June 13, 2012

Big Birthday Party

Cornerstone MCC, be glad I'm still new here. I was remembering Pentecost last year. I asked someone to make a big sheet cake and we cut it into bite-sized pieces and served it for communion. Of course we had traditional communion available too, but most partook of cake as we celebrated the birthday of the church. 
Worry not, I will not be doing that Sunday, but we will be celebrating Pentecost, the Holy Spirit and the birthday of the Christian church. If possible, wear red, yellow or orange to symbolize the fire of the Spirit. But before we get to Sunday, let me invite you to a time of preparation.

Before Jesus ascended, he gave the disciples some final instructions. He told them to go back to Jerusalem and wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit. They did just that. But they weren't idle as they waited. The scripture says they prayed and acknowledged God's praiseworthy acts. It also says they were of one mind and accord. Those things preceded Pentecost.

What would happen if we spent time in prayer this week, acknowledging God's praiseworthy acts? Perhaps it would bring us to a place of one mind and accord, and usher in a new moving of the Holy Spirit among us. I invite you to join me in doing just that. Let us prepare for Pentecost and then join together Sunday morning and see what the Holy Spirit will do.

We will also celebrate Father's Day so invite your dad, and dads invite your children to come to church with you this week. They just might do it.

Rev Sandy, Interim Pastoral Leader

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