December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas from Cornerstone MCC and Happy Birthday Jesus!

Our time of preparation and waiting is over and Christmas has arrived. What a great journey through Advent. Today is a day to be like Mary and have a heart willing to do God's will, like Joseph and a heart of mercy for someone who needs it, and like Elizabeth and a heart of encouragement for someone who is discouraged this Christmas. Hearts of compassion such as these move the very heart of the Christ Child and give glory to God.

Holiday's are filled with good and not meant to be stressful. Break that cycle of family feud by taking the high road and letting someone off the hook, be right even though you know they're wrong, and saying grace over the meal. Make it a great Christmas!

My prayer for each person reading these words is that your heart would know the love of God through the gift of Jesus. For knowing Jesus brings hope, love, joy, peace, forgiveness, grace, mercy, compassion, security, the best relationship one could ever experience and a host of other blessings.

Happy Birthday Jesus! Thank you for coming to our world and showing us God's love.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

December 18, 2013

Joyful and Triumphant

Join us Sunday, December 22, at 10:45am on the last Sunday of Advent. We are in store for a wonderful gift as our Choir presents "Joyful and Triumphant". Communion will be served. Invite someone to join you. Also, the Choir will repeat their presentation Sunday at 5:00pm with a reception to follow.

You can catch these performances by watching our live broadcasts.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

December 11, 2013

Elizabeth in Judea: Encouragement

In the first trimester of her pregnancy, Mary makes the same journey she will later endure as a very pregnant woman. This time she stops short of Bethlehem in the home of her (also pregnant) relative and friend, Elizabeth. Finally, Mary can let go and celebrate this secret she has held in ever since the visit from the angel. Elizabeth's joy encourages Mary to accept fully what she has been chosen to do-carry this child who will be a Message of Hope and Justice to all people-and she exclaims the powerful Magnificent.

Join us Sunday as we give thanks for those who encourage us and learn how we can encourage and support others into fullness of life.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

December 4, 2013

Joseph of Bethlehem: Mercy

Joseph's hometown of Bethlehem (also King David's hometown) literally means "House of Bread." The town rests in the shadow of a huge monument built by Herod as a testament to his great "might." But it is not a King or a Ruler that is to be the earthly father of Jesus. God chose Joseph, a man who has great mercy when faced with a pregnant fiancée. He shows ultimate hospitality to Mary and to God's plan, just as Jesus will show mercy as he breaks bread with the least later in his ministry.

Join us Sunday, December 8, as we hear God's call to show such mercy and hospitality along the journey of life.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

November 27, 2013

Advent Journey Begins this Sunday.

The new church year begins this week and we are taking a Journey to Bethlehem. We begin with Mary of Nazareth and Willingness. Mary's hometown was a small village built around a water source. The name means "branch" or "shoot"-a vision of life bursting forth. It is to a young woman from this humble village that the Spirit of God plants the seed of hope for the world. And it is Mary's willingness to set out on this amazing journey of bearing God's Beloved that puts things in motion.

The question of Advent is, are we willing to allow God's Spirit to break in on our lives and nudge us toward new journeys?

Join us as we return to a more liturgical worship service Advent through Easter. Take this Journey to Bethlehem and invite others to join you. This is one of two times in the year when people are more likely to say yes!

  • 12/08 Joseph of Bethlehem: Mercy
  • 12/15 Elizabeth of Judea: Encouragement
  • 12/22 The Choir presents "Joyful and Triumphant"
  • 12/24 Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service @ 6:00pm.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

November 20, 2013

Giving Thanks for Our Volunteers

The church is not a building, the church is not a steeple, it's not even the Pastor, the church is the people! It is the extravagant generosity of our volunteers that bring Cornerstone to life. On this Sunday before Thanksgiving we pause to show our appreciation for the time, talent, treasure and truth shared by our volunteers.

Scripture teaches that to each is given a spiritual gift to be used in the ministry of the church. Since they are given for the church, they change as the needs of the church change. This is a good time to evaluate the gifts you have been given for ministry in the new year. Here are a few links to help you know your gift(s); there are many others on line:

Join us Sunday at 10:45am as we celebrate our volunteers, especially if you are one! Watch our broadcast live.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

November 6, 2013

First Things First

Most of us are creatures of habit and routine. What do you do the first five minutes of the day? Or when you first get paid? These are just two areas in which God longs to be first. Can you imagine how different your life would be if you put God first in your day and in your finances?

