December 31, 2014

Promises, Promises, Promises

We've all made promises and we've all waited on promises made to us to be fulfilled. Sometimes we become impatient and give up on a promise if we think we have waited too long, especially when it comes to the promises of God. Most of us don't wait well. But whether we wait in hope or give up in despair, every promise of God is fulfilled.

In our reading for this week we meet two people who had waited and waited for God to fulfill the promise of sending the Messiah. Simeon was a devout man and Anna was a prophet. When Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple to present him to God, both of them rejoiced that the promise of God was fulfilled.

Are you waiting on a promise from God to be fulfilled? Have you given up or are about too? Simeon and Anna remind us that we do not wait in vain. God is faithful and true to every promise God makes. Yet waiting can be difficult. When your time of waiting becomes a challenge stand on the words of Isaiah 40:31, "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."

Try not to give up on God, because God will never give up on you! Happy New Year. I hope to see you on the first Sunday of 2015. You belong at Cornerstone!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

December 24, 2014

Sacred Doing

Bi-directional Service on December 28 Through our "Sacred" series this Advent we have been reminded that time, people, space, knowing and being are sacred. This Sunday we reach the logical conclusion which is Sacred Doing. Jesus shows us that love is an action word and it's time for us to busy ourselves living and sharing God's love in Christ for all.

It's also time to pause and look back over 2014. Here's a tool with 20 Questions for a New Year's Eve Reflection.

And then it's time to look forward to 2015. Here's a tool with Questions for a NEW year.

Join us Sunday, December 28 at 10:45am for the last service of the year. And remember, it's Potluck so bring us something good to eat or drink.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

December 17, 2014

Strange Way to Save the World

This Sunday we will be blessed as our choir presents the Christmas cantata. It's a great time to invite someone to join you at church. We'll also be receiving four new members, baptizing at least one person and sharing Communion together. It's going to be another great day! And in case you can't make it at 10:45am, the choir will present the cantata again at 6:00pm. Come and be blessed.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

December 10, 2014

Joy, Joy, Joy!

On the third Sunday of Advent we honor Mary, the mother of Jesus. What joy filled her heart as she submitted to God's plan and worshipped fully! Our service this week has special gifts to bring us joy. There will be a puppet show and a gift from Rev Lee Carton. It's a relational gift, a great example of how we can spend less and give more this Christmas.

Are you turning Christmas upside down? Are you changing Christmas? If so, I want to hear from you. What are you experiencing as you make this season more about Jesus and giving to others in Jesus' name? I know you must have more joy as you let go of the scandal Christmas has become and embrace what Christmas is all about. Not presents, stress and parties for us, but hope, love, joy and peace for ourselves and others.

It was a joy to receive the good news that as a direct result of the well we funded, a number of villages in India were able to set aside their differences and now live in peace. Who would have thought that clean water could bring peace? God takes the simple gifts we give, blesses them and uses them to bless our world. Cornerstone, let us continue to let our light shine so that others may see our good works and give glory to God in heaven! Now that's a Christmas present for Jesus!!

Come and share the joy this Sunday at 10:45am. You belong at Cornerstone! 

Rev Sandy, Pastor

December 4, 2014

Sacred People

Just as we were asked to consider all time as sacred, this week we are called to see all people as sacred. I'll be the first to say that can be challenging. Some people hurt us, let us down, lie to us and stop loving us. Some people live in ways that we cannot understand and because they do, we shun them and look the other way when they try to come into our lives. That saying, "Out of sight, out of mind" is the status quo and vulnerable people who need our love often go away feeling less than loved.

But in God's dominion and here at Cornerstone, we are learning that all people are sacred and we purpose to share God's love in Christ for all. Through the digging of wells, we are touching the people of India with God's love. With the giving of Christmas Shoeboxes, we are touching children around the world with the good news of the gospel and some fun gifts. Twelve families in our church were blessed with Thanksgiving baskets and twelve will be blessed with Christmas baskets.

What about people in your life? Do you see all of them as sacred? And are you willing to love those whom many see as the least among us? Who have you shut out, forgot about or intentionally decided they are not worthy or deserving of your time and attention? Those are the very people Jesus came to love, heal and make whole. And Jesus is calling you to be the vessel through which he will touch them this Christmas.

Join us Sunday as we rethink who is sacred and learn ways to spend less this Christmas. Don't get trapped in the tradition of spending, spending, spending. There is a better way to celebrate Jesus. Let us worship fully, spend less, give more and love all. Let us change Christmas and make it all about loving the world and the people Jesus loves so.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

November 26, 2014

After Thanksgiving Comes Advent

Sunday we begin a new church year and return to a more liturgical service. I am excited about the theme of "Sacred". We tend to limit what we think of as sacred. Jesus came to expand our thinking so we can know that time, people, space, being and doing are all sacred.

In addition to our Advent theme we are also asking the question, Why do we get gifts on Jesus' birthday? We are a part of Advent Conspiracy and we're out to Change Christmas so that we Worship Fully, Spend Less, Give More and Love All. American's will spend an estimated $480 billion dollars on Christmas this year. It would only take $10 billion to provide clean water around the globe. Wouldn't that be a better way to celebrate the birth of the Savior of the world?

