July 28, 2011

How We Help Each Other Grow

Listening to sermons that tell us what we should be doing - without telling us how to do it have always left me wanting for more. If that's you then you're in luck this Sunday. During our 40 Days of Community we have been reminded that we are better together, we really do need each other, reaching in helps us reach out, and we want to be relationship builders; this week it's how we help each other grow.

Growth is a beautiful thing. I am amazed at how the pumpkin patch is growing with all of this rain! As rain helps vines grow, we help each other grow. God is calling us to growth and maturity. As we grow spiritually more people experience the good news of the gospel.

It's exciting each week to see the stats on the live broadcast. We had 14 computers logged on Sunday, and some had more than one person watching! I'll share two exciting things I heard this week. One is that Joel and Charles got up early (7am Pacific Time) to worship with us. They so enjoyed it. Then Chris (Charles) told me his mom and dad watched it and they loved it. So praise be to God, we are reaching out beyond our walls with our worship.

Remember, this is a 5th Sunday so we'll be having one blended service (Choir and Praise Team) at 10:00 followed by a pot-luck dinner. Bring whatever you can and let's break bread together and practice helping each other to grow...spiritually that is!

July 20, 2011

Live Broadcasting

You can join Holy Cross MCC on the Internet for Sunday Worship at 9:00am. Go to www.holycrossmcc.com and click on the picture of the stained glass window to enter worship!

July 15, 2011

Lights, Camera, Action!

For at least five years we have had a vision to broadcast our services on-line. Finally the vision is coming to pass! The sight of the video camera in the sanctuary last Sunday has some folks concerned about their privacy. I want to assure you that your privacy is of upmost importance to me and Holy Cross MCC. The goal is to film those on the platform, not those in the congregation. During Communion the camera is focused on the power point presentation, not on the people coming forward for to receive the Sacrament. If you still have concerns I would suggest you not walk directly in front of the camera but use the center or other side aisle.

I remember the Annual Congregational Meeting in which we considered purchasing the electronic sign for this property. A number of people were concerned about protecting their privacy then. We voted to buy the sign and no harm has come to anyone from that decision. In much the same way, no harm will come to anyone in worship because of the live steam we are now doing on Sunday mornings.

The blessing of the live stream is that people who cannot be with us physically in worship can now worship with us via our website. Whether you're traveling, working or ill you do not have to miss church. If you have family and friends you would like to introduce to our church, the live stream is a safe way for them to check us out. The services are archived in the same format as before except you now have a choice of audio or video, and it's the whole service, not just the sermon.

In essence we now have a better tool to take the good news of the gospel to more people. We do so out of love for them, yet with concern and care for you.

Thank you for your prayers last week in my time of sickness.

I hope to see you in church this Sunday!

July 6, 2011

Fast or Far?

Recently I have been getting up early to go walk for 30 minutes. I listen to a mps as a lady reads scripture and the music sets the tempo for the walk. When I do this I feel better. I have more energy. I drink more water. I think more about the food I eat. It's a great way to begin my day and a good way to get healthier.

Our 40 Days of Community is a way to get healthier as a faith community. The truth is, God created us to live in community. Even with our efforts at individuality, we still need each other because that is the way God made us. If you don't believe that then be sure to be here Sunday to learn what God's word says about the matter.runner 2

I'll leave you with an old Zambian proverb I'll be using Sunday. "When you run alone you run fast. But when you run together you run far." We have come a long way - and we have far to go - won't you join us?

See you Sunday!