Proverbs 3:9 says, "In everything you do, put God first, and God will direct you and crown your efforts with success." Now that's a guarantee!

Can you imagine how different our church would be if just the members put God first in everything we do? It would be awesome. We could triple our efforts to live and share God's love in Christ for all.

Join us Sunday as we consider God's desire to be number one in our lives. And it's all because of how much God loves us! I missed you last Sunday so I'll be extra glad to see you this week. Contact someone and invite them to join you. Let's fill the sanctuary and celebrate our God who loves us more than we can even understand.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

October 23, 2013

Start Living' Right Now!

One of my favorite books is "The Power of Now". Right here and now, in this present moment, we are safe and secure in God's love. We have everything we need to live and share God's love in Christ for all. Jesus said that the kingdom or dominion of God is within. We do not have to look outside ourselves to experience love, joy and peace. Jesus also said, "I have come that you might have life, and have it abundantly. We have worked hard to expand from a population of one to a population of many.

Join us Sunday, October 27, at 10:45am as we celebrate our every expanding witness of God's love in Christ for all. Let us celebrate God's favor upon our lives and our church.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

October 16, 2013

Break My Heart for What Breaks Yours

Life is not meant to be lived alone but in community together. Church is for everyone who wants to live a communal life. But how many churches exclude people that are different, judge people they don't even know and fail to acknowledge that life can be hard?

Our focus this Sunday is to become one with the heartbreak of God, to be reminded not only of the risk of feeling the deep sorrow of life, but the greater risk of not feeling that sorrow. God hard-wired us for the work of compassion. The word "religion" literally means "to bind together". Who do you know that is broken hearted and in need of compassion? Are you willing to let your heart break for them enough to risk binding them to yourself and our church? And are you willing to be real and share your times of sorrow with your church family? Let's come together this Sunday, October 20, and get real with each other and God.

You can watch our live broadcast at 10:45am (CST) this Sunday. 

Rev Sandy, Pastor

October 9, 2013

Give Me Open Hands and Open Doors

Christ is calling us to truly be opened in ways we have never imagined; open to making Cornerstone a house of prayer for all people; opening our hearts to what God will do through the people God brings to us. As opened people and an opened church, God reminds us that it's not about us, but about others and each other. It's about inviting and allowing all to bring and share themselves in ministry and service at Cornerstone. There is a ministry for everyone and there is no limit to how far we can reach as we are willing to reach out together.

Every week is an opportunity to be opened up to being the church. Every week we are called to invite others to join our circle of worship. I hope we all seize that opportunity by opening our hearts and our doors to people who are waiting to open up to us. Tell someone the good news....that they belong at Cornerstone.

Join us during our live broadcast  on Sunday at 10:45am if you are unable to attend.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

October 2, 2013

Look Me in the Eye

How many times do we look right through people instead of looking them in the eye? Jesus always took time to stop and see the people around him. Sometimes it was a messy thing, breaking rules, crossing boundaries, and changing religious tradition. As disciples, our work can get messy too. Living and sharing God's love in Christ for all requires personal transformation in the ways we relate to each other and people outside our church.

Refreshed and renewed by Camp Meeting, having reached in, up and out, it's time to look someone in the eye, invite and bring them to church with you this Sunday, October 6. Let them know they belong at Cornerstone!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

September 25, 2013

THIS Friday, Saturday and Sunday - Camp Meeting!

Originating in England, camp meetings became a movement across the US in the early nineteenth century, and continue to this day. There are permanent camp grounds for such meetings; however many are three day events at a local church. It is a time of coming together from different churches and cities for worship and fellowship. People from MCC in New Orleans and Barton Rouge are registered and I am hoping to be surprised with some from Montgomery and Florida too.

