December 30, 2015

New Beginnings

In addition to the new beginnings that a new year brings, both Cornerstone and I have new beginnings coming our way. As we have known for almost a year now, I will be retiring from the ministry at the end of January. I would like to use this three week sermon series to help us prepare spiritually for this change.

I want to encourage you to make church attendance a priority. Transitions can be times of both blessing and challenge. Your presence will make a positive difference as we move through this month. Hold onto this scripture as the winds of change blow our way.

"No eye has seen, no ear has heard and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love God". 1 Corinthians 2:9

Rev Sandy, Pastor

December 23, 2015

Happy Old Year!

Before we get all excited to welcome in a new year, let's take time to say goodbye to 2015. What kind of year has this been for you? Probably a mixture of good and bad, joyful and sad. No matter what, God has seen you through it all and will be with you in the year that lies ahead.

Sunday I'll be preaching from the seventh chapter of Ecclesiastes. It's called "Wisdom for Life" and it reminds us that God is still God, we are still God's people, and God is always with us no matter what comes our way.

Join us at 10:45am as we say Happy Old Year and prepare ourselves for a Happy New Year.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

December 16, 2015

Starlight Over Bethlehem

It's the fourth Sunday of Advent and there's music in the air. The choir has been busy preparing to bless us with the gift of music in our regular service at 10:45am and again at 6:00pm. It's also the time to focus on love. For God so loved the world that God sent Jesus. What a gift!

Christmas is the time to generously share the love of God, not just with our family and friends, but with the world. I invite you to join in giving the gift of clean water in Jesus name. Cornerstone has funded the digging of three wells in India and this will be number four. Please mark your donation as "Water" and be a part of touching the world with the love and knowledge of Jesus.

It still amazes me that God sent Jesus as a tiny, vulnerable, needy little baby....just like us. I hope you enjoy this video as much as I:

Rev Sandy, Pastor

December 4, 2015

The Way of Peace

What an awesome service last week! This week, on the second Sunday of Advent our focus shifts from hope to peace. Never have I witnessed the world more in need of peace than now. It seems that agitation, disagreement, frustration, hatred, worry and war abound. But for every situation, God has a solution. Jesus is the Prince of Peace and brings peace in the midst of our storms.

Jesus calls the Church to live in peace and to help rebuild peace. The good news we hear from scripture this week is that we can be guided in the way of peace. We can walk in love instead of hatred, reconciliation instead of separation, and harmony instead of discord. God always gives us a choice. Are you ready to choose the way of peace? If so, step off the way of disagreement, fighting, and agitation and step into the way peace.

Don't be late this Sunday or you'll miss a powerful Call to Worship by Yolanda, someone new to our church. I'll be looking for you at 10:45am.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

November 26, 2015

It's a Celebration!

Sunday is the first week of Advent and the beginning of a new church year. It's also the ordination of Rev Sara Sills. Special guests include Rev Keith Mozingo and Rev Lee Carlton. It's sure to be a great time of worship and joyful celebration. Join us as we extend our hands to bless Sara and Kay as they begin this new chapter in their lives.

Thanks to all who participated in the service last Sunday. It was a sweet time of thanksgiving and praise to our awesome and mighty God. Happy Thanksgiving! I hope to see you Saturday and Sunday!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

November 18, 2015

Turning ThanksGIVING into ThanksLIVING

My dad's favorite holiday was Thanksgiving. When I asked why he told me, "It's all about family and food." And that it is. It's also typical to be asked the question, "What are you thankful for?" Most of us are smart enough to begin with our families and friends and then we end up with a list of stuff for which we are grateful.

While there is nothing wrong with such a gathering and list, I am challenging you to go beyond the usual and recapture what the first Thanksgiving was all about. Yes, family, friends and neighbors gathered to share a meal together and give thanks, but their thanks was focused on God's goodness. If you read the words of President Lincoln as he proclaimed this holiday, it was all about pausing to praise God for being God.

On this Thanksgiving I am thankful for God's inclusive love, for grace and mercy, for forgiveness again and again, for making a way when there seems to be no way, for the gift of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me, for the sacrificial gift of Jesus who gave his life so that we might have life and have it abundantly. For air to breathe, daily bread, provision, protection, discipline, easy days and hard days, for laughter and everlasting love, and so much more, I am thankful. And not just on the one day of the year we call ThanksGIVING....but every day of the year which is called ThanksLIVING.