Cornerstone has partnered with Living Water International to dig two wells in India. It is my heart’s desire that we do it again this year. So consider changing the way you celebrate the birthday of Jesus by taking some of that money and giving it so a village will have clean water and hear the story of Jesus, the Living Water. Jesus said we, the church, would do greater things than he did. I used to wonder how that could be. Now I know. Christians have the power to come together and change our world.

I know many of you are not ready to do we have another option for you. It's called Come to the Manger. If you want to continue the tradition of gift giving then consider giving a financial gift to the church that equals the amount you spend on the most expensive gift you buy for someone else or yourself.

This is the most wonderful time of the year so be sure to share it with Cornerstone. And remember, this is one of the best times to ask someone to join you. People are more likely to say yes at Christmas and Easter so be sure to extend those invitations. I look forward to seeing you Sunday, after a wonderful time of vacation.

Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to you and your family. Cornerstone MCC is on my gratitude list, and that includes you!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

November 19, 2014

Take Care, It's "Flu" Season

The warnings are clear. We are expecting an above average outbreak of influenza this year. There are signs by every major drug store announcing the availability of flu shots to offer a degree of protection from this serious illness. Unfortunately, many of us are already suffering from an outbreak of "affluenza". We always want more. In this season of thankfulness and giving, we need to adopt an attitude of gratitude for the abundance in our lives and open our hearts to share our blessings with those around us. Join us on Sunday for a closer look at how to find a healthy balance in the season of "affluence".

Rev Sandy, Pastor

November 12, 2014

Building Bridges that Liberate and Unite

November is Native American Heritage Month and we have an exciting time of worship planned for Sunday as we honor Mowa, Choctaw, and Poarch Creek Indian communities along the Gulf Coast. Indian families include Two-Spirit or Traditional-Gender and LGBT members, some of whom are part of our congregation.

We honor the faithful witness of Christian Indians and Indigenous faithful in southeastern Beloved Countries who praised God through colonization, wars, forced exile, and racial segregation. Such faithful witness affirms the faith of all. Deep South Indian families and societies traditionally embracing minority-gender loved ones offer examples of wholeness in affirming relationships. Our congregation begins a new step forward into reconciling wholeness as we respectfully greet Indigenous neighbors among us and near us who will generously share their own beloved expressions of faith.

Invite someone to join you for church and a very special meal afterward. Tell them they belong at Cornerstone!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

November 5, 2014

Most Given by a Few

Last week I shared some startling statistics on debt in America. This week the stats are about financial giving in the church.

  • 50% of support is given by 10% of people
  • 30% is given by 10%
  • 10% is given by 30%
  • 10% is given by 50%

What's startling is that 80% of our support comes from only 10% of our people and, 33% give nothing at all. I don't know where you are in those percentages, but I do know that all of us are called to give to this church we love.

Personally I enjoy the practice of tithing, or giving 10% to the church. It's certainly not the only way to give, but I have found it to be a great way to live.

90% managed for good + 10% returned to God = 100% +

We will wrap up our Annual Pledge Drive this Sunday. If you need a pledge card you can access it here. Pray about your giving. Listen for what you're called to give. Choose to be obedient. Then complete the card and bring it to church with you Sunday, or email it to me.

And remember, if you are an official member of Cornerstone, you pledged to support the church with your time, talent, treasure, and truth. Use this card to recommit to God and your church. Let's turn these statistics upside down and get right with our giving. We will be blessed, our church will be blessed, and we will be able to bless others. That's God's plan for us. I hope to see you Sunday at 10:45am or you can watch our live broadcast.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

October 29, 2014

90 + 10 = 100+

No, this Sunday is not a math lesson. It's a spiritual law lesson. When we manage the 90% of God's money that we get to keep, and we give back the 10% God calls us to invest in the church, God blesses our obedience and faithfulness and we reap 100% plus. I know this to be true from my life experience and that of many others. I believe it will be true for you as well.

A common myth that some Christians believe is: There is no way 90% after tithing is more than 100% not tithing. All I can say is those who believe that have never tithed. This is the one matter in which we are told we can test God. So if you have never tried it, I challenge you to prayerfully consider testing God for God has never failed that test. 

November is when we conduct our annual Stewardship Campaign and this year it will last for two weeks only. This Sunday I am focusing on how to manage the 90% of God's money that we are called to keep. If you have mastered that challenge then consider volunteering to mentor someone who wants to learn those skills. Just email me and let me know if you want to help.

And to those who complain that all the church talks about or wants is money, all I can say is that we are following in the footsteps of Jesus, who talked much about money:

  • Sixteen of the thirty-eight parables were concerned with how to handle money and possessions.
  • In the Gospels, an amazing one out of ten verses (288 in all) deal directly with the subject of money.
  • The Bible offers 500 verses on prayer, less than 500 verses on faith, but more than 2,000 verses on money and possessions. [Howard L. Dayton, Jr., Leadership, Vol. 2, no. 2.]

