October 8, 2014

Deeper Success

As we continue with our series, this week we are called to put down roots and go deeper in our faith. As we seek to be who God created us to be, make Jesus the center of all areas of our lives, and simplify our lives so we can do what God wants us to do, our roots grow deeper and we become stronger. And as the scripture records, like a tree planted by the waters, we shall not be moved!

So why do we stumble and fall? Why do we feel less than successful? I would dare say that we have missed something along the way. It could be that we're trying to be something different than God had in mind...or that we have areas of our lives we have yet to give to Jesus....or that we have do not know or live out our holy and sacred purpose. For when we are faithful in all of these practices, no matter what comes our way we can stand firm and survive all storms. We can fall down but we get back up. We can experience deeper success.

Don't live your life root bound with no where to go. Open your heart and mind to the life God longs for you to live. Join us Sunday at 10:45am as we go deeper, deeper, in the love of Jesus.

Rev Sandy, Pastor

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