spirit? What can Cornerstone do as she waits on pastoral leadership to arrive? Join us Sunday for empowering, Spirit filled worship. Come ready to receive a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit. As is the custom of some on Pentecost Sunday, you may want to wear something red. Come and be encouraged as you wait upon God.

Rev Sandy

May 8, 2016

What's in a Name?

It's hard to know which came first, my name or my mission, but my name fits how I have spent my life. Years ago I devoted much time to choosing my son's name. Names are significant, especially God's. The Bible shares many names for God and if I had to choose just one, it would be I AM. That says it all, but what does it really mean?

Join us Sunday as we examine I AM. And since it's Mother's Day, I will also share some of feminine images of God from the Bible. God is certainly not bound by gender, especially one gender. The many names we use help us understand the mystery of God more. Come with an open heart and mind.

We'll also be blessed to share in the christening of a precious child this Sunday. Come and share in the joy.....and invite someone to join you.

Rev Sandy

April 20, 2016

Recognizing Jesus as Lord

What a great service we experienced last Sunday! I hope you've been busy encouraging people this week. If not, stop and look around. You will find people in need of encouragement all around you. As you bless them, you too will be blessed.

This Sunday we'll look at the gospel of John and the account of the risen Jesus appearing to Thomas. It's another beautiful story of recognizing Jesus, and this time it's our doubts. Some people believe that doubt has no place in our lives. But doubt can be and is a part of the faith journey. Join us Sunday and broaden your ideas about Thomas. He was way more than a doubter. He gave what can be considered the most powerful testimony of Jesus in the New Testament - Jesus and Lord and God.

Rev Sandy

April 7, 2016

Recognizing Jesus Through Ritual

Last Sunday we focused on Mary and how she recognized the resurrected Jesus when he called her by name. This week we focus on the Walk to Emmaus and how two disciples did not recognize Jesus until he broke bread with them. Even today, people still recognize Jesus through the sacrament of Holy Communion.

One question often asked at MCC is why we share Communion every week. We come from many church backgrounds and different traditions concerning the sacrament. I came from a tradition that shared The Lord's Supper once a quarter. Yet I have come to appreciate and desire sharing the sacrament each Sunday. I have seen people's eyes opened to recognize Jesus as we break bread together.

Join us Sunday as we dig into the story of two disciples who recognized the resurrected Jesus through the breaking of bread. Bring someone to church Sunday and invite them to share in the sacrament with you. Pray that they too may recognize Jesus as we worship together. 

Rev Sandy

April 1, 2016

Recognizing Jesus

One of the curiosities of the resurrected Jesus was that his closest friends and disciples did not immediately recognize him. That's always been a question in the back of my mind. I decided to take a close look at the appearances of Jesus after he rose from the grave and I'm excited to share that information with you. This Sunday we'll look at Jesus appearing to Mary. Initially she thought Jesus was a gardener. She recognized Jesus when she heard his voice as he called her by her name.

What a moment of rejoicing she and Jesus shared. How do we hear the voice of Jesus today? We live in such a busy, noisy world yet still we can hear from Jesus. Join us Sunday as we begin to explore ways to help us recognize Jesus. If you have a testimony of hearing from Jesus and you want to share it with the congregation this Sunday, drop me an email and let me know. Let us give witness to the good news, Jesus is alive and still speaks to us today!

Rev Sandy

March 23, 2016

Believe It or Not - We've Got the Power

On Easter Sunday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. This feat is what separates Christianity from other religions. We serve a Risen Savior! Have you ever thought about the power of the resurrection? Just rolling the stone away took tremendous power, not to mention bringing the dead back to life. It was a power packed event for sure.

I'll be preaching this week from a scripture that changed and empowered my life. It's found in the first chapter of Ephesians. I want it to change your life as well. Believe it or not, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in our lives too! Wow, what a difference knowing that truth brings. You have access to more power than you'll ever need to overcome this life, and yes, even your death. Let that truth sink in, access that power and live in victory.

