December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas from Cornerstone MCC and Happy Birthday Jesus!

Our time of preparation and waiting is over and Christmas has arrived. What a great journey through Advent. Today is a day to be like Mary and have a heart willing to do God's will, like Joseph and a heart of mercy for someone who needs it, and like Elizabeth and a heart of encouragement for someone who is discouraged this Christmas. Hearts of compassion such as these move the very heart of the Christ Child and give glory to God.

Holiday's are filled with good and not meant to be stressful. Break that cycle of family feud by taking the high road and letting someone off the hook, be right even though you know they're wrong, and saying grace over the meal. Make it a great Christmas!

My prayer for each person reading these words is that your heart would know the love of God through the gift of Jesus. For knowing Jesus brings hope, love, joy, peace, forgiveness, grace, mercy, compassion, security, the best relationship one could ever experience and a host of other blessings.

Happy Birthday Jesus! Thank you for coming to our world and showing us God's love.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

December 18, 2013

Joyful and Triumphant

Join us Sunday, December 22, at 10:45am on the last Sunday of Advent. We are in store for a wonderful gift as our Choir presents "Joyful and Triumphant". Communion will be served. Invite someone to join you. Also, the Choir will repeat their presentation Sunday at 5:00pm with a reception to follow.

You can catch these performances by watching our live broadcasts.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

December 11, 2013

Elizabeth in Judea: Encouragement

In the first trimester of her pregnancy, Mary makes the same journey she will later endure as a very pregnant woman. This time she stops short of Bethlehem in the home of her (also pregnant) relative and friend, Elizabeth. Finally, Mary can let go and celebrate this secret she has held in ever since the visit from the angel. Elizabeth's joy encourages Mary to accept fully what she has been chosen to do-carry this child who will be a Message of Hope and Justice to all people-and she exclaims the powerful Magnificent.

Join us Sunday as we give thanks for those who encourage us and learn how we can encourage and support others into fullness of life.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

December 4, 2013

Joseph of Bethlehem: Mercy

Joseph's hometown of Bethlehem (also King David's hometown) literally means "House of Bread." The town rests in the shadow of a huge monument built by Herod as a testament to his great "might." But it is not a King or a Ruler that is to be the earthly father of Jesus. God chose Joseph, a man who has great mercy when faced with a pregnant fiancée. He shows ultimate hospitality to Mary and to God's plan, just as Jesus will show mercy as he breaks bread with the least later in his ministry.

Join us Sunday, December 8, as we hear God's call to show such mercy and hospitality along the journey of life.

Rev Sandy, Pastor