April 24, 2013

Powerful Vision!

This week we finish our series on Resurrection Power as we look at God's vision for us and the power we have to bring it to pass. It's time to define resurrection power in a way you can understand and access. So be in the pew on Sunday at 10:45am with an open heart and mind and help us celebrate our new Guiding Documents of Purpose, Mission and Vision.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

April 17, 2013

Powerful Mission

Just as the wind blows waves to the shore, so God's Spirit blows waves into our lives, and the life of the church. When I attended Interim Pastor Training last year I learned of a resource that seems to be a wave for churches and I want us to catch it.

In his book, Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations, Robert Schnase invites the church to take things up a notch by practicing radical hospitality, passionate worship, intentional faith development, risk taking mission and service, and extravagant generosity. I want you to think about those words and what Cornerstone MCC would be if we caught that wave and made it our mission.

Then join us Sunday, at 10:45am as we seek to better understand those practices and why they are important to Christ, and Cornerstone MCC. Know that we miss you when you are not at church and remember, you belong at Cornerstone!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

April 10, 2013

Powerful Purpose

That I might know Christ, and the power of His resurrection - Philippians 3:10

This Sunday we will continue where we left off Easter. The women run quickly from the tomb to share the good news that Jesus is alive! Then Jesus meets the disciples in Galilee and delivers to them what the church refers to as The Great Commission. Go into all the world, make disciples of all people, baptize, and teach.

That sounds like a tall order. How could a handful of disciples possibly take the gospel to all people? There's only one way, and it's by the same power that raised Jesus from the dead! How can we fulfill our life's purpose? Resurrection power. How can Cornerstone MCC fulfill its purpose? Resurrection power! Join us Sunday as we do a little spiritual math: God's capability + our availability = powerful possibilities.

I ask you to spend some time in prayer, listening for answers to these two questions. What is the purpose of my life? What is the purpose of our church? Whatever the answers may be, as long as we stay connected to Jesus, our greatest source of power, we will be victorious in fulfilling God's purpose for our lives and our church.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

April 3, 2013

We Did It - Record Setting Sunday!

Talk about resurrection power, the sanctuary was full of it Sunday. Thank you for reaching out and inviting your family, friends and co-workers to worship with us for Easter. Thank you for welcoming all of our guests. Thanks for all of the delicious food that more than fed everyone. Cornerstone, we rock! Keep this up and we'll have to add another service. Worry not, I have years of experience doing that and I'll be more than glad to do it again.

On my first Sunday at Cornerstone we set a record with 157 in attendance, however, a number of my family, friends and former parishioners were there to support me. This time, we did it on our own. 187 people! And so many guests said they would be back. I think this may get us over that 125 barrier we have been trying to break. Praise God!!!

We've Got Resurrection Power
This is our April sermon series for Sunday Worship. Join us at 10:45am or watch our live broadcast on our web site. Check out our April events poster.
  • 04/14 Powerful Purpose
  • 04/21 Powerful Mission
  • 04/28 Powerful Vision

Rev Sandy, Pastor