Get your Easter outfit ready, invite someone to join you and come celebrate not only the resurrection of Jesus, but your own resurrection. Let the power that raised Jesus raise you to new life. Believe the good news - we've got the power!!!

Rev Sandy

March 18, 2016

Palm Sunday - Who is This?

As Jesus made his way into Jerusalem, he drew quite a crowd. It was a mixed crowd of followers who shouted, "Hosanna, blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!" and others who were asking, "Who is this?" The world hasn't changed so much some 2000 years later. Faithful followers of Jesus will gather all around the world this Sunday to remember the triumphant entry that begins our journey through Holy Week. Still others wonder who is this Jesus and why is this week so important.

This is one of two times each year when people's hearts and minds are open to meet this Jesus whom we love. Are we ready to tell them? Do you have an answer if someone asks you about Jesus? How do we tell the old, old story of Jesus and of love yet make it relevant to our time in history? These are great questions to think about as we move towards Easter.

I missed being with you last week and look forward to bringing the message this Palm Sunday. It's a great time to invite someone to come and here the good news of Jesus. Remember, the chance of them saying yes is greater too. So take courage and extend an invitation and the Holy Spirit will take it from there.

Rev Sandy

March 2, 2016

Lent - A Time for Dependence

After a wonderful celebration with our Black History service Sunday, we return to our Lenten journey. First we were reminded that Lent is a time of learning. Last week Rev Sara Sills reminded us that in times of challenge we need to get our praise on, and we did as we worshiped together. This Sunday we will focus on Lent as a time of dependence. When Jesus was in the wilderness he depended on angels to minister to him and the Word of God to protect him from giving into the temptations offered by the evil one.

Our text this week comes from the fourth chapter of Hebrews. It's another one of cherished texts. It helps us remember that like us, Jesus was tempted in all things. We too can depend upon God to send people and angels to minister to us. We too can use the Word of God to withstand the temptations of the evil one. But my guess is we spend more time praying for the temptations to be taken from us.

I challenge you to consider the value of wilderness experiences. It is in our times of struggle that our soul matures. Perhaps that is why the Spirit lead Jesus into his wilderness - to grow his soul to prepare him for public ministry. I also challenge you to listen for and consider your call to ministry. Are you willing to walk in the wilderness to prepare for what God is calling you to do? Cornerstone needs more people who are mature and ready to say yes to ministry.

At the meeting of the Board of Directors last Sunday, the Board moved to keep me on during this time of transition. I am honored to work with Cornerstone as long as God allows. So, I hope to see you in church this Sunday at 10:45am. Think of someone who's in the wilderness and invite them to come share in the good news - they don't have to walk alone. We're all in this together.

Rev Sandy

February 11, 2016

Lent - A Time for Learning

This Sunday we begin our Lenten Journey on which we slow down and contemplate some of life's most basic questions. After all the fun of Mardi Gras balls and parades, we can use such a time of reflection. May this poem help begin this time of slowing down...this time of spiritual renewal.
 Howard Thurman, an African American author, theologian, educator, and preacher influential on the civil rights movement. In his writing from "Meditations of the Heart", he reminds us of the importance of quite time, self-reflection and meditation.
How good it is to center down! To sit quietly and see one's self pass by!
The streets of our minds seethe with endless traffic;
Our spirits resound with clashings, with noisy silences,
While something deep within hungers and thirsts for the still moment and the resting lull.
With full intensity we seek, ere the quiet passes, a fresh sense of order in our living;
A direction, a strong sure purpose that will structure our confusion and bring meaning in our chaos.
We look at ourselves in this waiting moment - the kinds of people we are.
The questions persist: what are we doing with our lives? - what are the motives that order our days? What is the end of our doings? Where are we trying to go? Where do we put the emphasis and where are our values focused? For what end do we make sacrifices?
Where is my treasure and what do I love most in life? What do I hate most in life and to what am I true? Over and over the questions beat in upon the waiting moment.
As we listen, floating up through all the jangling echoes of our turbulence, there is a sound of another kind - A deeper not which only the stillness of the heart makes clear. It moves directly to the core of our being. Our questions are answered,
With the peace of the Eternal in our step.
How good it is to center down!”
Rev Sandy

February 4, 2016

What's Next?

