July 9, 2014

Follow the Leader

When it comes to navigating life in Christ, we have a leader and guide in the Holy Spirit. How eager are we to following our leader? If the truth be told, most of us want to go our own way more than we want to follow. And we have the wounds to prove it. It's a challenge for us to admit we need guidance and so we keep on doing our best, only to experience that our best is not always the best for us.

In our reading for this week we are reminded that what we want, and what Spirit wants for us, are often in conflict. Even though we know God's ways are higher than ours, we choose to go our own way. Even though we know our way leads to conflict, distress and unrest, we convince ourselves that this time it will be different. Of course with time we find we were wrong. So why do we keep living our way instead of Spirit's way? Living in the Spirit leads to joy, peace and life.

Living by the Spirit gives us power over sin. Living in the Spirit gives security and safety so why would we choose anything less? Join us Sunday as we seek to discover how to live God's way instead of our way. The Holy Spirit lives in us for a reason. Let's understand and utilize this incredible gift of leadership we have been given.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

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