December 30, 2015

New Beginnings

In addition to the new beginnings that a new year brings, both Cornerstone and I have new beginnings coming our way. As we have known for almost a year now, I will be retiring from the ministry at the end of January. I would like to use this three week sermon series to help us prepare spiritually for this change.

I want to encourage you to make church attendance a priority. Transitions can be times of both blessing and challenge. Your presence will make a positive difference as we move through this month. Hold onto this scripture as the winds of change blow our way.

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love God". 1 Corinthians 2:9

Rev Sandy, Pastor

December 23, 2015

Happy Old Year!

Before we get all excited to welcome in a new year, let's take time to say goodbye to 2015. What kind of year has this been for you? Probably a mixture of good and bad, joyful and sad. No matter what, God has seen you through it all and will be with you in the year that lies ahead.

Sunday I'll be preaching from the seventh chapter of Ecclesiastes. It's called "Wisdom for Life" and it reminds us that God is still God, we are still God's people, and God is always with us no matter what comes our way.

Join us at 10:45am as we say Happy Old Year and prepare ourselves for a Happy New Year.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

December 16, 2015

Starlight Over Bethlehem

It's the fourth Sunday of Advent and there's music in the air. The choir has been busy preparing to bless us with the gift of music in our regular service at 10:45am and again at 6:00pm. It's also the time to focus on love. For God so loved the world that God sent Jesus. What a gift!

Christmas is the time to generously share the love of God, not just with our family and friends, but with the world. I invite you to join in giving the gift of clean water in Jesus name. Cornerstone has funded the digging of three wells in India and this will be number four. Please mark your donation as "Water" and be a part of touching the world with the love and knowledge of Jesus.

It still amazes me that God sent Jesus as a tiny, vulnerable, needy little baby....just like us. I hope you enjoy this video as much as I:

Rev Sandy, Pastor

December 4, 2015

The Way of Peace

What an awesome service last week! This week, on the second Sunday of Advent our focus shifts from hope to peace. Never have I witnessed the world more in need of peace than now. It seems that agitation, disagreement, frustration, hatred, worry and war abound. But for every situation, God has a solution. Jesus is the Prince of Peace and brings peace in the midst of our storms.

Jesus calls the Church to live in peace and to help rebuild peace. The good news we hear from scripture this week is that we can be guided in the way of peace. We can walk in love instead of hatred, reconciliation instead of separation, and harmony instead of discord. God always gives us a choice. Are you ready to choose the way of peace? If so, step off the way of disagreement, fighting, and agitation and step into the way peace.

Don't be late this Sunday or you'll miss a powerful Call to Worship by Yolanda, someone new to our church. I'll be looking for you at 10:45am.

Rev Sandy, Pastor