August 28, 2007

Being Thankful For One Another

As I prepare for Wednesday night's lesson I am reminded of all the people in my life for whom I am grateful. People that I may often seem to take for granted, but people who make me smile when I think of them...people who challenge me so that I might grow...people with the rare ability to love me unconditionally...people who pray for me...people who respect me... people who walk with me....people who follow me....and thank God, people who lead me.

I encourage you to take some time and give thanks to God for the people in your life for whom you are grateful. Then be sure to let them know how you feel. We are going to take some time to do that Wednesday night. I hope you'll join us.

August 27, 2007

Anonymous Comments

I prefer not to post anonymous comments on my blog. I prefer direct dealing. If you have something worth saying, please own it and send me an e-mail....if you want a response anyway. You can reach me at or at 469-9090.

Silence is Golden

It is amazing what a couple of moments of silence can bring forth! I will be sharing more details soon but I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who listened and shared. God is good!

August 22, 2007

Praying for One Another

That's the topic of tonight's study and I want to share this for those who will not be at church tonight.

Often people ask me why they keep praying and do not get what they prayed for, or they tell me prayer does no good. The truth is, prayer can change things!

"The intense prayer of the righteous is very powerful." James 5:16

So what's up with unanswered prayers? Like other spiritual matters, prayer is a partnership with God. We often pray for our will to be done without praying for God's will to be done. The key then is to connect prayer's power with submission to God's will.

Once you begin to pray for God's will to be done in your life - even if you do not know exactly what God's will for you is - then you will find your prayer answered and you will know God's will for you. Try it and let me know how it works.

August 20, 2007

What a Weekend!!!

Praise be to God who makes all things possible! Our Dedication Celebration was all I had hoped for and more. Here is a picture I recieved today. I'm sure many others will follow. If you have some to share please send them to me. What an awesome God!
Thanks everyone.

August 18, 2007

In God's Time

Okay church, the day we have longed for so long
that day is almost here!

What a great weekend this has been so far. The Board spent some very valuable time with Elder Brock on Friday night and today's workshop was wonderful. At least we passed 1/2 of the TP test! How great is was to be challenged to enjoy our time of celebration and to remember that the work of the church never is done...and that change will always be with us.

Tomorrow is sure to be a true celebration.It feels a lot like Christmas Eve all over again. I hope to see you tomorrow at 10 and 2.

August 11, 2007

More Than Wonderful

Wow, how blessed we were on Sunday with a baptism, nine new members and the sending forth of Nancy to seminary! It was such a great day that folks did not want the service to end and then they did not want to go home!! God is so good to us!!!

I want to thank everyone for all of the extra work in preparation for our upcoming celebration. Jackie is making old equipment look like new, Rick is getting rid of left-overs from the construction project, Debbie is working on getting the parking lot finished, Chris, Jes and Carrie are tackeling the yard, Bea is learning how to program the sign, and Louis sent out a press release that rocks. These are just some of the thngs happening at Holy Cross MCC this week.

It is so nice to be home! It's more than wonderful!! Praise be to God!!!

August 3, 2007

Opportunities to grow in grace

There's a new devotional resource I am previewing and I want to share part of today's scripture reading with you. It comes from Colossians 3:14 TM.

"Dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It's your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it. Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing."

God has designed the garment of love so that it fits each of us perfectly. The challenge is to get in shape and stay in shape so that we wear it well. If you are like me you may have trouble spots that need some work. Today I am going to focus on "quiet strength" and "even-tempered".

What about you?

May we seize the opportunities we have to grow in grace today. May this day move us closer to being more like Jesus I pray. Amen.