Our guest preacher for the weekend is Rev J.R. Finney, Pastor of Covenant Birmingham UCC. We are excited to hear the messages God has laid on his heart for us:


There will be special music and a time to pray together in the services. Many are praying for a powerful time of healing and renewal. The Holy Spirit always shows up at camp meeting! Of course there will be food all weekend! But we still need help so sign-up today.

  • Friday night, after the service we will host a reception for Rev Finney and all of our guests. Sign-up at VolunteerSpot to bring something or help.
  • Saturday BBQ Dinner before service (donation $10 adults/$5 kids, students, seniors). Sign-up at VolunteerSpot to bring something or help.
  • Pot-luck Luncheon after service. Sign-up at VolunteerSpot to bring something or help.

Camp Meeting is a great time to invite family and friends to join you. Scripture says God prepares the hearts of those we are to invite....our part is simply to ask. So here is my personal invitation for you who are reading this: please join me for one or more of our camp meeting services. I believe there's a blessing that has been prepared just for YOU! View our poster here.

All services will be broadcast live.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

September 18, 2013

What if There's a Greater Purpose?

We all question at times "Who am I? What am I here on this earth to do?" As we discovered last week, we can get distracted and pulled in many directions. This week we affirm our own individual purpose in the light of who God calls us to be. In a world full of need and with a God of provision, our purpose is to help meet needs in the name of God. Each of us has a unique role to play in filling our purpose. Do you know your unique calling? Do you have a personal mission statement to help you focus on your purpose?

Join us Sunday, September 22, at 10:45am as we affirm our identity as disciples of the One who heard the call and answered, "Here Am I!"

You can also watch our live broadcast.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

September 11, 2013

I Don’t Want to Miss What Matters

What really matters? So many things seem to require our attention in this life journey. We have to be intentional in deciding what really matters to us personally and as a church. While there are hundreds, if not thousands of good things we could be doing, what really matters right now is that we practice radical hospitality, passionate worship, intentional discipleship, risk- taking outreach and service, and extravagant generosity.

If that's our mission and what really matters, the bottom-line question is on which team are you gifted and called to serve? Don't let life fly by and miss what matters most to your life, Cornerstone and God.  You have a divine appointment this Sunday, September 15, and every Sunday at 10:45am. And that's what matters most on Sunday!

If you can not attend, watch our live broadcast.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

September 4, 2013

I Try to Stay Awake

Last Sunday we decided to move beyond population one and to begin to live outside our own little world. That requires that we wake up to the world around us and we wake up as the church. It's easier to stay unaware of the heartache and pain in our world. But that requires us to become numb, living our lives as if asleep. And when we are numb, it affects the way we experience the fullness of God's abundant blessings and promises, even and especially in the midst of pain. The good news is we can wake up and truly live. We can wake up as a church and reclaim hope and the power to make a difference in our world.

So wake up early Sunday morning and join us as we seek to open our hearts and minds to a world that needs hope and a church that loves to give it in abundance.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

August 28, 2013

Population Two

It's a new month, vacation is over, school's back in session and we're settling back into regular routines after a fun summer. It's time to reconnect with friends, church and the Holy Living God. It's time for us as individuals and a church, to connect with people outside our church. There's a popular song "Population One" by Matthew that reminds us of our call to restore relationships with one another and expand our population circle to include more people.

As we prepare for our annual Camp Meeting at the end of the month, now is the time for us to draw the circle wide by beginning to invite friends, neighbors, co-workers, and even strangers to come and connect with Cornerstone. It's time to contact sisters and brothers that are missing from church for whatever reason and ask them to come home.

Join us Sunday, September 1, at 10:45am as we seek to move beyond population one. If you are unable to attend, watch us via live broadcast.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

August 21, 2013

My Rock and My Redeemer

To be "redeemed" is to be set on a right and good path. As this series comes to a close, we engage in a ritual of promises to walk the good path together. If you've gotten off that path, this is a great opportunity to get back on track. God's mercies are new every morning and redemption is always calling us home. So invite someone to walk the path with you by joining you Sunday at 10:45am. If you are unable to attend, please watch our service via live broadcast.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

August 14, 2013

Shelter of the Rock

One of the basic needs of every human being is shelter. Whether we need physical shelter in the form of a place to hang our hats, emotional shelter in the form of encouragement and affirmation amidst life's struggles, or spiritual shelter in the form of a supportive faith community, shelter is a gift of God's grace which we can participate in bringing to the world. We will focus this week on our relationship with the homeless in our community, considering several ways that we can offer the ministry of shelter with and through agencies already doing good work.

