June 24, 2015

We Believe!

This week we're going back to the basics as we celebrate that which we believe. The disciples did a great job of boldly going into the world to share the good news of the gospel. In so doing, they laid the foundation for what came to be the Christian church.

Join us for a time of remembering and celebrating our faith. And to get you in the mood, check out this Newsboy song: "We Believe" http://youtu.be/WjZ01FcK0yk. This is a great Sunday to invite someone new to come and hear the good news. People make a lot of assumptions about our church and our beliefs. Let's boldly proclaim that which we believe.

It's potluck Sunday so bring something to add to the table. Let's celebrate the great cooks we have at Cornerstone!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

June 16, 2015

Bold Obedience

This week we conclude our Bold series and I've saved the hardest point for last. Over the last three weeks we have opened our hearts and minds to the truth that it takes Amazing Boldness to answer God's call on our lives and church. We speak boldly, we pray boldly and we obey God boldly.

Obedience is not a popular word in our culture for it means submitting to another's authority. We seem to enjoy telling others, "You're not the boss of me!" That may work with people, but not with God! When we choose to disobey God, we miss out on a blessing. God moves on to someone else and they get the blessing we could have enjoyed. Either way, God's plan and work continues with or without us.

Can you imagine what God could do through our church if just 10% more of the congregation chose bold obedience? We would be amazed I am sure! If you're ready to move forward on your spiritual journey, obedience is a great way to grow. More importantly, it pleases God.

Join us Sunday as we explore this important discipline. And should you decide to join the 10% More Club please let me know so I can lift you in prayer. I'll be looking for you at 10:45am!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

June 10, 2015

Bold Prayer

As we continue with our Bold series, this week we focus on bold prayer. After Peter and John were chastised by the religious leaders for preaching and praying in Jesus name, they boldly said they would not stop. Now that's pretty bold. And as they shared their experience with the other disciples, they all joined together and prayed.

Did they pray to be left alone? Did they pray for protection? Or for God to strike down their opposers? No, they prayed for more boldness! This week we will examine their prayer and we can use it as a model to inspire us to pray with greater boldness. Prayer still changes people and situations. Bold prayer brings forth bold changes.

Join us Sunday at 10:45am as we come together to worship God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them! God who hears and answers prayer.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

June 3, 2015

Bold Speaking

In the beginning God said, “Let there be light" and there was light. The spoken word has creative power. That's why the words we speak are so important. Some of us are bold in our speech yet we give little though to what we say and the effect of our words. Some of us think a lot of what to say but then for numerous reasons we fail to speak up on the matter.

As we continue our BOLD series we will be looking at how boldly speaking the truth is what gave birth and life to the first century church. Each Sunday I give thanks for all the gifts given by the congregation that week. I refer to time, talent, treasure and truth. We are called to boldly speak the truth, and we are to do so in love.

Our words have power. What we say and how we say it matters. Pay attention to the words you speak throughout the rest of this week. And pay special attention to the words you do not speak and why. Let us be bold in speaking words of hope and healing, and silent in speaking words that hurt and damage others. And remember, Proverbs 21:23 says that the one who keeps their mouth and tongue keeps their soul from troubles!

Let's boldly celebrate God's love in Christ for all as we worship together Sunday at 10:45am. Do someone a favor, let them know they belong at Cornerstone and invite them to join us.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

Amazing Boldness!

With our buckets full and running over, what's next? If we follow in the steps of the disciples, what comes next is boldness. After the Holy Spirit filled the disciples at Pentecost, they had a bold job to do. Jesus commissioned them to take the gospel to all people. And they had to begin right there in Jerusalem, where the threat of danger was the greatest. They could have been disobedient and played it safe by choosing to begin in a safer city, but they would have missed the life God had planned for them. Instead, they were obedient and bold in their mission and they changed the world!

God is calling us to change our world and we don't want to miss what God has planned for us either. Saying yes to God requires obedience and brings boldness. Join us over the next four weeks for a new series titled BOLD. As we look at the early church, may their boldness become so contagious among us that we cannot help but live and share God's love in Christ for all!

Rev Sandy, Pastor