June 20, 2012

Acting Out

When I hear someone reference "acting out" it usually has a negative connotation relative to unacceptable behavior. While I would like to say it's something that only children do, we all know adults that do it too. When we don't get our way, we act out.  When our feelings are hurt, we act out. When someone does something we don't like, we act out.

Now let's shift gears and think of acting out as a positive behavior. As a people of faith, we are called to act out that which we believe. That's what we'll be focusing on during the weeks of Pentecost. By our actions, we show our faith for all to see. We give witness or testimony to the Christ within us.

How exciting that on Sunday, as we begin this series we will have a baptismal service and new members joining the church! How exciting that the training for our new small group ministry, Circles of Life, has begun! How exciting that attendance and giving continue to increase! How exciting to be the church of Jesus Christ at such a time as this!

Please join us as we look at the early church and learn how we can become the church God desires us to be. Be sure to invite someone to church this week...that is part of acting out your faith.

From Jesus Calling, June 19th, "I am the firm foundation on which you can dance, and sing, and celebrate My Presence. This is my high and holy calling for you; receive it as a precious gift. Glorifying and enjoying Me is a higher priority than maintaining a tidy, structured life. Give up your striving to keep everything under control--an impossible task and a waste of precious energy."

Rev Sandy, Interim Pastoral Leader

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