What do you appreciate about God? Send me your list, bring it to me at church this Sunday, or fill out a card and give it to me before the service begins. Let's shower God with gratitude not only this Sunday...but every day of our lives.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

November 13, 2015

'Tis the Season to be Generous

While I am not ready to listen to Christmas music just yet.....I prefer to wait until after is time to think of our generosity as we prepare to close out 2015. I invite you to consider the following opportunities to bless and be blessed.
  • Christmas Shoebox Project. Bless a child with a shoebox of goodies this Christmas. The deadline is THIS SUNDAY and more information is available in this newsletter.
  • Advent Conspiracy. Change the way you celebrate the birth of Jesus and give to help us dig another well to provide a village with clean drinking water in Jesus name. Refrain from buying gifts that people do not need and often do not want, take some of that money and give to Living Water through our church. Then make relational gifts that cost less and will mean more.
  • Annual Stewardship Drive. We are taking a different approach this year. Our theme is "You Can Count on Me" and instead of asking you to give 10% of your time, talent, treasure and truth, we are asking you to tell us what the church can count on you to give over the next year. Cards are available over the next two weeks and they will be blessed on Sunday, November 22 during worship.
  • Year End Gift. If you're looking to give a tax deductible donation, please consider Cornerstone MCC. You can designate how your gift is to be used or you can leave that to the discretion of the Board of Directors. Stocks, bonds and cash are all appreciated.
  • Estate Planning. Consider Cornerstone when you're planning the legacy you will leave behind. Your gift can be designated or left to the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Join us Sunday as I share 12 Benefits of Generosity found in scripture. God is generous and one way to be more God-like is to practice generosity. Opportunities abound. Which ones are you most passionate about?

Rev Sandy, Pastor

October 22, 2015

Update From Pastor Sandy

About 6:40 Saturday morning I was overcome with a severe stomach virus, vertigo, and sensitivity to light and sound. I have never been so sick in all my life. Monday evening I began to get some relief but my recovery is slow. It's Tuesday evening and I'm dictating this from bed.

I will not be in Mobile Saturday but I hope to preach Sunday and teach the Membership class that afternoon. As soon as I am able I will process the hundreds of voicemails, emails and text messages awaiting me. I ask for your continued prayers as I regain my strength and health.

October 14, 2015

How Sundays Changed The World

In spite of her flaws and shortcoming, there is no agent of change as powerful as the Church of Jesus Christ! Every Sunday people's lives are changed by the good news of the gospel. Every day of the week people's lives are transformed by the ministry of the Church. It still amazes me
that God invites ordinary people like us to do extraordinary work in our world.

Join us this week as we conclude our "I Love Sundays" series by celebrating some of the accomplishments of the Church, MCC, and Cornerstone. We are making a difference in the world yet there is still much to be done. This is a great time to join in and be a part of something
bigger than yourself. There is nothing on earth like the Church. Come and rejoice and be renewed and then let's get back to work.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

October 8, 2015

Sundays are for Believing and Receiving

Even with the diversity of media in the world today, Sunday is the day of the week more people come to hear the good news of the gospel. It's an old, old story that still has the power to reclaim and transform lives.

At times we forget who we are and Sundays help us reclaim our holy and sacred identity. None of us are perfect and Sundays offer us an opportunity for spiritual transformation. Life can be difficult and Sundays help us capture that full and abundant life Jesus has for us now and throughout eternity. And the icing on the cake is it's as easy as believing and receiving these free gifts from God.

Try to think of someone you know who needs the good news of Sunday. Invite them to join you for church this week. Come, be blessed and share the blessing!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

September 23, 2015

Good Sunday's Make Better Monday's

As we continue with our "I Love Sunday" series, this week we'll be digging deeper into how to have a good - if not great Sunday. As with most things in life, preparation pays off. So the foundation of a great Sunday actually begins on Saturday. No, I'm not asking you to give more time, but to invest a little time on Saturday to save some time and stress on Sunday. It's about making little changes that can produce a big difference.

What a wonderful time we had on National Back to Church Sunday! We invited our family and friends and many of them came!! Hopefully that will encourage us to make inviting others a regular part of our week. Thanks to everyone who helped make Sunday such a success. Know that you are loved and appreciated. I'll close with Galatians 6:9-10 from The Message: "So let's not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith."

Just as we focused on guests last Sunday, let's reach out to those who have been away from Cornerstone for whatever reason. Let's be sure to include them and invite them back to church this Sunday. It takes all of us for us to be at our best. Remind them they belong at Cornerstone!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

September 16, 2015

Sunday's Can Surprise You

Did you know that Sunday is meant to be the best day of your week? It's true. Once upon a time almost everything stopped on Sunday. It was indeed a day of family, faith, rest, and renewal. It was the best day of the week. Some of you have fond memories of days gone by, and others can't even imagine such a world. That's because the world has changed and every day is pretty much the same.

