February 26, 2014

'Tis Good, Lord, to Be Here

'Tis Good, Lord, to be here!
Thy glory fills the night; Thy face and garments like the sun, shine with unborrowed light.

Transfiguration Sunday - our once a year visit to the mountaintop as Jesus steps into the path that will lead him to Calvary's hill. He takes a few disciples and together they experience being in the presence and glory of God. But what has that to do with us? It is affirmation of God's divine will and purpose; it is preparation to face what lies ahead; it is a celebration of our God who comes close to us.

And do not think that God no longer meets people on that mountaintop. In the last speech given by Dr Martin Luther King, Jr, shortly before his assassination he spoke of going to the mountaintop and seeing the glory of the coming of The Lord. God affirmed Dr King's purpose; God prepared Dr King for what lay ahead, and Dr King celebrated his up close and personal encounter with God.

Have you had such an experience with God? If so you know the sweetness of being in God's presence. If not, join us Sunday and step into a path that will lead your heart to say, 'Tis good, Lord, to be here. I don't know about you, but when we get to the end of worship that's exactly what my heart sings. Come sing and pray and worship with us at 10:45am. You belong at Cornerstone!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

February 12, 2014

Got Milk?

Sometimes what we want is not what we need. That is true with spiritual growth. We want to be fed, we want to eat meat, but what we need is spiritual milk. The lectionary reading from I Corinthians 3:1-9 reminds the church that we still have much growing to do and we have to drink that milk if we want to develop and grow strong. As with all growth, God determines how it occurs. Our job is to follow God's formula and work with God as God works with us.
This year we are getting back to the basics of the Christian faith so join us Sunday as we drink from the milk of God's word. We can trust God and God's way to grow stronger day by day. Got milk? There is an abundant supply. So put down those sugary drinks and pick up the real deal. I hope to see you Sunday at 10:45am.
Rev Sandy, Pastor

February 5, 2014

Salt and Light

What do salt and light have in common? Following his most famous sermon, Jesus used them as metaphors to some expectations of his disciples. Salvation is a free gift of grace. We can do nothing to earn it because it's based on Jesus, not us. Discipleship is another matter. It brings both blessings and expectations.

At Cornerstone our purpose is living and sharing God's love in Christ for all. We practice radical hospitality, passionate worship, intentional discipleship, risk taking outreach and service, and extravagant generosity. Love is our gore value. Our vision is that as we focus on our purpose and mission we will grow to 300 members committed to stewardship, we will be meeting in safe and accessible facilities, and we will be a resource to meet the needs of people, especially the vulnerable.

Does that stir passion within you? If so join us on Wednesday at 6:30pm in the Fellowship House, and Sunday at 10:45am in the sanctuary as we seek to become disciples of Jesus, or salt and light in our world. I hope to see you this week.

Rev Sandy, Pastor