March 26, 2009

Baseball, Hot Dogs and Apple Pie

What could be more American than that!?!
Now that I have your attention I want to remind you that Sunday is going to be a great day at Holy Cross MCC. Instead of hot dogs and apple pie we have something better - Family and Friends, Pot-luck and Southern Gospel. So cook me something good to eat and join us as we say good-bye to one worship service and prepare to return to two services the following Sunday.
In addition to my friend Ray Vester, my uncle Sonny will be here to sing and our very own Southern Gospel groups from right here at Holy Cross MCC. I
t will be a day of great blessing so I hope to see you Sunday.

March 7, 2009

Spring Forward

It's that time of the year again! It comforts me to know that Spring is on the way. Year after year, no matter how long or hard the Winter, Spring returns to remind us that there is a time and season for everything.

This is also the season of Lent. Once again we are asked to focus on our spiritual journey, to evaluate our priorities and to choose God's way over ours. If we are honest, we all can benefit from such a season. So set your clock ahead, jump out of bed and I'll see you at church tomorrow.

For those who made New Year's resolutions to get healthier - there's still time. For those who wanted to give up or take on something for Lent - there's still time. Join us in the sanctuary on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:30 am for Heart and Soul. Jo Ann is our leader and if I can do it (and enjoy it) so can you! We are beginning with Walk Aerobics and it is so easy. The DVD instructor is on the big screen and the time goes by so fast. It's designed to accommodate people of varying I said, if I can do you you can do it. At least give it a try if your schedule allows. Our bodies are the temple of the Lord and this is one way to help take care of them.