Not everyone has Sunday me....I've worked on Sunday for almost 21 years now. So instead of thinking of Sunday as that day of renewal, we must set aside another day to observe our Sabbath. The important thing is to choose a day in which you feed your spirit, rest your body and listen for the voice of the Lord. For me that day is Friday. But if you're off on Sunday then that is the best day because you have the opportunity to go to church.

You may be surprised at some of the benefits of attending church. I'll be sharing some of those in my sermon this week. And thanks to technology, you can experience church even if you can't be there by watching our internet broadcast, either live or after the fact. It's not the same, but it's the next best thing.

On this "National Back to Church Sunday" we begin a new "I Love Sundays" series. The topics are:

  • Week 2 Good Sundays Make Better Mondays
  • Week 3 Better Sundays Make Better Families
  • Week 4 Sundays Can Change Your Eternity
  • Week 5 How Sundays Changed the World

So invite someone to join you this Sunday and maybe they will rekindle their love for the best day of the week. And if you work on Sunday, choose a day for your Sabbath. Watch the service on-line and be blessed. The important thing is to take a day of nourishment for your soul. God is waiting to share that day with you.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

September 2, 2015

Daring to Wait in God

Few things are more irritating than waiting. All of the advances in technology haven't helped. They've spoiled us to faster, faster, faster. Yet waiting is an important part of life and developing character. Our inability to wait is the cause of so many problems in our lives. We want immediate gratification and we'll even pay more if we don't have to wait.

Perhaps the greatest challenge comes when we're in God's waiting room. We often become like children and get frustrated and pouty when we're waiting on God. It's as though we forget the promise from Isaiah 40:31 that as we wait upon the Lord our strength is renewed, we mount up with wings as eagles, we run and not grow weary, and we walk and not faint. God doesn't waste our time - especially our times of waiting.

Join us Sunday as we complete our Daring Faith series by focusing on Daring to Wait on God. This may be one of the hardest lessons of all. But it's time we shifted our thinking from the frustration of waiting to the blessing of waiting. If you know someone who's in God's waiting room and they've become frustrated, invite them to join you Sunday. I've got good news to share!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

August 31, 2015

Dare to Connect and Commit

God wired us to connect with God, ourselves and others. When we do, amazing benefits come. And when we're disconnected, we suffer the consequences thereof. Whether you need to work on your connection with God, yourself, or others, your life will be enhanced if you step out in faith and dare to connect.

Sunday mornings at 10:45am is the best time to work on these connections. Yet often we walk out of church feeling as disconnected as when we walked in. We've got to change that Cornerstone! We may have been let down or hurt in the past but we cannot let that keep us from trying again. It's that important to our spiritual growth and development.

Romans 12:4-5 (Message) "We are like the various parts of a human body. Each part gets its meaning from Christ's Body as a whole, not the other way around. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of Christ's Body. But as a chopped-off finger or cut-off toe we wouldn't amount to much, would we?" Now that's an image to consider! 

If you've been cut-off for whatever reason, I have good news for you! Jesus, the Great Physician is ready, willing and able to stitch you up and reattach you as soon as you dare to connect and commit to taking your place. Cornerstone is not complete without you and you are not complete without Cornerstone!! Together we can experience great joy and accomplish so much more. Please join us.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

August 19, 2015

Dare to Give Your Best

Taking the lead from scripture, I want to give you something to think about and pray to understand this week. The text comes from 2 Timothy 2:3-7, "Endure hardship with us like a good SOLDIER of Jesus Christ. No one serving as a soldier gets tied up in civilian affairs-but wants to please their commanding officer. Similarly, if anyone competes as an ATHLETE, they do not receive the victor's crown unless they compete according to the rules. And the hardworking FARMER should be the first to receive a share of the crops. Think about these three illustrations, and the Lord will help you understand how they apply to you."

Spend some time meditating on this text and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand how it applies to you. Then join us Sunday as we dig deeper to learn lessons from soldiers, athletes and the farmer - lessons that will help us dare to give our best to God. There is good, better, and best. God deserves our best and as we give it, miracles happen in our lives, our church, and our world. I hope to see you at 10:45am Sunday.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

August 12, 2015

Daring to Imagine

It's not often that one hears the word "imagination" in connection to spiritual matters. That's unfortunate because it is so important when it comes to developing Daring Faith. The challenge is that our imagination decreases as we age. When we're children we have wild imaginations. And often the adults in our lives tell us how unrealistic we are. But God gave us our imagination for a reason and it's time for us to reclaim it!

