April 26, 2008


What do you think about this definition?

-gentleness: the quality of trusting God to do the work of changing people

Tomorrow's sermon has a lot of good stuff in it so be sure to get up and go to church in the morning. Peter challenges us to exchange our way of doing things for God's way....which is always so much better. God's way leads to gentleness, kindness, mercy, just to mention a few.

In this time of spring, prepare the soil of your heart so new growth will come forth. Jesus longs to produce the fruit of the Spirit in you...are you ready to for that?

April 18, 2008

Old Chinese Proverb

In case you missed today's devotional I don't want to miss out on this!

"Blessed are they that laugh at themselves...
for they shall never cease to be entertained."

Now you know why I laugh so much!!! Have a blessed day....and keep entertaining yourself.

April 16, 2008

Some Thoughts on Following

"His sheep follow Him because they know His voice." John 10:4

Today's devotional goes hand-in-hand with Sundays sermon. The Holy Spirit is so good at that!

While I was looking at some pictures of sheep last week I was reminded of my trip to Ireland in 1990. On a number of occasions we would have to stop and wait for the sheep to cross or move off the road. It took the voice of their shepherd for them to move.

Oh that we would move at the voice of Jesus, the Good Shepherd. Instead we move at the voice of our desires and wishes and we find ourselves away from the safety and comfort of the flock. The first thing we do is blame God and/or others for the situation we are in. When we have had enough we return to the fold where we are receive and fully accepted. And we repeat that pattern time and time again until we learn to move at the voice of Jesus and Jesus only.
Thanks to all who listened and followed on Sunday. Our need was met because of YOU! Receive your blessing with joy for God has promised to open the windows of heaven and shower you blessing upon blessing!
May listen, hear and follow Jesus more closely each day.

April 8, 2008

O Happy Day!

Who knew Michael could sing like that???? The Choir did a great job on that song and it fit the sermon so well. No matter what happens today or tomorrow we always have reason to rejoice for we have salvation in Jesus! When we look up instead of down we have the strength to resist negativity and discouragement. What an incredible resource we have been given. So look up today and be strong in the Lord.