May 14, 2014

Once Upon a Time

It's hard to remember my life before MCC. That's because I have now been in MCC for the majority of my life. What I do remember is feeling isolated from my faith and church. Like most people my age, I was told that my spirituality and sexuality were mutually exclusive. I lived in the shadows, hiding who I was. I wanted to be true to myself and true to my faith but I did not see any way to make that happen. And then I found MCC! My life was forever changed. The truth that I could be gay and Christian set me free and joy filled my heart.

Do you remember your life before MCC? And do you remember that there are thousands of people in our city that may be feeling the way we were because they have yet to find MCC? It's easy to forget our old lives and to think that everyone has heard the good news. Our text this week reminds us of where we have been, and where we are called to go. It gives us reason to rejoice as we continue serving God through the church.

Once we were not a people....and now we are the people of God! What a story of resurrection!! Our spirits were broken, our bones were dry and we were dead spiritually. But God breathed life back into us we are alive and well. Join us Sunday @ 10:45am as we celebrate God's love and mercy for all people. No one can tell our people the good news like we can. So look around you, find someone who needs what we have to offer, and invite them to join you. Just as MCC changed my life and yours, MCC can help bring a positive change to your family, friends and co-workers. Our part is easy, all we have to do is extend the invitation.

Sunday we will be baptizing two precious babies. Come and be a part of blessing them and their families as we bring them into the family of God.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

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