Cornerstone has stood at a crossroad for way too long now. The choice is to continue as we are going and barely survive, or grow in the number of people who choose obedience in the giving of their tithes and offerings and thrive. To that end I have set the following goals:

  • 5 new First-time Givers
  • 2 new Financial Leaders in high-capacity giving
  • 2 new Business Owners willing to give
  • 15 new Online Givers
  • 15 new Volunteers Wednesday Night
  • 2 new Ministry Areas Leaders
  • 5 new Ministry Team Leaders
  • 10 new commitments to spend time with God daily

So pray and then listen - you may hear God calling you! And if you cannot afford to tithe, be sure to be at church Sunday, or watch the broadcast through our website. It is God's desire to bless your time, talent, treasure, and truth...test God now and see!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

October 22, 2014

Forgiveness For Our Failures

No matter how hard we try, each of us experience failures in our lives. We get angry and lose it; we don't do what we say we will do; we stretch the truth; we don't tell the whole story; we enjoy listening to and maybe even repeating gossip. We are unfaithful to our partners; we make decisions we regret; we take things that do not belong to us. We let days go by without communicating with God; we fail to act upon our faith, just to name a few.

The good news of the gospel is that there is forgiveness for our failures. It's God's will that we are forgiven and that we forgive ourselves. Yet most of us have at least one failure that holds us back. We remember, we relive, and we regret. It's important to God that we have a way to move beyond our failures and walk in freedom. How we do that is what I'll be preaching on this Sunday. So bring your favorite failure to church, move beyond it, and go home forgiven. And if you know someone struggling with a failure, invite them to church and lunch afterward.

It's Pot Luck Sunday so make us something good to eat!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

October 15, 2014

The Bridge of Success

All of us have ended up in places where we do not want to be. And sometimes it's hard to get from there to where you want to be. If that is where you find yourself on your spiritual journey, then Sunday is especially for you. You can bridge the gap between the old for new, heaven and earth, what's working for you and what's not.

We complete our series this week as we take all we've learned and build a bridge to success. We can be who God created us to be, allow Jesus to lead and we follow, simplify our lives, deepen our roots, and do with our lives what God wants us to do. We can experience spiritual success!

The dominion of God is not a place, it is within us. It's not about food, or drink, or material possessions. It's about living successful lives, by God's definition. When we are able to do that, love, joy and peace fill our hearts and minds. God's dominion comes and God's will is done, on earth as it is in heaven. I hope to see you Sunday!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

October 8, 2014

Deeper Success

As we continue with our series, this week we are called to put down roots and go deeper in our faith. As we seek to be who God created us to be, make Jesus the center of all areas of our lives, and simplify our lives so we can do what God wants us to do, our roots grow deeper and we become stronger. And as the scripture records, like a tree planted by the waters, we shall not be moved!

So why do we stumble and fall? Why do we feel less than successful? I would dare say that we have missed something along the way. It could be that we're trying to be something different than God had in mind...or that we have areas of our lives we have yet to give to Jesus....or that we have do not know or live out our holy and sacred purpose. For when we are faithful in all of these practices, no matter what comes our way we can stand firm and survive all storms. We can fall down but we get back up. We can experience deeper success.

Don't live your life root bound with no where to go. Open your heart and mind to the life God longs for you to live. Join us Sunday at 10:45am as we go deeper, deeper, in the love of Jesus.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

October 1, 2014

Simple Success

At first those two words don't seem to go together. There's nothing simple about climbing the ladder of success. It takes work and determination for most people to be successful as the world defines it. Yet in the spiritual world, it's simple to be successful.

In week one we were reminded that spiritual success is being who God created you to be. So much of our lives are spent being who others want us to be. Try as hard as we might, we fall short meeting the needs and expectations of others. Yet we keep trying. And all the while we are distracted from what really matters to God.

We desire the material possessions that give the world evidence of our success, while Jesus calls us to seek other things first. I like the way Matthew 6:33 reads in The Message (inclusive) "If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers-most of which are never even seen-don't you think God will attend to you, take pride in you, do the best for you? What I'm trying to do here is to get you to relax, to not be so preoccupied with getting, so you can respond to God's giving. People who don't know God and the way God works fuss over these things, but you know both God and how God works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met."

Simple success. It's possible, it's worth it, and it brings great joy. I'll leave you with a question from the text. Are you so preoccupied with getting that you're not responding to God's giving? Take time to thank God, especially for the blessings money cannot buy.

Join us Sunday at 10:45am as we dig a little deeper.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

September 24, 2014

The Center of Success

Life can be such a juggling act. We have our faith, family, friends, job, finances, health, and of course fun. All of these are important aspects of a successful life. We strive to stay centered in the midst of it all, and at times we feel pulled in several directions at once. We drop the ball and we feel less than successful in this game of life.

There is a better way. It is the Jesus way. When we include Jesus in that center circle, we experience success in all areas of our lives. We are reminded this week that Christ holds all things together, and that includes our earthly lives. He cares for us, he is the author and finisher if our faith, he works in our families, friends, jobs, finances, health, and yes, even our fun when we make him the center of our lives.

Life becomes sweeter and more successful when we invite Jesus into all aspects of our lives. What areas of your life have you yet to share with Jesus? And are you ready to give it all to Him? Join us Sunday as we seek to learn more about the center of success, or making Jesus the center of it all.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

September 17, 2014

Success - It May Not Be What You Think

Perhaps you've noticed the colors on the altar have changed as we've moved into the season of Dominiontide. Our focus is on bringing God's dominion to our lives, our church, and our world. But much like success, we may have the wrong idea when it comes to God's dominion. The early church sure did. In Romans 14 we are given a snap shot of a church that sought conformity instead of celebrating diversity. The church hasn't changed a lot in all of these years! The dominion of God is not about us all becoming like each other, but about us all becoming more like Jesus.
The dominion of God is within us. It's not about food, or drink, or even the gender of the one we is about living a life of goodness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Now that's success!
Join us Sunday at 10:45 as we seek to learn more about God's dominion and successful living. Success may not be what you think, but it is God's desire for your life. Invite someone to church. They will appreciate the invitation.
  • Sept 9 ~ What is Success?
  • Sept 21 ~ The Center of Success
  • Sept 28 ~ Simple Success
  • Oct 5 ~ Deeper Success
  • Oct 12 ~ The Bridge of Success
Rev Sandy, Pastor

