June 17, 2014

These are the Days, Church!

What a wonderful time of worship last Sunday. We continue this week with the passage from Acts 2:14-21. The Holy Spirit fell upon the disciples, many came to believe, and the fulfillment of the prophesy began. God's Spirit is poured out upon all. Everyone is included. These are the days of prophesy, dreams, visions and salvation!

Praise God, this outpouring remains upon the church. The Holy Spirit is bringing blessing to Cornerstone - through the people of the church. Come be blessed and come be a blessing. These are exciting days my friends!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

June 11, 2014

How Can This Be?

When the Holy Spirit acts, people often ask, "How can this be?" It was asked by many on the day the Holy Spirit birthed the church. The city was full of people from many places and of many languages. Suddenly this diverse group of people began to hear the good news of the gospel in their own languages! They just couldn't understand how this could be, yet they were hearing it with their own ears.

The first time I worshiped at Resurrection MCC in Houston, I found myself asking the same question. I was hearing it with my ears, seeing it with my eyes, and feeling it deep within my soul, but how could it be that there was a church for me? By the power of the Holy Spirit!

How can a minority of Christians understand what the Bible really says about homosexuality? By the power of the Holy Spirit!

How could a virgin conceive a child? By the power of the Holy Spirit!

How could a few disciples fulfill the commandment of Christ to take the gospel into all the world? By the power of the Holy Spirit!

I must stop now or I'll be preaching my sermon right here! Join us Sunday as we celebrate the power of the Holy Spirit. In an act of unity with God's Spirit and each other, let's wear something red to church this week. Come experience the power that still changes lives, churches, and the world.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

June 4, 2014

The God We Hardly Know

We believe in God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. We know a lot about God and Christ, but how much do we know about the Holy Spirit? Sunday begins the season of Pentecost, a time to celebrate this God we hardly know. So instead of celebrating the birthday of the church as many will do this Sunday, I want us to take this week to get to know the Holy Spirit better. It makes the celebration sweeter when we know the one we're celebrating.

We know from scripture of at least 50 things the Holy Spirit does for us. Chances are, you are attributing some of them to God or Christ. The good news is, they work together as one. Now that's team ministry! It reminds me of Harry Truman's quote, "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."

Often I am asked how I do all that I do. My answer is, by the power of the Holy Spirit at work in and through me Join us Sunday as we learn more about the work of the Holy Spirit, and give credit where credit is due. Let's change the God we hardly know into the God we long to know better this Pentecost season. Think about someone YOU can invite to join you at church this Sunday. Begin to pray for them and then when the Holy Spirit nudges you, reach out and invite them. It's just that easy....with the help of this God you may hardly know.

Rev Sandy, Pastor