September 25, 2013

THIS Friday, Saturday and Sunday - Camp Meeting!

Originating in England, camp meetings became a movement across the US in the early nineteenth century, and continue to this day. There are permanent camp grounds for such meetings; however many are three day events at a local church. It is a time of coming together from different churches and cities for worship and fellowship. People from MCC in New Orleans and Barton Rouge are registered and I am hoping to be surprised with some from Montgomery and Florida too.

Our guest preacher for the weekend is Rev J.R. Finney, Pastor of Covenant Birmingham UCC. We are excited to hear the messages God has laid on his heart for us:


There will be special music and a time to pray together in the services. Many are praying for a powerful time of healing and renewal. The Holy Spirit always shows up at camp meeting! Of course there will be food all weekend! But we still need help so sign-up today.

  • Friday night, after the service we will host a reception for Rev Finney and all of our guests. Sign-up at VolunteerSpot to bring something or help.
  • Saturday BBQ Dinner before service (donation $10 adults/$5 kids, students, seniors). Sign-up at VolunteerSpot to bring something or help.
  • Pot-luck Luncheon after service. Sign-up at VolunteerSpot to bring something or help.

Camp Meeting is a great time to invite family and friends to join you. Scripture says God prepares the hearts of those we are to invite....our part is simply to ask. So here is my personal invitation for you who are reading this: please join me for one or more of our camp meeting services. I believe there's a blessing that has been prepared just for YOU! View our poster here.

All services will be broadcast live.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

September 18, 2013

What if There's a Greater Purpose?

We all question at times "Who am I? What am I here on this earth to do?" As we discovered last week, we can get distracted and pulled in many directions. This week we affirm our own individual purpose in the light of who God calls us to be. In a world full of need and with a God of provision, our purpose is to help meet needs in the name of God. Each of us has a unique role to play in filling our purpose. Do you know your unique calling? Do you have a personal mission statement to help you focus on your purpose?

Join us Sunday, September 22, at 10:45am as we affirm our identity as disciples of the One who heard the call and answered, "Here Am I!"

You can also watch our live broadcast.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

September 11, 2013

I Don’t Want to Miss What Matters

What really matters? So many things seem to require our attention in this life journey. We have to be intentional in deciding what really matters to us personally and as a church. While there are hundreds, if not thousands of good things we could be doing, what really matters right now is that we practice radical hospitality, passionate worship, intentional discipleship, risk- taking outreach and service, and extravagant generosity.

If that's our mission and what really matters, the bottom-line question is on which team are you gifted and called to serve? Don't let life fly by and miss what matters most to your life, Cornerstone and God.  You have a divine appointment this Sunday, September 15, and every Sunday at 10:45am. And that's what matters most on Sunday!

If you can not attend, watch our live broadcast.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

September 4, 2013

I Try to Stay Awake

Last Sunday we decided to move beyond population one and to begin to live outside our own little world. That requires that we wake up to the world around us and we wake up as the church. It's easier to stay unaware of the heartache and pain in our world. But that requires us to become numb, living our lives as if asleep. And when we are numb, it affects the way we experience the fullness of God's abundant blessings and promises, even and especially in the midst of pain. The good news is we can wake up and truly live. We can wake up as a church and reclaim hope and the power to make a difference in our world.

So wake up early Sunday morning and join us as we seek to open our hearts and minds to a world that needs hope and a church that loves to give it in abundance.

Rev Sandy, Pastor