Because he will shelter me in his own dwelling during troubling times; he will hide me in a secret place in his own tent; he will set me up high, safe on a rock - Psalm 27

Rev Sandy, Pastor

August 7, 2013

Lead Me to the Rock

Our spiritual path leads us toward a God that is "higher" than anything of this world. Too often we try to count on our own power and struggle until we realize that it is not enough to affect the kind of transformation we seek. God calls us to come higher to that place where we are changed and made whole.

Join us Sunday, August 11, at 10:45am as we seek to lead each other on the spiritual path toward the God who lifts us higher and higher.

When my heart is weak, I cry out to you from the very ends of the earth. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I am. - Psalm 61

Rev Sandy, Pastor

July 31, 2013

Solid Rock

We begin our series, "God Is My Rock", exploring the steadfast nature of God. Life is not always good, people are not always good, hard times do come. But God is always good. We can always turn to God and find a firm foundation in our ever-changing world.

Join us Sunday at 10:45am as we celebrate the Rock of our Salvation with special guest Ray Vester. Join us in building a safe and life-giving place of refuge where all are welcome. You belong at Cornerstone! If you are not able to attend, watch via live broadcast.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

July 24, 2013

The Hand of God

That's one of those phrases we hear in scripture, but what does it really mean? Probably more than you ever imagined. Sunday we will explore Psalm 138 in which David gives thanks for the mighty hand of God at work in his life. He even specifies the work of one hand over the other.

Join us as we give thanks for and invite God's hand upon our lives and our church. If you can not attend watch our service via live broadcast.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

July 17, 2013

Martha and Mary - Portraits of Duty and Devotion

We return to the lectionary this week and find Jesus visiting at the home of Martha and Mary. Sibling rivalry plays out right there in the presence of Jesus. He uses that occasion to teach a valuable lesson. Both duty and devotion are necessary for followers of Jesus. But if we have to choose one over the other, devotion wins. Love always wins. It outlasts faith and hope. So join us Sunday at 10:45am as we worship Jesus, the lover of our souls. If you're not able to attend, watch the service by way of our live broadcast.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

July 10, 2013

What We've Learned About Our Middle Name

This week we complete our 40 Days of Community as we look back on what we've learned. If you've ever wanted to help me preach a sermon, this is your chance. Since "We're Better Together" everyone will be invited to participate in reviewing the last forty days.

If I had to choose one word to connect with community, it would be grace. It takes a lot of grace to each other to come together as one. Join us as we celebrate God's grace to us, and are invited to share that grace with each other as we build a loving community at Cornerstone.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

July 3, 2013

Living a Generous Life

Generosity is not all about money; it is a lifestyle of saying yes to God's call to care for creation. By sharing the grace we have been given, we become dispensers of grace in our world. And if the world needs anything, it's grace. What has God gifted you to give? For some it is money and they are able to give extravagantly. For some it is helping or serving others. For some it is interceding in prayer. Our gifts are so diverse and unique and of equal importance.

We are in Chicago for the 25th General Conference of MCC. In worship last night we celebrated some who have given their all so that we are free to worship and serve God. It was humbling to be a recipient of their generosity. The pioneers’ of MCC are aging and passing the torch to a new generation of leaders. And from what I can see, we are in good hands. MCC has a fantastic future because people gave and are continuing to give.

Of course God is our greatest model of generosity and that can be seen in all of creation. The greatest gift of God is Jesus. In humility of spirit, let us carry on the work Jesus left for us to do.  I will close with a question...what are you willing to give so that others may come to know of this great church called MCC? So many people need what we already have, a church to call their own. So let us each decide to live a generous whatever way God has gifted us.

