June 21, 2008

This Week

What a great week this has been for me. I had opportunities to rest, I had time alone, and I even got to work on my tan. While I was at the beach I read a book I have had on my bookshelf for a long time. I looked in the front to see from whence it came and much to my surprise, it was given to me about a year before I moved here over seven years ago. It's about time I got around to reading it! Sabbaticals are good for many things, one of which is reading.

This is an interesting time with all three of us...four if you count dad...home for an extended period of time. There is a sense of joy among us as we take some much needed time to play and just be together. I am sure this summer will be one we remember for the rest of our lives.

It's interesting how the body and mind slow down after racing non-stop. It's a gradual process that leads to a space of peace and clam. That is what I am enjoying today. That is what I am looking forward to tomorrow. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in doing and going that we forget just to be. So what am I doing? Nothing and everything. And I am enjoying every moment of it.

Thank you Holy Cross for the gift of this time off. I know you will be blessed in worship tomorrow so be sure to get up and go to church!

June 13, 2008

Modern Technology

Wow, two dozen of us just watched the LEGAL MARRIAGE CEREMONY of Booth and Denise via the internet. Unfortunately the sound did not work but there will be a video showing of this historical event in the near future. What a blessing to be a part of the wedding!!!

Congratulations Booth and Denise! We love you!!

June 9, 2008

It Was a Glorious Day!

Yesterday was a wonderful day! The church seemed full...it was at 80% seating capacity so to new folks it was full...and spirits were high. The Choir did a lovely version of "You Light Up My Life" and the Praise Team sang "Friends". I guess at times I do enjoy surprises. There was an incredible sense of peace in the sanctuary. I drove off knowing that Holy Cross will be fine while I rest and seek God's direction for the next chapter in this exciting journey.

It is my intention to post to my blog at least once a week...but we know about good intentions!

Thanks to those who gave gifts and funds to make this time more enjoyable for me. Know that you are loved and appreciated.


June 4, 2008

Send-off Sunday

It's hard to believe my sabbatical send-off is this Sunday. How exciting it has been to plan worship for the next ten weeks. Indeed God does have people with the resources we need, all lined up to help us at the right time for God's glory. Not only will I be blessed with a time of rest, the church will be blessed with a time of refreshing. I think everyone will be pleased to see the plan that will be revealed on Sunday as we worship together.

You can check out what's happening the first Sunday I am off on the entrance page to our website. I look forward to what I know will be a moving service and I hope to see you there.