September 3, 2014

As God Would Have It

Those words keep reoccurring in my heart and mind today. As God would have it,

  • I made it through church Sunday before having to go to the hospital
  • key people noticed something was wrong and took action
  • Dr Ron was at church; being with him got me special treatment at the hospital!
  • Dr Ron saved me from another ambulance ride, the answer to a long standing prayer of mine
  • some of the people I love most were able to be by my side (thanks Rev Lee)
  • I was showered with love, concern and most importantly, prayers from everywhere
  • it was only my blood pressure
  • medication is addressing the issue
  • after a restless night in MICU, I convinced them to let me go home yesterday (Monday)
  • Kent was off work yesterday and he and Jim drove me to Pensacola and then faced holiday traffic in getting back to Mobile. Sorry guys!

As God would have it, I had everything I needed and more. That's why my favorite hymn is Great is Thy Faithfulness - God always provides for my every need! My heart is grateful for the many prayers, calls, texts, emails and expressions of concern for me and Ryan. I will be at church tonight and on Sunday. I have one more "as God would have it" for you. Sara Sills is preaching this week.

Sara has finished her time of internship at MCC Baton Rouge and we are celebrating her reentry into the life and ministry of Cornerstone MCC. Some of you have watched Sara answer and prepare for her call to ordained ministry for years now. Some of you are new and may not even know her. Either way, let's fill God's house this week as we welcome and bless both Sara and Kay as they take this next step on their journey.

We have many reasons to rejoice. We also have many among us who need prayer. The theme of the service tonight is prayer. Join us during our live broadcast at 6:30pm or take 30 minutes to watch it later in our video archives. Again, I thank everyone for their prayers. My heart is full of love and appreciation.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

September 1, 2014

Growing More and More Like Christ

We'll be wrapping up our Maximizing Ministry series this Sunday as we look at the gifts we have been given to do the work of the church. I can't wait to learn the results from those of you who took the Spiritual Gifts workshop last Saturday! I hope you are ready to put those gifts to good use here at Cornerstone.

If you missed the workshop, we have resources to help you discover your gifts too. Everyone has at least one spiritual gift. Our text this week reminds us that as we begin to use our gifts, we become more and more like Christ. Are you ready to get to work and to grow? I sure hope so because there is much to be done.

I missed being with you last week but I had a good trip to Texas. Many years ago I performed a Holy Union for a couple with an eight year old son. He's all grown up now and I had the honor of performing his marriage to his beautiful bride. He is in the Army and got notice of his deployment so the wedding had to be moved forward. I want to thank Steven, Darrell, and Laurye for their flexibility and willingness to trade weekends with me so I could go.

I am glad to be home and excited to be in worship with you Sunday at 10:45am. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you someone you can invite to church. And when you get the message be sure to tell them......they belong at Cornerstone!

On a personal note, I ask your continued prayers for my dad. Hopefully he will be discharged from the hospital soon and placed in a residential hospice. My prayer is for God to have mercy on him and call him home as that is dad's desire. My heart is heavy as I wait for his home going. Thank God for the hope of the resurrection and the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

August 13, 2014

Obstacles to Ministering

Last week we focused on our call to minister to God, the church, and others. This week we will take a look at some of the obstacles we may encounter in and ways to overcome them. Information is power. Join us Sunday and be empowered by knowing how to overcome ministry challenges before and when they arrive.

Remember, the challenge this week is to minister to the Almighty. Spend time expressing your love and appreciation to God.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

August 6, 2014

Maximizing Ministry

Even though the church has been expanding the definition of "ministry" for decades now, if you consult a dictionary you will find an outdated definition. As we begin this three week series I would like to share the definition of ministry I will be using: the faithful service of God's people, presented to God and others on God's behalf.

We are each called to serve God, one another, and others. That means we each have been called to ministry. That will be the focus this Sunday. If you have yet to hear, discover and answer your call, this series will help you become a faithful servant to God and God's people. And to those already answering your call, this series will help you maximize your ministry.

Join us as we seek to live and share God's love in Christ for all...through the ministry of our church. You belong at Cornerstone and we miss you when you're not here!

  • Aug 10 ~ Called to Minister
  • Aug 17 ~ Obstacles to Ministering
  • Aug 23 ~ Gifts for Ministry

Rev Sandy, Pastor

July 30, 2014

Signs of Life: Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-control

This week we complete our series on the fruit of the Spirit. As we follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit, amazing fruit is produced for us to bear. I especially appreciate the last three: faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. I was thinking of God's faithfulness to me just this morning. No matter what, God is always there! I can count on God and that brings such security to my life.

Even when I fail, God gently draws me back to where I need to be. And when I am in need of discipline, God exercises remarkable control in providing it for me. With the Holy Spirit at work in my life, I can bear such fruit and bless others like God blesses me. How about you? Have you found God to be all of this and more to you? If so, take a moment to thank God, especially for God's faithfulness to you.

