September 3, 2008

It's Good to be Back

What a joy it is to return to the family of God at Holy Cross MCC! And what a joy to find that our family has grown some while I was away. Growth is the sign of a church that is alive - and we are alive and well.

It's been good to sit and visit and get caught up on some of the things I missed. I try not to be overwhelmed by the over 1200 e-mails sitting in my In-box. Know that I am going through some of them each reverse order.

The hardest thing I have had to do is have the cell phone service re-activated. As of yesterday it is back in service and the number is the same. I do ask that you not leave messages unless it is necessary. I can have up to 30 messages at a time and it is frustrating when they come in faster than I can check them. As a rule, I do not answer the cell phone when I am in the office on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. My days off remain the same, Thursday and Friday.

If you have not seen my office since I returned then stop by and see the beautiful job they did while I was away. That labor of love made returning to the office so much more enjoyable.

And last but not least, Bea and Donna have been working hard to get the sermons back on our web site. Check it out under the Worship page. Also, CD's of the services are available for a small fee.

Continue to have a blessed week and I will see you on Sunday!