March 27, 2013

Journey from Darkness to Light

Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus! Join us at Cornerstone MCC Sunday, March 31 as we finish our series on the Bible and rejoice in our Risen Lord. Remember, this is the week some people are hoping to be invited to church for Easter. You can be the one to do that and you can make it easier for them by offering to give them a ride, meet them before church for breakfast, or meet them by the beautiful cross outside the church. Let's set a new record Sunday! Invite them to stay for lunch afterwards too.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

March 20, 2013

Journey from Religion to Relationship

For decades the church has offered people religion. But God's salvation offers us the enjoyment of a relationship. It's not that religion is good or bad, it's just that relationship is much better. Come give it a try on this Palm Sunday. Experience the difference for yourself.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

March 13, 2013

Journey from Victim to Victor

How wonderful it is to be taking this journey through the Bible together. Week one we were reminded that God moves us from death to life, week two, from slavery to freedom, and this week from victim to victor. I never did like playing the victim. It's such a waste of time and energy. God seems not to care for it much either. As Rev Keith said Sunday, God calls us to get up, and get moving. God calls us to journey through the struggles that come our way and to reach a place of victory over them.

Come hear more about that Sunday, and invite someone to join you, especially if you know someone who has been victimized. Bring them to hear the good news of God's grace for them and their situation.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

March 6, 2013

Share Your Fasting Experiences

Today we finish the 21 Day Daniel Fast! I would enjoy learning of your experience. If you would like to share that with me, click here.

Joy fills my heart as Sunday approaches. What a difference a year makes! I am looking forward to celebrating what God has done for us.

Rev Sandy, Pastor