January 19, 2009

Help Name our Garden/Park Area

A few years back we purchased an additional parcel of land and designated it to be our garden/park area. The time has come for us to choose a name for this place of retreat from the noisy world around us. In the center of this acre is a fountain on a pad that extends in four directions. In Genesis the Garden of Eden is described as having four rivers in flow into the center. We will have four areas that come together in the center where the pad and fountain are. One area is for a Memorial or Prayer Garden, one will have a Gazebo and at this moment I do not remember the plan for the other two areas!

I have included some pictures as they may inspire you in suggesting a name. We will vote at our upcoming annual meeting on Wed. the 28th so send in your ideas as soon as possible.

January 13, 2009

Remember Your Baptism

What an incredible day is was Sunday, when almost everyone present came forward to renew their baptismal vows! I always enjoy the Baptism of Jesus Sunday each January. It's a great way to begin again and to remember who we are and whose we are.

If you missed the service I would encourage you to get some water, bless it, and apply some to your forehead and renew your commitment to walk in newness of life. Invite the Holy Spirit to empower you to do God's will. But before you do any of that, participate in John's baptism of repentance. Think of the ways you missed God's best for you in 2008 and step back on the road that leads back to God. We all get off track and we can all get back on. It is as simple as it sounds. Change you mind and change your direction and you will find God waiting with open arms to receive you.

I have a new feature under my pastor's blog on our website; check it out and let me know what you think. I am always glad to find more ways to communicate. Now I just need someone to chat with me so I can learn how to use it!!!