May 28, 2008

Memorial Weekend

Words can never describe the experience of the rainbow celebration on Pensacola Beach each Memorial Day weekend. As usual I went out early (7:45AM) Thursday to await the big event...the set-up of the tent and staging. This year it was quite a wait so I got a little sun-burned but not too bad.

Kent's Tent and Special Events always comes through for us. Out of the kindness of his heart, the guy who's in charge of setting up the tent crowns the top with our pink cross. This year our cross had a new paint job and lights thanks to Melissa and Karen. It was so beautiful, especially at night. Some folks who attended the all night party said it was awesome to look up and see the cross. I think many seeds were planted all weekend, seeds that will grow into the truth of God's love for ALL people.

Just as words cannot express the experience of MDW, words cannot express my thanks to our Outreach Ministry, Administration, BOT Special Events and Worship for a job well done. Thanks specifically to Booth for conducting the service and preaching the last two years. And what a dedicated Praise Team to haul all of that equipment out there and sing prasies to God as folks are waking up on Sunday morning.

When we first began this outreach seven years ago I carried the load of making the weekend happen. And little by little I was able to let go and let others carry parts of the load. Now we are a smooth running team and we learn how to make it better each year. And while it's good for me to be there and I enjoy it so, we have come to the point that my presence is not necessary for us to have a strong presence throughout the weekend. Praise be to God and to God's people at Holy Cross MCC!!!

And now for the best news of all, we conducted a baptism on Saturday. Matt was baptized as an infant and he wanted to be baptized in the gulf. He and I went down to the water and with the hustle and bustle of all the people, I baptized him and prayed for him right in the midst of it all. What a blessing that was for him and me.

Here is a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to the many people who gave of their time, talent, treasure and truth to make this MDW such a huge success. May God bless you richly. Know that your pastor loves and appreciates you and more importantly, I think God is smiling at you!!!

May 19, 2008

How Big is YOUR God?

God does not change, but thank God, our understanding and knowledge of God does. I was thinking about the God of my childhood, the God I brought with me to MCC, and God now in this present moment. And looking forward, how much will MY God grow in the years to come. Perhaps this is part of the process of preparing us for that wonderful time when we will worship around the throne of God in heaven. Our time on earth serves many purposes and I think one of them is our preparation for eternity.

So, how big is your God? Whatever size God is to you, I challenge you to allow YOUR God to grow today. As we heard in the scripture yesterday, God is more than we can think or imagine. Here's to God becoming more and more day by day.

May 12, 2008

Record Number of Mothers

Yesterday we had a record number of mothers with us for Mother's Day. The children's Sunday School class came prepared with thirty flowers and had to go and get more. I'm not sure of the final count but I think we had at lest 38 mothers in worship yesterday. Praise the Lord!!!

What a great day to celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit. We are so blessed and I want everyone reading this to stop and give praise to God, Jesus and Holy Spirit for their many blessings to us.

Now, stop winding your watch and allow the battery to do it's job throughout the rest of this day!

May 10, 2008

Dinner Anyone?

How about a Spaghetti Dinner made by our EXCEL Team? Followed by an auction? What an exciting night it will be. Invite someone and then join us at 6:00 tonight. Yum-yum!!!

May 6, 2008

Praise God, I Have Been Dismissed!

No, not from Holy Cross MCC but from the three doctors I have been seeing on a regular basis. Thank God the surgical procedures were effective and all of my follow-up visits are completed. And the icing on the cake: the one medication I have been on that has a side effect of weakness I will be completely finished with in 10 days! Unless you really know me, you have no idea how wonderful this news is to me. As someone who stays away from the doctor, I have a new appreciation for those who are under a doctors care.

Thanks again for all of your prayers and acts of kindness and care. I am so blessed by the saints in Pensacola. Know that I love and appreciate each of you and all of you. I hope to see you Saturday for the work day and that night for dinner...and of course on Sunday. It's Pentecost Sunday and Mother's Day. Remember to wear red.