Join us Sunday as we dig a little deeper into this delicious fruit we are called to bear. Throughout this week, look for opportunities to show your faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. God will use you to touch others in the same way God is touching you. Come celebrate our amazing God with an amazing congregation. Remember, you belong at Cornerstone. Think of someone to invite to church this week. Pray about it. Extend the invitation and see what God will do.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

July 23, 2014

Signs of Life: patience, kindness, goodness

In Christ we are a new creation! The old has gone and the new has come. On our own, we are at times impatient, unkind and just bad. But with the Spirit at work in us we are leaving our old ways behind and walking in new ways. None of us could make this change on our own, so thank God for the Holy Spirit at work in us.

Does your life give witness to this new creation? Or do you allow your humanness to be in control and give witness to the old you? No matter where we are on our journey, we all have room for improvement. Join us Sunday as we look at the next three parts of the fruit of the Holy Spirit, the signs of life within us and that we reflect in our world.

And it's Pot-luck Sunday, so make me something good to eat!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

July 16, 2014

Signs of Life

As we continue to celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit, we'll take the next three weeks to examine the signs of life that Spirit brings. They are referred to as "fruit of the Spirit" in the Bible. Nine virtues make up this fruit and all of them are being produced in us by the Holy we follow this leader God has placed within us.

Join us as we examine the fruit of the Spirit, the very signs of life that give testimony to the Holy Spirit at work in our lives. And signs that so many people are seeking. Jesus said people will know us by the fruit we bear. Be love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control and you, and the world will know you are alive in the Spirit!

  • Jul 20 ~ Love. Joy. Peace
  • Jul 27 ~ Patience. Kindness. Goodness
  • Aug 3 ~ Faithfulness. Gentleness. Self-Control

Rev Sandy, Pastor

July 9, 2014

Follow the Leader

When it comes to navigating life in Christ, we have a leader and guide in the Holy Spirit. How eager are we to following our leader? If the truth be told, most of us want to go our own way more than we want to follow. And we have the wounds to prove it. It's a challenge for us to admit we need guidance and so we keep on doing our best, only to experience that our best is not always the best for us.

In our reading for this week we are reminded that what we want, and what Spirit wants for us, are often in conflict. Even though we know God's ways are higher than ours, we choose to go our own way. Even though we know our way leads to conflict, distress and unrest, we convince ourselves that this time it will be different. Of course with time we find we were wrong. So why do we keep living our way instead of Spirit's way? Living in the Spirit leads to joy, peace and life.

Living by the Spirit gives us power over sin. Living in the Spirit gives security and safety so why would we choose anything less? Join us Sunday as we seek to discover how to live God's way instead of our way. The Holy Spirit lives in us for a reason. Let's understand and utilize this incredible gift of leadership we have been given.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

July 2, 2014

What About Us?

In this season of Pentecost we are learning more of what the Holy Spirit does, but what about us? What role do we play in our relationship with the Holy Spirit? Do we play a supporting role, cooperating with the Spirit, or do we oppose what the Spirit is doing? In our texts for this week we are admonished not to grieve or quench the Holy Spirit.

What does that mean and how do we do it? More importantly, how do we not do it? The Spirit is flowing and we are invited to go with that flow, not to oppose it. Join us Sunday as we celebrate what the Holy Spirit is doing at Cornerstone. And check yourself....are you going with the flow or opposing it? Joy comes from cooperating with God's Spirit. Frustration, discontentment and even isolation can come from opposing the work of the Spirit.

We always have a choice. Let us choose to go with the Holy Spirit. It's a wonderful ride! 

Rev Sandy, Pastor

June 17, 2014

These are the Days, Church!

What a wonderful time of worship last Sunday. We continue this week with the passage from Acts 2:14-21. The Holy Spirit fell upon the disciples, many came to believe, and the fulfillment of the prophesy began. God's Spirit is poured out upon all. Everyone is included. These are the days of prophesy, dreams, visions and salvation!

Praise God, this outpouring remains upon the church. The Holy Spirit is bringing blessing to Cornerstone - through the people of the church. Come be blessed and come be a blessing. These are exciting days my friends!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

June 11, 2014

How Can This Be?

When the Holy Spirit acts, people often ask, "How can this be?" It was asked by many on the day the Holy Spirit birthed the church. The city was full of people from many places and of many languages. Suddenly this diverse group of people began to hear the good news of the gospel in their own languages! They just couldn't understand how this could be, yet they were hearing it with their own ears.

The first time I worshiped at Resurrection MCC in Houston, I found myself asking the same question. I was hearing it with my ears, seeing it with my eyes, and feeling it deep within my soul, but how could it be that there was a church for me? By the power of the Holy Spirit!

How can a minority of Christians understand what the Bible really says about homosexuality? By the power of the Holy Spirit!

How could a virgin conceive a child? By the power of the Holy Spirit!

How could a few disciples fulfill the commandment of Christ to take the gospel into all the world? By the power of the Holy Spirit!

I must stop now or I'll be preaching my sermon right here! Join us Sunday as we celebrate the power of the Holy Spirit. In an act of unity with God's Spirit and each other, let's wear something red to church this week. Come experience the power that still changes lives, churches, and the world.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

June 4, 2014

The God We Hardly Know

We believe in God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. We know a lot about God and Christ, but how much do we know about the Holy Spirit? Sunday begins the season of Pentecost, a time to celebrate this God we hardly know. So instead of celebrating the birthday of the church as many will do this Sunday, I want us to take this week to get to know the Holy Spirit better. It makes the celebration sweeter when we know the one we're celebrating.