We are having a great time, but we'll be ready to come home this weekend. I hope to see you at a church where you belong, and I hope it's Cornerstone.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

June 26, 2013

Being Free in Christ, We are the Pieces of the Completed Jigsaw Puzzle of Life

This Sunday, June 30, we deviate from our 40 Days of Community with a special message delivered by Steven Flaskerud. We will pick-up with our series on community the following Sunday, when our delegation to MCC's General Conference in Chicago returns. Invite someone to join you in church this Sunday.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

June 19, 2013

Serving Together

One of the most fascinating aspects of the church is our call to serve together. God calls ordinary people like us to be the hands, feet, mouth, eyes, ears, other words, the body of Christ in our generation. I am humbled that God trusts us with such an important task. And guess what? There is no plan B. That's how confident God is that the church will be victorious in her assignment.

My primary job as Pastor is to equip the saints to do the ministry of the church. If you are not currently serving in a ministry, are you ready to be equipped for one? I hope so because we are launching our new plan for TEAM Ministry and there is a place for everyone to serve. We have leadership for three of our five areas and still need administrative gifts to lead two areas: Radical Hospitality and Extravagant Generosity. Is God calling you to be a leader or to serve in a team? God is calling. What will your answer be?

Join us Sunday as we explore the blessing of serving together. Resources will be available explaining each area of service and my hope and prayer is that you will be moved to join a team. Together Everyone Accomplishes More.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

June 12, 2013

How We Help Each Other

If we took a survey, most people, in most churches would want to grow spiritually. The dilemma in many churches, including ours, is how to go about that important work. That's why we are excited about our new focus on Intentional Discipleship. Over the next months we will be creating more opportunities for our congregation to learn and grow.

But we don't have to wait until then to get started. We have the opportunity and the ability to help each other grow. That's what Sunday's sermon is all about. Learn specific ways you can help others in their spiritual growth and maturity, and how others can help you too. We are better together; especially when we help each other grow! Come grow with us and belong at Cornerstone.

"I want us to help each other with the faith we have. Your faith will help me, and my faith will help you." Romans 1:12 (NCV)

Rev Sandy, Pastor

June 5, 2013

Relationships: What Builds Them and What Destroys Them

Attitudes, we all have them but do we realize the impact they have on our relationships? In my kitchen hangs a sign that reads, "Attitude is Everything" and I believe that to be so true. I also believe we have control over our attitudes. It has been said that life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.

The Bible has much to say about how our attitudes affect our relationships. In our quest to build a healthy community of faith, we have got to check our attitudes and choose to adjust them so that they are building, not destroying our relationships with God and others. The good news is that we are in control of them, and when we choose in agreement with God's word, our attitudes become blessings to our lives, our church, and other people.

So join us Sunday, as we check our attitudes and choose to be builders, not destroyers of relationships. We are better together, and our attitudes make all the difference!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

May 29, 2013

Partners Reaching Out Together

That's what we are at Cornerstone MCC. We're partnering with God and each other to live and share the love of God in Christ for all. This week we focus on reaching out together. Many have the idea that sharing their faith is a hard thing to do. And it may seem that way. But the truth is, God goes before us, with us, and after us as we step out in faith to reach someone. We never do it alone!

Join us for 40 Days of Community. We are better together, especially when practicing risk-taking outreach and service.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

May 22, 2013

40 Days of Community

A new sermon series begins Sunday. This series is designed to lay a firm foundation as we begin working on our new purpose, mission and vision. We begin with a concept that is difficult for many of us to embrace - our need for one another. So get over your independent self and come learn why we need each other! Bring a friend and stay for the cookout after service.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

May 16, 2013

Do You Recognize Me Now?

This Sunday we celebrate the birthday of the Church and the gift of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus told his disciples he was leaving, he said that he would send a Helper, the Spirit of Truth. We are not alone. The Holy Spirit is with all who give their hearts to Jesus. Join us Sunday as we seek to recognize this wonderful gift we have been given.