Join us Sunday as we look at what destroys imagination, why we are afraid to imagine, and how we can recapture this God-given gift. If you want to know your God-given life dream, you need to spark your imagination. It's part of knowing the truth and being set free to be who God created you to be.

I'll leave you with a prayer from the first chapter of Ephesians, "May God enlighten the eyes of your mind so that you can see the hope that God's calling holds for you." I hope to see you Sunday, in person or on the Internet.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

August 7, 2015

Daring to Believe

If we surveyed our congregation on Sunday morning, almost everyone would say they're a believer. And on one level that would be correct. Most people attending church believe that Jesus is the Son of God. That's great! But that is just the beginning. Many believer's never venture beyond this intellectual knowing that Jesus is who He claimed to be.

But there is so much more than head knowledge. The next step is heart commitment. If you research the Greek word interpreted "belief" it is "pisteuo" which means to trust in, to cling to, to rely on, to adhere to, or to commit to. So step one is to know in your head that Jesus is Lord of all, step two is to commit to making Jesus Lord of your life.

Last week I spoke of how seeing life with eyes of faith opens the door to miracles. The greatest miracle of all is salvation. Have you fully received that miracle or have you stopped with just a head knowledge of your Savior? Have you committed parts of your life to Christ but have other parts you still try to hold onto and control? Unless you are completely committed to making Jesus Lord of all in your life, you have room to grow.

Join us Sunday as we exam what it means to experience the full miracle of salvation. Come and be challenged to take the next step on your journey to Daring Belief in which you not only know but fully commits to God's plan of salvation for your life. It's about more than where we spend eternity, it's about enjoying abundant life right here and now. Don't settle for less than God's best for you.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

August 4, 2015

Living by Faith

My great grandfather used to sing a song titled "Living by Faith". As I was singing it the other day I was reminded of just how much of my theology comes from the songs I learned as a child. It made me stop and give thanks for my ancestors and the foundation of faith they passed down to me. If there is one thing I am good at, it's that I have learned to live by faith. I want to pass that foundation on to you as well.

Over the next six weeks we will be sharing in a new sermon series called "Daring Faith". This Sunday we will begin by looking at what faith is (and is not), and what happens when you live a life of faith. I want to encourage you to make attending church a priority over the next six weeks. If you do so, I believe your faith will be greater and stronger than ever before.

To help in this time of stretching and growing your faith, we are offering a six week small group experience. Groups are meeting in Mobile and we even have one in Mississippi and Pensacola for those who commute to Cornerstone. If you haven't signed up for a group please do so this Sunday as they will begin meeting next week.

I will be returning from vacation and look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday. It's great to get away, but it's even greater to return home. Thanks to everyone who has been covering for me, especially our Student Clergy, Lisa Kelson and Sara Sills. Cornerstone is so blessed! Come and rejoice with us Sunday at 10:45am. Invite someone to join you at church and in your small group. It could be one of the greatest things you do for them.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

July 14, 2015

Daring Faith

One of the greatest gifts I have to offer Cornerstone MCC is a deeper understanding of my faith and how it has sustained me for almost 21 years of ministry in MCC. One way I will do that is through preaching a six week "Daring Faith" sermon series beginning in August. No matter where you are on your faith journey, it will call you to stretch and grow.

To help in that process we will be offering a six-week small group experience. Groups of up to 10 people will be meeting in homes throughout our area, once a week, for about an hour. You can learn more information and sign-up for a group beginning this Sunday, before and after church. I want to encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity. I know you will be blessed!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

July 9, 2015

Your Inheritance is Signed, Sealed and will be Delivered!

Most everyone gets excited with the news of receiving an inheritance. Before even knowing how much or what, we are busy making plans to enjoy it. What about our spiritual inheritance? How much thought do we give to that? Do you even know that you have one coming? If not then you want to be sure to be at church Sunday as we explore and celebrate what is to come to those who are in Christ Jesus.

During this time of summer, people are out enjoying the weather and others are taking vacations. I support both of these activities. Just don't forget that the operation of the church continues no matter what the season. So bring someone with you when you do attend and consider giving your tithes and offerings on-line when you are gone. God is faithful to us 24/7. Let's be more like God!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

July 1, 2015

Bold Service Unto God!

Although the Bold series I did was finished, God has more boldness for us this week. You may recall when I preached on Bold Obedience my saying that there were probably a couple of people at church that God was calling to professional ministry. Two people have come to me who are sensing that call.

One of them will be preaching their first sermon this Sunday, and the message is about serving God through the ministry of our church. That's exactly what Cornerstone needs - more people using their gifts, talents, and abilities to do the ministry of the church. We have two new opportunities for you. I hope you'll pray about serving on one of the teams as we are blessing and commissioning new leaders this Sunday! We also have a new leader for an on-going ministry to bless as well and that team always needs members.