We know from scripture of at least 50 things the Holy Spirit does for us. Chances are, you are attributing some of them to God or Christ. The good news is, they work together as one. Now that's team ministry! It reminds me of Harry Truman's quote, "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."

Often I am asked how I do all that I do. My answer is, by the power of the Holy Spirit at work in and through me Join us Sunday as we learn more about the work of the Holy Spirit, and give credit where credit is due. Let's change the God we hardly know into the God we long to know better this Pentecost season. Think about someone YOU can invite to join you at church this Sunday. Begin to pray for them and then when the Holy Spirit nudges you, reach out and invite them. It's just that easy....with the help of this God you may hardly know.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

May 28, 2014

Partners with Christ in Suffering

Part of our human nature is to protect ourselves and avoid suffering. Part of our spiritual nature is to share in the sufferings of Christ. That's the part of following Jesus that we resist. Yet our reading for this week promises us the reward of joy, power and partnership when we suffer for our faith in Christ.

We are also reminded that the enemy is ever busy opposing us...because of the power of our partnership with Jesus. We do not have to fight the enemy. Instead we are taught to stay alert, stand firm, and be strong in our faith. The enemy has far less power than we think. Praise be to God for resurrection power!

I invite you to look at your suffering in light of benefit it brings to your life. Instead of resisting, complaining, and being discouraged, try it God's way. Know that you are not alone. Jesus is with you and you join people all around the globe who are going through the same kind of suffering you are. Change how you see suffering from a punishment to a partnership and know that it will bring forth good in your life.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

May 20, 2014

Once For All Time

Last week we looked at our "once upon a time" lives before becoming a follower of Jesus. This week our reading is from 1 Peter 3:13-22. Verse 18 reminds us that "Christ suffered for our sins once for all time. He never sinned, but he died for sinners to bring you safely home to God." How would your life change if you believed your sins were forgiven and, you truly trusted Jesus to "bring you safely home to God"?

For me, it has brought a security like no other. It reminds me that Jesus has this. He suffered, died and rose again. No matter how much I suffer, and even when I die, Jesus will bring me safely home to God. Therefore, what do I have to worry about? Do you have that kind of assurance? I hope so. If not, come and hear more about this on Sunday. Jesus came that we might have life and have it abundantly. He paid the price once for all time. And once for all people. That includes you!

Bring something to share for our pot-luck this Sunday. If you don't cook, pick-up something from the store to eat or drink. Let's fill the table and enjoy each other's contribution and company after church. And if you sing or play a musical instrument, join in Praise Team practice right after lunch. Make a joyful noise unto The Lord!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

May 14, 2014

Once Upon a Time

It's hard to remember my life before MCC. That's because I have now been in MCC for the majority of my life. What I do remember is feeling isolated from my faith and church. Like most people my age, I was told that my spirituality and sexuality were mutually exclusive. I lived in the shadows, hiding who I was. I wanted to be true to myself and true to my faith but I did not see any way to make that happen. And then I found MCC! My life was forever changed. The truth that I could be gay and Christian set me free and joy filled my heart.

Do you remember your life before MCC? And do you remember that there are thousands of people in our city that may be feeling the way we were because they have yet to find MCC? It's easy to forget our old lives and to think that everyone has heard the good news. Our text this week reminds us of where we have been, and where we are called to go. It gives us reason to rejoice as we continue serving God through the church.

Once we were not a people....and now we are the people of God! What a story of resurrection!! Our spirits were broken, our bones were dry and we were dead spiritually. But God breathed life back into us we are alive and well. Join us Sunday @ 10:45am as we celebrate God's love and mercy for all people. No one can tell our people the good news like we can. So look around you, find someone who needs what we have to offer, and invite them to join you. Just as MCC changed my life and yours, MCC can help bring a positive change to your family, friends and co-workers. Our part is easy, all we have to do is extend the invitation.

Sunday we will be baptizing two precious babies. Come and be a part of blessing them and their families as we bring them into the family of God.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

April 23, 2014

Thank You

What a wonderful way to spend my birthday - with Cornerstone and Jason & deMarco! I appreciate the gifts and note cards. And how about that polka dot cake? It was a fun and memorable evening and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!

Also I would like to thank everyone who made Holy Week so moving and meaningful. Easter was such a joyful celebration! We had record attendance and the energy was electrifying!! And what a delicious Easter Feast....turkey, dressing and all the fixings. We even had a sockit- to-me cake. Special thanks to Jim and all who brought those delicious dishes. Thanks to Jackie, Freddie and Andrea for the egg hunt for our children. Thanks to Paul and all who helped to get the building and grounds looking so good. And thanks to Pastor McClary for the awesome pew cushions. We are so blessed!!!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

April 16, 2014

The Real Resurrection!

Last year millions of Americans watched "The Bible" mini-series. This year millions are watching "Noah" "Son of God" "Resurrection" and "Heaven is for Real". Even though Hollywood's depiction is not always factual, they do have people talking about the tenets of the Christian faith.