What a wonderful time we enjoyed last week as we celebrated Rev Sandy's retirement. Worship was moving, the luncheon was delicious and we had lots of fun at the bowling party. We even received the good news that Rev Sandy will be with us during this month to train new Board members and help with worship.

So what comes next? MCC will be working with the Board to assess our immediate need for leadership during our time of transition, and will begin working with the Pastoral Search Committee as they begin their important task of searching for our next Pastor.

In the meantime we will continue to have church and to be the church. We ask your continued prayers as we seek to move forward. Join us this Sunday for another sermon from Rev Sandy. Things will be a little different but in many ways still the same. Let's join together and give witness that Cornerstone is alive and well and expecting continued blessings on our ministry.

January 29, 2016

The Most Excellent Way

Sunday will be the last sermon I preach as the Pastor of Cornerstone MCC. I have given much thought as to what I would like it to be. I have prayed and asked what God would have it to be. And I came up empty. So I decided to do what I did for the first sermon I preached in Corpus Christi twenty-one years ago - I consulted the lectionary. And as God would have it, I'm preaching from I Corinthians 13, one of my favorite text. 

Most of us live good or very good lives and God is calling us to strive for a more excellent way of living and serving. It is the way of love. In our culture we think we fall in and out of love as fate dictates. But in God's truth, we have control and the power to choose love. I'm not suggesting that love is easy, but I do believe love is worth the effort. I also believe that the more you love, the easier it becomes.

Join us Sunday as we seek to learn more of the most excellent way - the way of love.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

January 20, 2016

Relationships Make the Church

I think we can all agree that relationships are hard and require work. We get to choose most of our relationships. But when it comes to the church, we are called to live in relationships with each other and to build relationships with new people as they enter the church. To quote Rev Elder Don Eastman, "People come to church for many reason; they stay for the relationships they form." I have found this to be true.

This Sunday we will examine what makes for healthy and holy relationships. As the church goes through the transition of pastoral leadership, relationships within the church are especially important. My last two sermons as your Pastor will give you an opportunity to focus on what Jesus said matters most - loving relationships. They make the church. And they will sustain the church during and beyond this time of change.

I cherish the time we have left together and hope to see you Sunday.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

January 17, 2016

Ready or Not, New Beginnings Arrive

We complete our New Beginnings series this week and I have found it helpful for life and also for my fast approaching retirement from ministry with MCC. Some new beginnings are planned and some take us by surprise. Either way, the door is always open and when we walk through it we find that God has gone before us and paved the way.

Our services this year have been awesome and powerful and I anticipate another time of sweet anointing this Sunday. I know it's a busy weekend with a number of MG Balls, but I hope that won't be an obstacle to the blessing that awaits you at Cornerstone MCC. We also have our annual meeting at 1:00pm. As I said to the members last Sunday, even if you can't make it to church, be sure to make the meeting.

Are you ready for your new beginning? Behold, God is making all things new....including me and you! I hope to see you Sunday.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

January 6, 2016

Forget It!

In the first chapter of first Corinthians we are told that God has chosen the foolishness of preaching to save those who believe. Last week I preached on remembering and this week is on forgetting. The truth is they go hand in hand and both are important parts of preparing for new beginnings. There is a time and place for everything and the trick is to know when and what to remember and forget.
What an awesome time of worship we enjoyed last Sunday. If you missed it you can watch in online. I believe some of our best times of worship together will be this month. God is preparing us for new beginnings so come and be blessed! And bring someone with you.

Rev Sandy, Pastor