Check out the teams on our web site and if you're a match, join the team Sunday and encourage our new leaders. To each is given a spiritual gift to use in the church. Let's get to work. I hope to see you Sunday, my favorite day of the week!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

June 24, 2015

We Believe!

This week we're going back to the basics as we celebrate that which we believe. The disciples did a great job of boldly going into the world to share the good news of the gospel. In so doing, they laid the foundation for what came to be the Christian church.

Join us for a time of remembering and celebrating our faith. And to get you in the mood, check out this Newsboy song: "We Believe" This is a great Sunday to invite someone new to come and hear the good news. People make a lot of assumptions about our church and our beliefs. Let's boldly proclaim that which we believe.

It's potluck Sunday so bring something to add to the table. Let's celebrate the great cooks we have at Cornerstone!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

June 16, 2015

Bold Obedience

This week we conclude our Bold series and I've saved the hardest point for last. Over the last three weeks we have opened our hearts and minds to the truth that it takes Amazing Boldness to answer God's call on our lives and church. We speak boldly, we pray boldly and we obey God boldly.

Obedience is not a popular word in our culture for it means submitting to another's authority. We seem to enjoy telling others, "You're not the boss of me!" That may work with people, but not with God! When we choose to disobey God, we miss out on a blessing. God moves on to someone else and they get the blessing we could have enjoyed. Either way, God's plan and work continues with or without us.

Can you imagine what God could do through our church if just 10% more of the congregation chose bold obedience? We would be amazed I am sure! If you're ready to move forward on your spiritual journey, obedience is a great way to grow. More importantly, it pleases God.

Join us Sunday as we explore this important discipline. And should you decide to join the 10% More Club please let me know so I can lift you in prayer. I'll be looking for you at 10:45am!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

June 10, 2015

Bold Prayer

As we continue with our Bold series, this week we focus on bold prayer. After Peter and John were chastised by the religious leaders for preaching and praying in Jesus name, they boldly said they would not stop. Now that's pretty bold. And as they shared their experience with the other disciples, they all joined together and prayed.

Did they pray to be left alone? Did they pray for protection? Or for God to strike down their opposers? No, they prayed for more boldness! This week we will examine their prayer and we can use it as a model to inspire us to pray with greater boldness. Prayer still changes people and situations. Bold prayer brings forth bold changes.

Join us Sunday at 10:45am as we come together to worship God Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them! God who hears and answers prayer.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

June 3, 2015

Bold Speaking

In the beginning God said, “Let there be light" and there was light. The spoken word has creative power. That's why the words we speak are so important. Some of us are bold in our speech yet we give little though to what we say and the effect of our words. Some of us think a lot of what to say but then for numerous reasons we fail to speak up on the matter.

As we continue our BOLD series we will be looking at how boldly speaking the truth is what gave birth and life to the first century church. Each Sunday I give thanks for all the gifts given by the congregation that week. I refer to time, talent, treasure and truth. We are called to boldly speak the truth, and we are to do so in love.

Our words have power. What we say and how we say it matters. Pay attention to the words you speak throughout the rest of this week. And pay special attention to the words you do not speak and why. Let us be bold in speaking words of hope and healing, and silent in speaking words that hurt and damage others. And remember, Proverbs 21:23 says that the one who keeps their mouth and tongue keeps their soul from troubles!

Let's boldly celebrate God's love in Christ for all as we worship together Sunday at 10:45am. Do someone a favor, let them know they belong at Cornerstone and invite them to join us.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

Amazing Boldness!

With our buckets full and running over, what's next? If we follow in the steps of the disciples, what comes next is boldness. After the Holy Spirit filled the disciples at Pentecost, they had a bold job to do. Jesus commissioned them to take the gospel to all people. And they had to begin right there in Jerusalem, where the threat of danger was the greatest. They could have been disobedient and played it safe by choosing to begin in a safer city, but they would have missed the life God had planned for them. Instead, they were obedient and bold in their mission and they changed the world!

God is calling us to change our world and we don't want to miss what God has planned for us either. Saying yes to God requires obedience and brings boldness. Join us over the next four weeks for a new series titled BOLD. As we look at the early church, may their boldness become so contagious among us that we cannot help but live and share God's love in Christ for all!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

May 20, 2015

Memorial Weekend

On Monday our country pauses to remember and honor the women and men who died in military service for our country. While we are celebrating a holiday, others will lose their lives in service this weekend. Let us give thanks for each life and pray for the day when war will be no more.