Spiritually speaking, this is an open door for us to talk about our faith. We can answer or find answers to questions our family, friends, neighbors and co-workers may have. Based on those conversations it's easy to know if people are connected to a church. If they do not have a church home then invite them to Cornerstone where they can celebrate the REAL Resurrection. Many people are waiting on someone to invite them to church, especially for Easter.

Tonight we will have a special service centered around Judas, often called "The Betrayer". Of all life's pains, betrayal is one of the deepest wounds we suffer. The last part of the service will provide an opportunity for forgiveness and healing. Both the betrayer and the betrayed carry wounds. Come and lay down your burden and allow your heart to heal.

Thursday night is the Jason and DeMarco Concert. We are so blessed to have them with us during this Holy Week. The concert is free and a love offering will be received. Also they will have merchandise available for purchase. Let's come out and support their ministry. This is another great opportunity to invite someone to join you. Who doesn't enjoy great music?

Friday night is one of my favorite services. We will gather inside to hear the story once again. This year six characters who were there will tell the story. You will have an opportunity to be anointed with oil by Mary, have your hand washed by Peter, and receive Communion from Judas. There will also be gifts from Mary, the mother of Jesus, the Centurion soldier, and a candle from Salome, who will lead us from the sanctuary to outside. There will be a display of the cross. You are invited to place candles, flowers, notes and other mementos at the foot of the cross. Music will be played and chairs will be available for you to spend time at the cross.

Sunday at 10:00am is the children's egg hunt. The lawn cross will be full of lilies and flowers to remind us that Jesus rose from the dead! Jesus is the REAL Resurrection and Life!! And in Christ we have victory over death!!! Don't miss out on the event that stopped the clock and reset the calendar, the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

April 9, 2014

Palm Sunday - Holy Week Begins

Six characters that were part of the first Holy Week will be with us in worship this Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter. I want to encourage you to attend as many of the services and events as possible. Sunday we will celebrate what is called "Jesus' Triumphant Ride into Jerusalem". If we step back from the crowd shouting, "Hosanna!" we discover Jesus riding in humility, on the back of a donkey.

Our text from Philippians 2:1-11 reads, "You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had. Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a servant, and was born as a human being. When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal's death on a cross."

What is God asking of you right now? And are you willing to humble yourself in obedience to God? Just as Jesus died and lived again, each time we die to self we live again. Winter is over. Spring is here. God has new life planned for each of us. So rearrange your schedule and make worship a priority this Holy Week. Come and receive your blessing!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

April 2, 2014

Jesus Wept

The death of a friend or loved one brings us to tears. By the time Jesus arrived at the home of Mary and Martha, their brother Lazarus had died. It brought tears to Jesus even though He knew He would raise Lazarus from the dead. Some of us are still weeping for our brother Earl, even though we know that he too will be raised from the dead. Death brings tears, but that is not the end of the story.

The good news is that God can breath life to death. Jesus can breath life to death. The Holy Spirit can breath life to death. And with Christ in us, our words and actions can breath life to those who are dead in their trespasses. Join us Sunday as we allow the breath of God to being new life to us so that we may go forth and share the good news of new life.

This Sunday the choir gets to sit and worship as the Praise Team leads us in worship. It's Birthday and Anniversary Sunday too. So come and celebrate God's love and life for all - but especially for YOU! You belong at Cornerstone.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

March 26, 2014

In Your Anger - Do Not Sin

All of us get angry at times. Feeling angry is not a sin. It's about how we handle our anger. Our scripture reading this week (Ephesians 4:17-32) reminds us that we are called to leave old ways behind and to take on our spiritual nature. 

Getting angry and going off on people, being vindictive, shutting down, and attacking are old ways. Getting angry and speaking the truth in love is a better way, as is holding one's tongue. Not all anger needs to be expressed. 

Join us in our Lenten Prayer: "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life." Psalm 139:23-24 NLT. And join us Sunday at 10:45am as we learn, or are reminded about being angry and sinning not. If you know any angry birds, be sure to invite them to join you! 

Rev Sandy, Pastor

March 19, 2014

When Desire Becomes Lust

On this third Sunday of Lent we consider the biblical concept of lust. Much like people hear the word "gay" and think of sex, people hear the word "lust" and think of sex. But there is more to lust than the sexual dimension. People lust for power, prestige, knowledge, and control to name just a few.

In this day of developing technology the temptation to venture beyond desire and into lust may be greater than before. We have access to almost anything we want, almost anytime we want it. We see little reason to deny ourselves anything. We have our desires met and then we desire more, and more, and more. And sometimes before we even realize it we move from desire to lust, from want it to gotta have it.

One of the blessings of being part of a community of faith is that we have each to turn to for truth, prayer and support. Our lives get out of balance from time to time and we can lovingly help each other find that balance again. What desire do you have that is, or has the ability to bring imbalance to your life? Lent is a good time to ask and answer that question.

I invite you to join in our Lenten prayer: "Search me, O God, and know my heart. See if there be anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path to everlasting life." Psalms 139:23,24. I hope to see you at church this Sunday at 10:45am.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

March 11, 2014

After Dark One Evening

On this second Sunday in Lent we encounter Nicodemus stopping by to ask Jesus a question. The answer Jesus gave puzzled him and others throughout the ages. Jesus said, "You must be born again." And then Jesus talked about being born of water and spirit. All of us are born of water from our mother's womb without any choice in the matter. But in our spiritual birth, we choose to participate, ignore, or turn away.

