December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Wow, it's finally here! Christmas Eve. We can see the finish line and soon we can slow down and celebrate Jesus - our God with us. Do you ever stop and allow your mind to think about what Christmas really means? Usually what would follow would be my answer to that question. But as a gift to you, I invite you to ask yourself that question. And continue thinking until you reach a place of wonder!

Merry Christmas

Christmas Eve Service 7PM

December 7, 2009

Laugh a Little

Wow, it's been a month since I posted to my blog...what have I been doing?

In reading e-mails this morning and then logging onto our site, I have had some good laughs. Maybe you need to laugh this morning so here goes.

See how blessed you are to have my concise, bottom-line sermons!

So I have very little voice today...which some will count as a blessing as well. Working from home always allows me to catch up on this!

Have a blessed day and take some time today to prepare for Jesus...He is coming!