August 26, 2011

Re-Inventing Hospitality

As I read the scripture for Sunday, Romans 12:9-21, (from the Message) the phrase "be inventive in hospitality" caught my eye. I wondered how I would go about doing that if time and money were in abundance.

Jesus stressed the importance of showing kindness and care to people. He reinvented hospitality in his time by talking to the woman at the well, feeding the multitudes when the disciples wanted to turn them away, and washing the feet of the disciples. In a culture that had little regard for women and children, Jesus welcomed and valued them.

What about us? How might we as a church be inventive in hospitality? Most visitors probably expect to be greeted when they arrive and offered a cup of coffee and a snack before they leave.

We do that, at least for the 9:00 am service. So I invite you to think beyond the realm of refreshments and ask yourself how we might extend even greater hospitality to our guests.

Email me if you get an answer and I'll share mine on Sunday.

If you haven't been to church in a while remember your place is saved. We miss you. We are praying for you and the gift of your presence will bring us much joy!

August 18, 2011

40 Days of Community

The Holy Spirit has blessed us with tremendous insight during the last six weeks of this "40 Days of Community" series!

The focus has been:

  • Why We Need Each Other
  • Reaching Out Together
  • What Destroys & What Builds Relationships
  • How We Can Help Each Other
  • Serving Together
  • Abundant Living

This Sunday we will focus on "What We Have Learned" as we learn even further through the power of reflection. We will also explore how these themes all fit "together"!

It will be a special Sunday here at Holy Cross MCC so we invite YOU to invite a FRIEND as we continue this spiritual journey "together"!

And speaking of "community", on Sunday, August 28th, Holy Cross MCC during our worship services will collect an offering for our brothers and sisters at Spirit of Christ MCC in Joplin, Missouri. A few weeks ago, their entire church facility was destroyed from tornado damage. So we ask you to pray about it and come prepared to help our MCC community members in Joplin.

We look forward to worship with you on Sunday!

August 12, 2011

Sharpening the Ax: the Importance of Personal Growth!

How long has it been since you've read a book, listened to a teaching, or attended a workshop to help you grow as a leader? No matter how much education and/or experience one has, there is always a need for personal growth and development. Just as an ax can become dull - so can leaders. That's why it is essential for leaders to take time to get away from their areas of service, go to the grindstone, and sharpen their ax.

Don't allow yourself to become dull and set in your ways. Don't allow yourself to think you're so busy that you don't have time because there's just so much that has to be done. That kind of mental and emotional rut will leave you with a dull ax and a diminished ability to lead God's people.

God is not satisfied with the status quo; God calls us all to grow! "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?" (Isaiah 43:18-19a)

We look forward to worship with you on Sunday!

August 4, 2011

I Can Do It All By Myself!

How often do we strive to serve God with this attitude? It's as though we think God will love us more if we do more, especially if we do it without asking for, or waiting for help. The truth is, God designed us to serve together. Sure, there are things that can be done by one person, but doing things together builds community. It invites people in and connects them to our church.

The next time you're about to do ministry all by yourself, stop and think about how you might involve others so they too can enjoy the blessing of service.

The sermon Sunday is "Serving Together". We will explore why, even though we may be able to do it all by ourselves, God calls us to serve together.