I have a friend I met in college. We have kept up with each other through the years. In the last five years he has been born again. He's like a child in wonderland, which is way more fun than the angry old man he was becoming. I said to him yesterday, just imagine how different your life would have been if you had experienced spiritual birth years ago.

You may have yet to experience such an encounter with Jesus. To you I say the sooner the better. If you are tired of going through the motions and feeling like something big is missing in your life, you can be born again. The Christian faith is filled with stories of renewal and new life. You can join that story.

In this season of Spring, look around and see the beauty of creation come to life again. Then join us Sunday at 10:45am...have I got some gossip for you! 

Rev Sandy, Pastor

March 5, 2014

Necessary Sins

We allow certain habits to help us deal with life, but sometimes the bad habits can become part of our identity. It's time to separate ourselves from these 'necessary' habits and recognize them for what they really are: sins.

The good news found in Romans 8:2 is that through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. This four-week Lenten series follows the lectionary and covers lying, gossip, lust, and anger, and teaches us how to replace these sinful habits with obedience and grace.

So set your clocks forward Saturday night and feed your heart, soul and body on Sunday. For those observing the Daniel Fast, there will be a table just for you at the Sunday Luncheon. And if you email me I will send you a fantastic resource for the fast.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

February 26, 2014

'Tis Good, Lord, to Be Here

'Tis Good, Lord, to be here!
Thy glory fills the night; Thy face and garments like the sun, shine with unborrowed light.

Transfiguration Sunday - our once a year visit to the mountaintop as Jesus steps into the path that will lead him to Calvary's hill. He takes a few disciples and together they experience being in the presence and glory of God. But what has that to do with us? It is affirmation of God's divine will and purpose; it is preparation to face what lies ahead; it is a celebration of our God who comes close to us.

And do not think that God no longer meets people on that mountaintop. In the last speech given by Dr Martin Luther King, Jr, shortly before his assassination he spoke of going to the mountaintop and seeing the glory of the coming of The Lord. God affirmed Dr King's purpose; God prepared Dr King for what lay ahead, and Dr King celebrated his up close and personal encounter with God.

Have you had such an experience with God? If so you know the sweetness of being in God's presence. If not, join us Sunday and step into a path that will lead your heart to say, 'Tis good, Lord, to be here. I don't know about you, but when we get to the end of worship that's exactly what my heart sings. Come sing and pray and worship with us at 10:45am. You belong at Cornerstone!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

February 12, 2014

Got Milk?

Sometimes what we want is not what we need. That is true with spiritual growth. We want to be fed, we want to eat meat, but what we need is spiritual milk. The lectionary reading from I Corinthians 3:1-9 reminds the church that we still have much growing to do and we have to drink that milk if we want to develop and grow strong. As with all growth, God determines how it occurs. Our job is to follow God's formula and work with God as God works with us.
This year we are getting back to the basics of the Christian faith so join us Sunday as we drink from the milk of God's word. We can trust God and God's way to grow stronger day by day. Got milk? There is an abundant supply. So put down those sugary drinks and pick up the real deal. I hope to see you Sunday at 10:45am.
Rev Sandy, Pastor

February 5, 2014

Salt and Light

What do salt and light have in common? Following his most famous sermon, Jesus used them as metaphors to some expectations of his disciples. Salvation is a free gift of grace. We can do nothing to earn it because it's based on Jesus, not us. Discipleship is another matter. It brings both blessings and expectations.

At Cornerstone our purpose is living and sharing God's love in Christ for all. We practice radical hospitality, passionate worship, intentional discipleship, risk taking outreach and service, and extravagant generosity. Love is our gore value. Our vision is that as we focus on our purpose and mission we will grow to 300 members committed to stewardship, we will be meeting in safe and accessible facilities, and we will be a resource to meet the needs of people, especially the vulnerable.

Does that stir passion within you? If so join us on Wednesday at 6:30pm in the Fellowship House, and Sunday at 10:45am in the sanctuary as we seek to become disciples of Jesus, or salt and light in our world. I hope to see you this week.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

January 29, 2014

Beatitude Living

At our business meeting Sunday, we affirmed our purpose of living and sharing God's love in Christ for all. What does living God's love look like? Jesus painted a picture of beatitude living in the Sermon on the Mount. The definition of beatitude is "supreme blessedness and happiness." In our search for happiness among the "stuff" of life, have we missed the point? What difference would it make to live out a love for justice and kindness in our everyday lives?

There is a more excellent way of living and it is the way of love. No matter how loving we are...or we think we are....all of us can grow in being love in our world.

Join us Sunday as we celebrate God's love in worship. We will be installing our new Board members and Lay Delegate. It's also the 2nd anniversary of our working together - one year as Interim and one as Pastor. Let's begin year three together in worship.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

January 22, 2014

Claim Your Vocation

We continue this Sunday with the idea that God has called us, not just by name, but to a special purpose. When we find and claim our own vocation-that which fulfills us and creates good in the world-we are freed from the bonds of what others may expect of us or claim for us. Discipleship comes in many, and sometimes unlikely, forms.

If it is your desire to fulfill God's purpose with your life, God will make that purpose known to you. I heard this somewhere recently: To do God's will you must first know God's way. Join us Sunday, January 26, as we seek to know God, discover and claim our sacred vocation. Bring that energy from last Sunday back with you. We had church Sunday!!!

Rev Sandy, Pastor