June 27, 2012


Have you ever asked for one thing and been given something even better? That's what happened in our text for Sunday. A man in need of healing asked instead for money. We don't know if he had lost faith in God's ability to heal or if he was hopeless that healing would ever come to him. We just know that he could be found outside the Temple begging for money daily.

And then along come Peter and John. They saw beyond his immediate need for money and offered him healing so he would have to beg no more. No matter what you think you need today, God knows what you really need most, and God longs to meet your need.

The first century church was a healing church and Cornerstone MCC is too. Sometimes healing occurs while sitting in the pew, sometimes at Communion, and other times when you go to a Prayer Partner for prayer. Sometimes it's happens instantaneously, sometimes it is a process, and often healing comes through medicine and doctors. And then sometimes it seems to never come. There’s one thing I know for sure, it happens in God's way and time.

Do you need healing in your body, mind, and/or spirit? I invite you to come to church Sunday open to receive God's best for you, whatever that may be. Invite someone to join you as we celebrate our healing God.

Rev Sandy, Interim Pastoral Leader

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