As we work to fulfill our purpose and mission, it is the power of the Holy Spirit that will accomplish great and mighty things through us. Jesus said we will do greater things than he did and that it's not by might, nor by power, but by God's Spirit empowering us. Red, symbolizing the flame of the Spirit, will be worn by some if you would like to join in. Invite someone to join you and I'll see you at 10:45am Sunday morning.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

May 8, 2013

The Rest of the Story

Some of us remember Paul Harvey and his radio talk show. Near the end of the broadcast he would say, "And now for the rest of the story..." I enjoyed listening to him and learning things I did not know. That is what I hope to do this Sunday as we celebrate Mother's Day and some of the beautiful feminine images of God that are in the Bible.

No matter how much we learn of God, God is greater than our words and images can convey. But why has the church ignored teaching about the feminine part of God? Yes, God is Father, but God is also Mother. God is both and neither. Join us Sunday as we take God out of the "male box" and allow God to be more to us than father. And before you dismiss me and decide to take the Sunday off, I challenge you to open your mind for the rest of the story that's right there in the Bible.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

May 1, 2013

We Are the Church Alive!

Make plans to celebrate Pride this weekend, May 4 and 5. We'll be set up for Pridefest in Bienville Square, Saturday from noon until 5:30pm. The parade is at 2:30pm and if you would like to walk with Cornerstone MCC please arrive early to sign the necessary waivers. This is our greatest outreach opportunity, not to mention a lot of fun so come out and show your pride in yourself and our church.

Sunday, May 5, Pride moves to the church for a special worship service including the re-dedication of the Cross of Inclusion, baptisms, new members, Rev Lee Carlton preaching and the Port City Men's Chorus singing. Then enjoy a delicious BBQ Dinner of chicken or pulled pork for a suggested donation of $10.00 and suggested donations of $1.00 for water and soft drinks. We will be accepting credit and debit cards for your convenience.

Put on your dancing shoes and enjoy some good music. The food, drinks and dance are a fund-raiser for our upcoming Conference in Chicago so bring some money and have a good time. Sponsored plate and soft drink are available if needed. Just let them known at the ticket table. We want everyone to enjoy the day! Even the children - who can jump the afternoon away. Food and fun from 1:30pm to 3:30pm, maybe longer if the party is still going!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

April 24, 2013

Powerful Vision!

This week we finish our series on Resurrection Power as we look at God's vision for us and the power we have to bring it to pass. It's time to define resurrection power in a way you can understand and access. So be in the pew on Sunday at 10:45am with an open heart and mind and help us celebrate our new Guiding Documents of Purpose, Mission and Vision.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

April 17, 2013

Powerful Mission

Just as the wind blows waves to the shore, so God's Spirit blows waves into our lives, and the life of the church. When I attended Interim Pastor Training last year I learned of a resource that seems to be a wave for churches and I want us to catch it.

In his book, Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations, Robert Schnase invites the church to take things up a notch by practicing radical hospitality, passionate worship, intentional faith development, risk taking mission and service, and extravagant generosity. I want you to think about those words and what Cornerstone MCC would be if we caught that wave and made it our mission.

Then join us Sunday, at 10:45am as we seek to better understand those practices and why they are important to Christ, and Cornerstone MCC. Know that we miss you when you are not at church and remember, you belong at Cornerstone!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

April 10, 2013

Powerful Purpose

That I might know Christ, and the power of His resurrection - Philippians 3:10

This Sunday we will continue where we left off Easter. The women run quickly from the tomb to share the good news that Jesus is alive! Then Jesus meets the disciples in Galilee and delivers to them what the church refers to as The Great Commission. Go into all the world, make disciples of all people, baptize, and teach.

That sounds like a tall order. How could a handful of disciples possibly take the gospel to all people? There's only one way, and it's by the same power that raised Jesus from the dead! How can we fulfill our life's purpose? Resurrection power. How can Cornerstone MCC fulfill its purpose? Resurrection power! Join us Sunday as we do a little spiritual math: God's capability + our availability = powerful possibilities.

I ask you to spend some time in prayer, listening for answers to these two questions. What is the purpose of my life? What is the purpose of our church? Whatever the answers may be, as long as we stay connected to Jesus, our greatest source of power, we will be victorious in fulfilling God's purpose for our lives and our church.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

April 3, 2013

We Did It - Record Setting Sunday!

