October 14, 2009

Wednesday Night - The Other Side of Pride

We just finished a week long celebration of Pensacola Pride. It was indeed a great time. Tonight at 7PM I will be speaking on "The Other Side of Pride". The Bible has a lot to say about pride so come out tonight as we balance last week with this look at the downside of pride.

October 13, 2009

Saturday, in the Park

There we are, me and Ray Boltz, chatting in the park at the festival on Saturday. What a great time we had there and then in both services on Sunday. Franco and Ray loved our church and told me they will be back to see us when we least expect it. One day I will look up and see them walking in the door. I warned Ray that if I see him he will have to sing!
Pensacola Pride was a huge success. And we had many new visitors on Sunday that met us in the park on Saturday. So for all of the hard work it took to work the week, it was will work it.
I especially want to thank Doug and Donna and of course Tami for handling the Kids Korner.
All in all it was a great weekend.

October 5, 2009

Life, Abundant Life and Eternal Life

It's sad that so many people think that our time on earth is all there is to life - when just the opposite is true. The Bible says our days on this earth are but like a vapor. Yet we spend most of our resources on living in the here and now with little if any thought about eternity.
The last few weeks have been filled with death. We had three people in our church who had a parent die in the last two weeks, as well as a member who died very unexpectedly. And today a member sits by the bed of her mom who is dying.
Why do we see death as such a tragedy when in fact it is death that takes us back to God? Perhaps we need to focus more on eternal life. We are created to not only serve a purpose while we are on this earth, but more importantly to spend eternity with God.
So enjoy each day for truly it is a gift from God. But live with eternity in mind. Jesus came that we might have life...abundant life...and eternal life. May that truth make a difference in how you live your life today.