I am taking Saturday off and I'm so excited to experience worship together on Sunday. I asked Sara to plan the service and to preach. Tim is using his artist abilities to adorn the sanctuary. Let's add to the excitement by wearing red, white, and blue for this Sunday on which Memorial Weekend and Pentecost collide.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

May 13, 2015

The Ultimate Connection

It has been said that connection is really the deepest value in God's heart. I believe it is the deepest need in our hearts. Even with all the social media that links us to each other 24/7, there remains within the heart a need for connection with God, self, and others. This Sunday is the last in our "I Am Jesus" series and we'll be examining the ultimate connection of Jesus as the Vine.

Some of us were taught that if we walked the aisle and joined the church we had our ticket to heaven and we were saved. I have found that staying connected to Jesus is what saves me. Every day and throughout each day my goal is to remain in Jesus so that I have the nutrition and support needed to not only survive, but to thrive.

Jesus is the ultimate connection and through Him we have a connection with each other. What a beautiful image. Just look at the picture of the vine and the branches filled with grapes. That's our be part of something bigger than ourselves. I want to encourage you to worship with us at 10:45am, enjoy lunch and then attend Lisa's workshop Sunday at 1:00pm. It will help you know ways in which you can get connected and serve right here at Cornerstone MCC!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

May 6, 2015

The Light of Life

We are continuing with our series on four of the seven "I Am" statements Jesus made, as recorded in the gospel of John. This week we celebrate the blessing that Jesus is the Light of the World! What does that mean for us? It means that Jesus is the light of my world, and your world, and anyone's world when they follow Jesus. It's a global thing and it's a personal thing. How awesome is God!

You may be familiar with the story of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery. It's found in John 8:1-12. We will look at that story in detail this Sunday, for it precedes the statement, "I Am Jesus, the Light of the World". In this story we find Jesus going beyond the law by adding grace to the situation. That grace is the light needed to dispel the darkness of that moment and of the woman's life.

What situations in your life need light and crave a new direction? We all have them and we all have access to the one who is light. Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life, Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and Jesus is the Light of the World. And whoever follows Jesus shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life! Come just as you are and encounter the light of your world.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

April 29, 2015

I Am Jesus, the Good Shepherd

Not only is Jesus the Resurrection and the Life, Jesus is the Good Shepherd. In the Bible, sheep are referred to more than any other animal. There must be lessons for us to learn from them. Yet how much do we know about sheep? I've learned a few new facts that I'll be sharing in my sermon on Sunday.

More importantly, I'll be sharing about Jesus, the Good Shepherd. How comforting to know that Jesus loves and cares for us like a shepherd cares for their flock. In a world that encourages us to stand on our own, figure life out ourselves, and always make good decisions, Jesus offers us guidance, provision, correction and protection. We don't have to go life alone for Jesus is our Good Shepherd and we are part of His flock. What a blessing!

Join us Sunday as we get more real about ourselves and Jesus. Invite someone to join you. And
remember the Take 30 service tonight at 6:30. Sit and rest and refresh your soul.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

April 15, 2015

We Are Coloring the Coast with Pride this Weekend!

I long for the day that there is liberty and justice for everyone and events such as Pride will be no more. But until then, we press on as we do the work of justice. I say let's do it with style! I am so excited about our Pride Team. Under the leadership of our Intern, Lisa Kelson, 30 people are working together to make our presence known both Saturday and Sunday. 

We'll have a booth at the park on Saturday, staffed with smiling faces throughout the day. The Board will have 50/50 Raffle tickets available. Our fabulous float will color the parade route with pride and will reflect the wonderful diversity of our congregation.

The Sunday Pride service was planned by Lisa and she will be preaching for the first time at Cornerstone. There's some wonderful music and videos and even a little Lady GaGa at the end! We'll break bread together and then head back to the park for volleyball. So invite someone to join you. I will be consecrating communion and I would love to welcome some new people to the table of forgiveness and love. Get your pride on and celebrate! You are included, affirmed, and fabulous!! Let it out and let it shine!!!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

April 8, 2015

Thanks for a Wonderful Easter Sunday!

The service Sunday was awesome. From the music, to the puppet show, to the sermon and communion, the service continues to touch lives via the Internet. I have received so many messages asking me to thank Cornerstone for the service. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did! 

Special thanks to Michael and Rick. They donated and arranged most of the beautiful flowers for Easter. Jim helped with some of his personal plants and flowers. And what about those beautiful red flowers from the backyard of the Fellowship House! They were sticking. Rick and Mike were also the lead on the brunch after the service. Delicious! I know Melissa cooked the tomato gravy and others helped. And last but not least, all of the hard work done on the building and grounds. The campus was smiling with the tender loving care and I thank all of you for giving of your time, talent, and treasure.