Talk about resurrection power, the sanctuary was full of it Sunday. Thank you for reaching out and inviting your family, friends and co-workers to worship with us for Easter. Thank you for welcoming all of our guests. Thanks for all of the delicious food that more than fed everyone. Cornerstone, we rock! Keep this up and we'll have to add another service. Worry not, I have years of experience doing that and I'll be more than glad to do it again.

On my first Sunday at Cornerstone we set a record with 157 in attendance, however, a number of my family, friends and former parishioners were there to support me. This time, we did it on our own. 187 people! And so many guests said they would be back. I think this may get us over that 125 barrier we have been trying to break. Praise God!!!

We've Got Resurrection Power
This is our April sermon series for Sunday Worship. Join us at 10:45am or watch our live broadcast on our web site. Check out our April events poster.
  • 04/14 Powerful Purpose
  • 04/21 Powerful Mission
  • 04/28 Powerful Vision

Rev Sandy, Pastor

March 27, 2013

Journey from Darkness to Light

Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus! Join us at Cornerstone MCC Sunday, March 31 as we finish our series on the Bible and rejoice in our Risen Lord. Remember, this is the week some people are hoping to be invited to church for Easter. You can be the one to do that and you can make it easier for them by offering to give them a ride, meet them before church for breakfast, or meet them by the beautiful cross outside the church. Let's set a new record Sunday! Invite them to stay for lunch afterwards too.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

March 20, 2013

Journey from Religion to Relationship

For decades the church has offered people religion. But God's salvation offers us the enjoyment of a relationship. It's not that religion is good or bad, it's just that relationship is much better. Come give it a try on this Palm Sunday. Experience the difference for yourself.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

March 13, 2013

Journey from Victim to Victor

How wonderful it is to be taking this journey through the Bible together. Week one we were reminded that God moves us from death to life, week two, from slavery to freedom, and this week from victim to victor. I never did like playing the victim. It's such a waste of time and energy. God seems not to care for it much either. As Rev Keith said Sunday, God calls us to get up, and get moving. God calls us to journey through the struggles that come our way and to reach a place of victory over them.

Come hear more about that Sunday, and invite someone to join you, especially if you know someone who has been victimized. Bring them to hear the good news of God's grace for them and their situation.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

March 6, 2013

Share Your Fasting Experiences

Today we finish the 21 Day Daniel Fast! I would enjoy learning of your experience. If you would like to share that with me, click here.

Joy fills my heart as Sunday approaches. What a difference a year makes! I am looking forward to celebrating what God has done for us.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

February 27, 2013

21 Day Daniel Fast - 1 Week to Go!

I just want to encourage those of us who are fasting as we go into our last week. This has been a sacred time in my life and I'm sure in yours as well. Not only do we feel better, we are looking good too. Most importantly we are poised to say, "Speak Lord, for I am listening" and to continue waiting upon The Lord as our strength is renewed.

This is an incredible opportunity for us to make some healthy life choices that we can incorporate into our lives beyond the fast. I have learned:

  • water is the best beverage God has provided for us to drink
  • fruits and vegetables are delicious and very filling
  • God has provided us with all the sweetness we need and sugar/sweeteners are not necessary
  • it's true, whatever you eat is what your body will crave; eat healthy - crave healthy.
So stay strong and together we will cross the finish line!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

February 20, 2013

The Daniel Fast - a word of encouragement

First I want to thank all of you who are on this journey together. I am amazed at how many people are fasting and praying during this season of Lent. In addition to the health benefits, the spiritual benefits are many for each of us and for Cornerstone MCC.

The greatest gift for me so far has been tranquility. Without the caffeine, sugar, chemicals and meat, there is an increasing peace and it feels so good. The food we do get to eat is delicious and satisfying and I hope to continue eating healthy after the 21 day fast. As a matter of fact, there is a Daniel Diet that follows the fast.

In my time of devotion, the word that comes before me is self-control. By fasting we are exercising our self-control muscle and it is becoming stronger. And that feels great to me. So do not grow weary in your well doing. We are 1/3 of the way there.

Blessings, fruits, veggies, whole grains, nuts and water to all.

