December 19, 2012

Love All

It all boils down to love. Love from a savior. Love to a neighbor in need. By spending just a little less on gifts we free up our resources to love as Jesus loves by giving to those who really need help. This is the conspiracy three churches began a few years ago, and has since grown to an international movement where thousands of churches have raised millions of dollars to love others in life-changing ways.

Here is just one way in which we can love others:

Living Water International
Since its beginning, Advent Conspiracy has felt called to help Living Water International in its efforts to end the clean water crisis. With more than a billion people lacking access to clean water and sanitation, the need to support those who are bringing new hope to these communities is both apparent and critical. Because of people like you who have entered into the conspiracy, millions of dollars have been donated to drill wells all around the world. For more information on how you, your family and your church can get involved, visit LWI's website today.

Rev Sandy, Interim Pastoral Leader

December 12, 2012

Joy! Joy! Joy!

That's what we'll be sharing this Sunday at Cornerstone MCC! Just as peace descended upon us last Sunday, we can expect joy to fill us on this third week of Advent. In addition to celebrating the joy that flowed in and out of Mary when she learned she would be the mother of Jesus, our hearts will rejoice as we enjoy a live production of "The Birth of Baby Jesus" by our children and youth.

Holiday are hard for many people. If that's you, then Joy! Joy! Joy! may be the last thing you want to experience. Yet it may be the very thing you need. So if you're willing to give it a try and invest an hour or two of your time, I am confident you will be blessed. If you don't struggle with the holiday season, look around and reach out to someone who does and invite them to join you at church. It can be as easy as posting this newsletter to your social media or forwarding it to specific people.

The theme of Advent Conspiracy this week is "Give More" and it has nothing to do with money! The best Christmas gifts are "relational gifts" and they cost little or nothing financially. You can spend less and give more this Christmas. And in so doing, you and your loved ones will experience great joy! I hope to see you Sunday at 10:45am. The gift of your presence will bring me and others great joy.

Rev Sandy, Interim Pastoral Leader

December 5, 2012

Christmas on a Budget

Not many people like budgets, especially at Christmas. After all, God gave us the greatest gift in sending Jesus to the world, therefore we should buy the greatest gifts we can. NOT! God's gift to us in Jesus is hope, peace, joy and love. Buying presents for self and others has little, if anything to do with giving like God gives.
Think about it for a few moments...hope, peace, joy and love cannot be purchased...they are received, enjoyed and are to be shared. Much like a young child prefers the box the gift was in, people prefer us rather than the gifts we buy....even our children once they experience the difference.
Jesus said we would know the truth and it would set us free. I experience this in my life time after time. The truth is that the gift of Jesus changes us, and invites us to help change the world. Giving gifts we can't afford, and that people often do not need or want, does little if anything to change our world.
This Sunday we'll focus on setting a Christmas budget so that we spend less. The following week we'll focus on giving more at Christmas. Those two priorities go hand in hand. We can spend less, give more, and turn Christmas upside down so it's all about Jesus again.
I invite you to join us as we seek to All Come Together for Christmas. You will be blessed. As an act of outreach, consider sharing this with your friends. That's a priceless gift that may just change someone's world.
The December Board of Director's meeting has been changed due to scheduling conflicts. The BOD will meet this Sunday at 1:00pm to consider the Proposed Budget for 2013. Once approved by the BOD, the budget will be presented to the congregation for approval at the Annual Congregational Meeting on January 20 at 1:00pm.
Looking for an Opportunity to Serve? We will be electing three members for the Board of Director's in January: 1 one year term and 2 two year terms. Click on these links for information concerning the BOD responsibilities and a BOD application or pick-up this information at church on Sunday. The deadline for submitting is Sunday, December 30. Is God calling YOU?
Sleep Apnea? In need of a machine and supplies? Contact Rev Sandy.
Rev Sandy, Interim Pastoral Leader