I am in Georgia this Sunday, officiating at my cousins wedding. I will be with you in spirit as I watch the broadcast. I know Rev Lee will be a blessing in my absence. Let someone know that they belong at Cornerstone!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

April 1, 2015

Easter Changes Everything!

During the season of Lent our focus was on change. This Sunday we celebrate the greatest change the world has ever known! Easter is about so much more than bunnies and baskets and eggs. Easter is about so much more than flowers, hats and new outfits. While there's nothing wrong with such things, I want to know there's so much more.

Because of Easter we can change how we live our lives both physically and spiritually. In MCC we seek to transform ourselves as we transform our world. That's a bold and very achievable mission because of God's resurrection power. There's a beautiful scripture that promises that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is at work in our mortal bodies. Think about the power that is in you to change and transform your life. Join us Sunday at 10:45am as we celebrate Easter and how it changes everything, even us.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

March 26, 2015

Hosanna, Praise, Blessing!

We begin our Holy Week journey with Palm Sunday. We are often surprised by what a day brings; we are almost overwhelmed what one week brought. Jesus is welcomed into Jerusalem as King! It's a grand celebration as streets are lined and children dance and sing. The people had high expectations of power and justice and peace. There's good news and bad news. The good news is that God desires the same. The bad news is that it will not unfold as they think.

Once again we are reminded that our way and God's way are different. I struggled to not add "often" before different. I want to believe that after all these years my way is God's way. The truth is that in my humanness I miss the mark. Walking with God always brings me surprises. Some are joyful, others are filled with sorrow, but they all work together for my good. Has God ever surprised your plan? If so I would enjoy sharing your story....just email me.

Some of the same people who cried hosanna, praise and blessing as Jesus entered Jerusalem are in the crowd that just days later shouts, "Crucify him!" The week did not go as they had planned and they turned their backs on the one who was willing to show love no matter what he faced. As followers of Jesus, we are called to do the same. Love is the road of Holy Week. Love is the road we are called to walk.

Join us this Palm Sunday as we worship Christ the King. Let us lift Jesus high knowing that all people will be drawn unto Him! Put your spiritual seat belts on as it's going to be an emotional ride. Thank God we know the rest of the story. With that knowledge let us truly enter into this week with our whole heart that we might learn to be more like Jesus in all that we do.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

March 18, 2015

The Celebration Continues

I missed being with you last week and look forward to sharing together in worship this Sunday. We will welcome our new student clergy intern and be blessed with a special message from Dr Noble McKnight. I'm not sure what his message will be but I'm sure it's something we need to hear. So invite someone to join you for another powerful time of worship. Tell them they belong at Cornerstone!

If you are not able to be with us, watch our live broadcast at 10:45am (CST) by going to our website.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

March 10, 2015

Celebrating 30 Years of Ministry

This Sunday we will celebrate the 30th anniversary of our church! Former Pastor, Rev Helene Loper will be our special guest. She served as Pastor for nine years and we are blessed to have her with us for this special celebration. After the service we will share a special meal together in the Fellowship House.

Months ago I made a commitment to serve as Spiritual Director for the EXCEL of the Lamb retreat in St Augustine, FL. The retreat is this weekend so I will miss the celebration but I will be with you in spirit and I will enjoy watching the service on-line when I get home.

In honor of how the church has blessed you and the community, we invite you to do or give something as a gift to the church. And since we are still one of the best kept secrets in town, consider inviting someone to join you this Sunday at 10:45am. Tell them they belong at Cornerstone.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

March 4, 2015

Everything Changes

By this time on our Lenten journey, we often ask why. Why do I have to whatever I decided to do for Lent? Why do I have to change? Why? Why? Why? This week we are reminded that everything changes, except for Jesus, who is the same yesterday, today, and forevermore. And in a world that is ever changing, Jesus is the anchor who holds, no matter what.

In our reading from John we are reminded that holding on to life just as it is destroys that life. But when we let go and are willing to change, and to follow Jesus, we find real and eternal life. In that context, change is not only good, change is great.

I invite you to cease resisting change and move to a place of celebrating the changes in your life. It's the only way to live because everything changes, whether we like it or not. And with Jesus as our anchor, we have no need to fear change. Join us Sunday and if you're willing, change where you sit this week. Give up your favorite seat, see the service from a new perspective, and meet some new people. The change just might do you good!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

February 25, 2015

Ruts - the Slow and Narrow Road

As we hear the Lenten call of self-examination and change, one of the greatest challenges we face are the ruts in which we find ourselves. In the scripture story this week from Mark, the Pharisees were in a rut in how they understood the law. Jesus' actions called into question their interpretation of scripture, changing the understanding of what it meant to keep the Sabbath holy. Lent reminds us that sometimes we need to be ready to revisit and change unexamined assumptions in our lives or even those beliefs and understandings of scripture that we might hold dear. What beliefs have become ruts for you and what needs to be changed to get off that slow and narrow road?