Rev Sandy

February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday and the Lenten Season

Today we begin our forty day Lenten journey. This is a season of drawing near to God. One of the main elements of this season is repentance. How timely after such a playful celebration of Mardi Gras! 

Repentance is an emotional word for many due to how it was presented to by the church. I am out to redeem this word, for in reality, it is a blessing to us from God. It is about changing ones mind, or direction and turning from that which takes life to that which gives life.

In Ash Wednesday services we are often asked to think of people we have harmed and to make right our wrongs. And there is nothing wrong with that for all of us have sinned and come short in our dealings with one another. But this year I want to shift the focus from thinking of our shortcomings with others to thinking of our shortcomings with God.

Jesus said that we are to love God with all of our heart, our soul, and our mind. What does that mean in the world in which we live? Tonight we will be focusing on loving God with all of our heart. The following Wednesday Night will be focused on loving God with all of our soul and the last Wednesday of this month will be focused on loving God with all of our mind. 

Join us from 5:45pm - 6:45pm for an evening meal before the service at 7:00pm.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

February 6, 2013

Stop Babbling and Listen

How long have we known Jesus? The disciples had been with him day and night for almost two years when Jesus, Peter, John, and James went up to the mountain. Suddenly, Jesus appeared in clothes as bright as lightening beside two figures who spoke of what was to come. 

MCC's inquisitive theology and radical hospitality keep us open to glimpses of the transforming power of God in the world. Rather than building a monument, we have responded to those glimpses with our work for justice - work that gives us purpose - so that we can be "Transforming Ourselves as We Transform the World."

Rev Sandy, Pastor

January 30, 2013

God's Year to Act

Our text for Sunday comes from Luke 4:14-21.  I especially like the way it reads in The Message.  As we look at our call to transform ourselves as we transform our world, hear now the words of Jesus:

God’s Spirit is on me;
    God has chosen me to preach the Message of good news to the poor,
Sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and
    recovery of sight to the blind,
To set the burdened and battered free,
    to announce, “This is God’s year to act!”

God's Spirit is on us, Cornerstone!  We have been chosen to carry the message of good news to all.  We have the privilege to announce pardon to those who have been held prisoners by homophobia and other acts of intolerance.  We are the ones called to announce recovery to those who cannot see the truth of themselves and God.  We are called to minister to the burdened and battered and to let them know that at Cornerstone MCC, this is God's year to act for them and for us!  Join us at 10:45 for worship, followed by our Luncheon after the service.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

January 23, 2013

Shine, Baby Shine

28 Days of Light finishes this Sunday. Our sermon series for January concludes this week with a charge from Jesus as recorded in Matthew 5:14-16. I really like how The Message translates it:

Heres another way to put it: Youre here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. Were going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you dont think Im going to hide you under a bucket, do you? Im putting you on a light stand. Now that Ive put you there on a hilltop, on a light standshine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, youll prompt people to open up with God..."

Rev Sandy, Pastor

January 16, 2013

Power of Focus and Distraction

Continuing with our 28 Days of Light, this week we seek the value of both focus and distraction. Chances are you thought focus was good and distraction bad, but there's more to it than that. Do you utilize both of them in your spiritual walk? Do you use one more than the other? They both have power in our lives - let's use them for our good. Sunday at 10:45am.

Rev Sandy, Interim Pastoral Leader

January 2, 2013

28 Days of Light

This Sunday begins the season of Epiphany, the season of illumination, understanding, and revelation.  Who doesn't need some of that in their life?  By now some are wondering why they made those New Year's resolutions that are so hard to keep.  Others have already abandoned them and it's only January 2nd.

There is a better way than making resolutions and it consists of breaking some old habits, and forming a few new ones.  The average time it takes to break or make a habit is 28 days.  Beginning Sunday, and running for 28 days, I want to share with you 28 benefits of light and how that light can help you make real and lasting changes in your life.

Sunday, January 6th      Get Real
Sunday, January 13th    The Blessing of Balance
Sunday, January 20th    Fine Tune Your Focus
Sunday, January 27th    Shine, Baby Shine!

In John 8:12, Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you wont have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.   Join us as we begin this new year walking in the light.

Rev Sandy, Interim Pastoral Leader