July 18, 2012

Rest and Renewal

Well I made it to Texas safely, with a day to rest before class begins. Rest is such an important part of our lives, yet often it ends up low on the priority list. One of the joys of my working part-time after 17 years of work, work and more work, I am remembering the benefits of rest. I would like to encourage you to find where rest is on your list and move it up to a higher place. Look at your schedule for this weekend and try to add rest to it.
Rest will guide you to a place of renewal. So will being at Cornerstone this Sunday. I can hardly wait! Susie and Linda will be with us for a time of spiritual renewal. Which we all need. I have been preaching every Sunday since February...and you have been faithfully listening lol. So come and sit and soak in this life-giving ministry. You will be blessed. 

Every Sunday is an opportunity to invite and bring someone to church. I invite you to add that to your priorities as well. Let's fill up the pews Sunday!

Rev Sandy, Interim Pastoral Leader

July 11, 2012

A Teaching Church

The first century church was a teaching church. And we need to be one as well. I am excited to tell you we are creating a new opportunity for spiritual growth at Cornerstone MCC. Instead of small groups, we will have growth groups that follow school semesters with breaks in between. In the Fall we will have a church wide study and in Spring and Summer, groups will choose topics they want to study. 

Jesus said we are to go...and preach...and baptize...and teach. Which reminds me of the christening of baby Jordan on Sunday. Not only did we bless that family, it was an opportunity to learn of that tradition in the Christian faith. With the theological diversity among us, there's always something to teach and learn at MCC.

If you didn't play 5 Words on Sunday, share with me five words that describe worship at Cornerstone MCC. Be sure to join us Sunday as we learn more about the early church and how we can be the church God desires us to be. May we continue to be a growing, healing, bold and teaching church.

Rev Sandy, Interim Pastoral Leader

July 4, 2012

Boldness to do the Right Thing

A growing church and a healing church is also a bold church. Peter was bold to stop and heal the man outside the Gate Beautiful, but that was just the beginning. He was arrested for acting out his faith and doing good. Then he really had to be bold as he went before the court to stand trial. His boldness paid off and he was free to continue his ministry.

When was the last time you got in trouble for doing something good because it challenged the status quo? Did it make you feel bold? Did it free you to continue your ministry?

Join us Sunday as we continue with our journey through the book of Acts and discover what boldness can bring to our church. And think about boldly inviting someone to join you. It may be the nicest things you could do for them - and Cornerstone!

Happy 4th of July. Thank God for the boldness of those who founded the USA. Thank God for the boldness of our military. Join me in praying for that day when we ALL shall be free!

Rev Sandy, Interim Pastoral Leader