Join us Sunday as we examine ruts and how they limit us from enjoying the abundant life Jesus longs for us to live. Do someone a favor and invite them to join you. It's the first Sunday in March and we're celebrating birthdays and anniversaries so March babies, be sure to come get your blessing and enjoy some cake and ice-cream after lunch.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

February 18, 2015

Lent: Ready for a Change?

The season of Lent begins today with Ash Wednesday, and our service is at 6:30pm tonight. Lent is a great time to take a self-inventory. After the holidays and Mardi Gras, most of us are in need of repentance. To repent literally means "to turn around" or to find a new direction. I turned from my healthier eating for the holidays and it's past time for me to repent or to turn around and eat healthier again.

A number of us are doing the Daniel Fast for 21 days and the Daniel Plan for the remainder of Lent this year. You are invited to join us. For more information and to receive daily email devotionals and encouragement, visit Also I have hundreds of recipes I can share via email if you'll send me a request.

It takes courage to change, to break out of whatever narrow paths we might find ourselves in. If we are going to change, we have to take the first uncertain steps out of the familiar and into the unknown. Praise God, we have the hand of Jesus reaching out to us for those times we fear or start to lose our way.

If you had the courage, what would you change? Think about that and consider using this season of Lent to turn around and take that first step on the path of change. On Sunday you will have an opportunity to write what you would like to change and I will pray for you during Lent. Also available will be words of encouragement to help you. Together we can support each other as we make changes in our lives. And if you've been on that missing church path, turn around and join us at 10:45am. You belong at Cornerstone!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

February 11, 2015

Joy: Savoring God's Gifts

God's house will be filled with joy this Sunday as we celebrate God's gifts to us! One of our greatest gifts is the diversity among us. This week we celebrate Black History, specifically as it relates to Christianity. It's Joe Cain Sunday and the doors will be open as we worship and share with those walking to the parade. Hopefully we will celebrate the good news that finally, same sex couples can be married in Mobile, AL and some of them will be in our midst.

The Hospitality Team is preparing a lunch that can be passed out quickly so we may eat and go so the parking lot can be rented. It's a Cornerstone tradition, a good source of revenue, and our customers appreciate us. Thanks to everyone volunteering in the parking lot. We appreciate you!

I hope to see you in church this Sunday. You belong at Cornerstone, especially this week!

Rev Sandy, Pastor

February 4, 2015

Grief: Being Present to the Process in Hope

As we continue to look at the Passionate Jesus, this Sunday we focus on grief. We tend to think of death when we hear that word. But we experience many losses in life before we die. We lose jobs, relationships, churches, and friends. We lose face, health and sometimes even our wealth. All loses bring grief to our hearts as they did to the heart of Jesus. 

There's a promise in scripture that Christ comforts us as we mourn. I have found that to be true in my life time and time again. As followers of Jesus, we have the honor of bringing comfort to others as they mourn the losses in their lives. Look around. Find someone dealing with grief and invite them to church this Sunday. Together we can lift each other up during difficult times. Together we can have hope and instill hope in one another.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

January 28, 2015

Fear - Energizing or Paralyzing?

Let's face it, we all experience fear at times in our lives. Even though the Bible contains 365 scriptures admonishing us to not be afraid, fear can at times paralyze us. We know what we need to do, yet we are afraid to do it. We want to try something new but we are afraid to try it. We want to open our hearts and trust again but we are afraid we will get hurt. We want to take that promotion but we're afraid we can't do the job. We want to believe the good news of the gospel but we are afraid it doesn't include us.

But fear doesn't have to paralyze us. We can face it, move through, and be energized in that process. Our passionate Jesus experienced fear and was energized by it. On the darkest night of his life, he fell down under the weight of what he was facing. As he faced his fear he found the energy to keep going. And because he did, we can too. For Jesus is seated at the right hand of God, ever making intercession for us. We can move forward knowing that no matter what, we are never alone. 

How do you handle fear? Send me anything that helps you face fear and I'll make a list and share it as part of the sermon Sunday. You did a great job last week sharing what angered you and I appreciate your participation. Let's get real about fear this Sunday at 10:45am. Remember to tell someone, "You belong at Cornerstone!"

Rev Sandy, Pastor